Subaru Impreza test drive since 2007 sedan

Full -wheel drive

Is there an all -wheel drive improviser relatively inexpensive, designed not for a racer, but for an ordinary consumer? Sergey Voskresensky met with the budget version.
Subaru Impreza 1.5R
The model is presented in 2000, repeatedly updated. An inexpensive 1.5-liter version of the Impreza at an end of career (since the fall of 2006) has become available to the Russian consumer. Body sedan or station wagon.
Engine: gasoline 1.5 l (105 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical or 4-speed automatic. Constant all -wheel drive.
Complete: EL, AT.
Price: $ 21 12024 450.
Test car: mechanical box, AT equipment, $ 22,950.
You can’t hide the model age behind an aggressive appearance, predatory bumper jaws, aerodynamic overlays on the thresholds. Although we must pay tribute to these recognizable forms. Perhaps that is why almost every traffic light is an opponent, striving to make an eminent car. The riders are not aware that, under the characteristic, she took only 105 unperturbed horses with a hood. By the way, through the knitting needles of cast wheels, the rear brake drums are very frankly visible ...
Slowly, little lie
Accustomed to each other, Impreza and I simply move smoothly, like everyone else, and sometimes, having gallowed, we completely miss a passing stream, then catching it with visible tension. Yeees! Fourteen seconds up to a hundred under the incomparable Opponite roar: we must get used to it!
The difficulty is that inside this improvis, you also feel a little athlete. Tough, with a claim to the anatomical forms of the seat tightly cover the body. Of course, they are far from real racing, nevertheless, the uncompromising landing makes them move closer to the chubby, albeit synthetic steering wheel, to try on the pedals differently, evaluate the clarity of the gear shift mechanism. And when the characteristic howls of a warming transmission are heard at the start, you take a dead end at all: why is the car not going? After all, it must!
But gradually, all the ambitions remain overboard, and you understand: at least on the asphalt, a calm ride and smooth acceleration is more correct. With such a control manner, the engine is convenient and traction. Of course, its capabilities, to put it mildly, are inexpressive, but it is worth picking up the Impreza key becomes mobile, friendly, confidently fits into the stream. It is only necessary to get used to not very clear clutch, frequent appeals to the gearbox and constant twisting of the motor up to 4,5005,000 rpm.
The freer the roads become, the more interesting and friendly the car. Even the motor, as if opening a second wind, suddenly came to life, easily translating the speedometer arrow for the marks permitted on ordinary roads. It turns out that the engine simply lacked the spaciousness, the torn rhythm of the city interfered! The perspective opened, the movement became uniform, and sang, his birthmark, as expected. Now no one is trying to measure Subaru by force, because under the wheels porridge of snow, water and chemicals. Slippery! Impreza, finding himself in the native element, know yourself the crush, without raising doubts about your tenacity for a second. The car is definitely tuned to such a difficult road.
The budget Impreza is perfectly controlled, sensitively, with a twinkle reacting to the driver’s commands. Unshaid, balanced on a high -speed straight line, it provokes a signs in fast turns. Carried away, you forget past claims, so clear, transparent sensations of the car become transparent.
But the station wagon is also quite comfortable. No, we are not talking about obstacles to numerous and diverse sounds, they penetrate the car dealership without any problems, becoming part of a kind of aura of this model. But the suspensions of improvisation really cope well with the surprises of our roads, without tiring at the same time excessive sports or, conversely, by swinging the body.
Seasonal worker
A surprisingly light feeling remained from acquaintance with Impreza 1.5r. Maybe because its shortcomings are very easy to turn into advantages. You just need to use them correctly, for the season. Or maybe the reason is a logical and understandable all -wheel drive? It provides a feeling of a car that cannot be overshadowed even by the modest capabilities of the motor! After all, an all -wheel drive Subaru with its mechanical transmission devoid of any too smart electronics, probably the last of the Mogican in the world of automatically connected wheels and other economically profitable structures. I think that this, the most modest version of Impreza, has a chance to win the sympathy of our consumer. After all, it, as is customary in Japanese houses, is well equipped, and the prices are quite affordable.
Subaru Impreza 1.5R is easy to criticize for modest dynamics. But it is worth a little to live with the car, and his goodwill will become clear, still weighing.
+ High levels of equipment, good smoothness, excellent handling, convenient trunk.
- The inexpressive capabilities of the motor, noise.



Source: The magazine "Driving"

Subaru Impreza crash test since 2007

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system