Subaru Impreza test drive since 2007 sedan
Symmetry Center

I won’t be shouting in my soul: the third -generation impregnated is not the most noticeable car from the point of view of the design. Small, harmonious, but not original in any way. However, an attempt to do something very highlighted risk. Perhaps you will acquire hot fans, but probably opponents. Designers of Subaru, creating the third generation of improvisation (by the way, now the first model of 15 years, the first started in 1992), did not go to this. And from the point of view of market well -being, probably right
Entered the framework
Alas, opening the Impreza of 2008, fans of Subaru will sigh in a disappointment. The branded doors without frames were left in the past. But the openings are now wider. The creators of the car carefully demonstrate that the children's chair is much easier to load. For most, this is really more important than the framework. Although the question remained: but it is impossible to combine aesthetics and convenience?

Compared to the previous generation of Impreza, it grew in the base by 95 mm, in a height by 10, between the front and rear rows of seats by 65. It is difficult to find who would not like it. Like the design, and the interior decoration. There is neither luxury, nor special originality, but the materials are quite decent, pleasant in appearance and to the touch, the controls are simple and understandable.
It is equally convenient to sit in ordinary, that in sports seats (they are offered with 17-inch discs in the 2.0r Sport configuration). Often racing seats involve a strict, hard landing, not too comfortable on long trips. The Subaru sports chair does not press, holds the body exactly as much as it is needed to feel confidence in any turn. Unless it is more difficult to sit in a sports seat with a dense driver. The back is convenient, spacious, as it should be in a solid family car.

Washing? It seemed that Subaru-Imrez 2008 is banal, without a sparking car? No, no and not according to the number of tested versions!
In Lada with himself
Impreza with an automatic box is this wrong? I do not agree! On the contrary, such a power unit is perfectly suitable for the average sympathetic appearance and a spacious salon. Moreover, you can’t call the car in any way! The capacity of a two -liter engine is enough with excess, the car holds tenaciously by the road. Here, in contrast to modifications with a manual gearbox for the distribution of the moment along the axes (corporate Subarovsky symmetric all-wheel drive) is not responsible for Wylskyoft, but electronics, but in ordinary life this is unlikely to notice. Of course, I would like the box to think faster, especially on overtaking. However, in manual mode, the unit works faster. But, as experience shows, if you are used to the machine, you can’t go to manual mode once again.

A sane driver of a car with an automatic box is unlikely to want to frighten his passengers and oncoming cars with dangerous body movements. And in everyday life, such an Impreza is a very harmonious, whole car. Still winter! It is in the snow that the all -wheel drive machine will completely reveal the quality that is not very manifested on the dry asphalt. Let's wait for the Moscow test ...
The name obliges
And yet, I admit: like all those for whom the car is not just a household device, I could not resist ... Here it is! A piece of dusty, but quite even country, according to which you can go with a slight glide. The body has grown together with a chair, the motor sings cheerfully, remembering its relationship with the units of blue-yellow rally machines, and the programs are clearly and easily crossed. There, below, WiSoft and a self -locking differential are diligently working. And the stabilization system can be turned off so that it does not gurgle or pull the car. Great! But ... On the one hand, a public specialized specialater asphalt road, on the other ... tractors in the field.

As soon as I entered the city and get into the cork, I remembered the version with the same 2-liter engine, but an automatic gearbox. Was it worth choosing a mechanic for a few minutes on a lane, tickling nerves and pride?
Healthy minimalism
One and a half liters and 107 hp Yes, all -wheel drive by current standards is very little. He took a car with irony: a certain parody of Subaru on himself. Everything turned out to be not so bad.
Of course, in the pedal mode to the floor, the car does not show great agility, although the sound of a 1.5-liter engine is more fierce than 2-liter. But I will not call the car a dead car. It fits completely into the street stream, is able to confidently go along the highway, and the possibility of transmission is the same as adults. Of course, on overtaking on a narrow road you will have to be more inquisitive. In addition, the 1.5-liter version does not have a stabilization system, the cabin is simpler, a list of additional equipment is shorter.
But in comparable traffic modes, a 1.5-liter improvisation is noticeably more economical. At least, so the on -board computer claims. In addition, this modification makes it possible to become the owner of Subaru for 577,700 rubles. (about $ 22,600). And the cheapest 2-liter machine will cost 730 800 rubles. ($ 28 500)
Perhaps, the Subaru-Preza has more common in common than differences. A spacious, convenient, neatly trimmed car, with good handling and all -wheel drive, which is not very harmful in difficult (read: Russian) conditions. Well, the fact that in addition to the common cars there are dominant, very bright features, quite good.
Subaru Impreza can be different, but always remains itself.
Geometry and planimetry
The special pride of the designers of the Subaru-impresus is an independent rear suspension. A subframe of rectangular profiles is connected to the body through four pillows. At two points, the differential body is attached to the body. In the suspension on each side there are three ball supports.
Including, thanks to this complex design, Subaru can boast of truly excellent handling.

Source: The magazine "Driving"
Video Crash tests Subaru Impreza since 2007
Subaru Impreza test drive since 2007
Subaru Impreza crash test since 2007
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