Subaru Impreza test drive since 2007 sedan


300 Impreza XV is planned to be sold in Russia monthly
In the name Subaru Impreza XV, the company's representatives decipher the abbreviations as follows: X Cross (Cross), V Vehicle (vehicle). Some crossed transport. In general, XV is the number 15, written by Roman numbers. Funny association, isn't it?

Marketing stories, as you know, are driven by the world, and the world of auto business in particular. In the case of Subaru, we are zombified by the fetishes of the opposition engine and a constant all -wheel drive. Well, of course, for the long time the achievements of the proprietary team in the rally. It is clear that in the semi-sports auto categories Impreza WRX STI you can’t earn much: fortunately, there are still not too many scumbags in the world, ready to drive such cars daily. Therefore, the consumer is offered quite ordinary machines, although seasoned with a pair of structural highlights, which do not impact on real everyday operation. Impreza XV, in fact, is one of such vehicles designed to convince every cook that it can not only control the state, but also pilot a car of the legendary brand. Moreover, the belief stems in a rather peculiar way. The fact is that for some time now in Russia it is simply impossible to buy a new Impreza without prefix XV, the company brought these cars for an indefinite period. Lovers of the opposition and full-wheel drive are offered only the number of fifteen. What is Impreza XV? Fundamentally, this is well known to the youngest in the Subaru machine line, but slightly technically altered. External innovations are exclusively cosmetic. The model acquired plastic expanders of arches, while plastic lining on the thresholds, luggage arcs on the roof and a small spoiler on the fifth door. The false radiator grille has also changed. Thus, the machine was equipped with an obsessively off -road image. The goal is generally understandable. In the automobile world, a fashion for small crossovers rages, and the company does not have such a product and, apparently, is not expected in the near future. And Impreza XV, apparently, became an attempt to squeeze into this densely populated segment of the car market. Naturally, the change of makeup was not limited. I must say that the suspension of ordinary impreza is radically modernized. First of all, the clearance is adjusted to the standards of the cross -over club. It was increased by 30 mm to 185 mm. Also, the thickness of the reptile stabilizers increased by a millimeter, which is serious enough. Front suspension springs became a third tougher. All shock absorbers received bypass valves with a progressive characteristic. This means that they are able to change the algorithm of work
depending on the frequency of movement and the length of the stem.

As in the usual Impreza, the XV salon is made in a rather strict style. And the blood-red gamut of the dashboard, apparently, is designed to immerse the driver in a harsh racing reality.

The motor here is minimally modified to everyone a familiar 2-liter opposite atmospheric. The gearboxes and a four -speed automatic, and a five -speed mechanics having a demultiplier, have not changed either. Maybe the salon will present surprises? Unfortunately no. The most ordinary Impreza. Unless the basic equipment is noticeably richer: for example, sports seats are already included in it.

For the ergonomics and aesthetics of the driver’s place Impreza, as before and now, few can complain. Unless the colors of the inserts on the seats could be made brighter.

In general, in order to truly assess Impreza XV, you need to travel on it. Any true fan of the brand will tell you that if in the Subaru salon, even a new one, at least something does not creak on road irregularities, this is a fake Subaru. Literally from the first kilometers spent at the wheel of XV, it becomes clear that this representative of the brand is real. The motor did not present any special surprises. The car accelerated exactly with the agility that was expected based on past experience on Impreza with a similar motor: confidently and argue, but without a special extravaganza. So, a mechanical KP, a fairly powerful motor, all -wheel drive, what else does the rapid conqueror of the road pardon need?! As it turns out, something is needed. Namely, the clarity of the work of the manual transmission. Either the colleagues have already tried, or so it was from birth, but the mechanic on the car we got to the test with enviable constancy enraged the driver during overtaking on the highway. You need to quickly throw it onto the lowered, and instead you poke past, by, by and also a suspension over and over again. The modernization of its elastic and amortizing elements was apparently quite adequate to the grown clearance, this is understandable. But there are no miracles. A person who is accustomed to how the standard impreza sticks and clings to the asphalt, the behavior of a long -flowing and energy -intensive suspension XV will certainly be noticeably disappointed. This is to put it mildly. It should be even more surprised by the fact that for the purchase
Subaru tags will require at least 1 million rubles.


Subaru Impreza XV

Dimensions (mm) 4430x1770x1520
Road clearance (mm) 185
Engine (cm3) 1994
Max. Power (L.S.) 150
Max. Twist the moment (NM) 196
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b(km/h) 189
Trunk volume (L) 301
Acceleration 0100 km/h (c) 10.3
Cf. fuel consumption (l/100 km) 9.5
Price (rub.) From 999 900


A source: Mkobil magazine [December/2010]

Subaru Impreza crash test since 2007

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system