Test Drive Subaru Forester since 2008 SUV

Problem of choice. Need SUV to € 30000

Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, 65 years old, pensioner, driving experience4 years. Wants: Crossover. Budget: 30000.
Anniversary is not only a cheerful feast and tears of dieselie, it is also gifts. As a gift from the Son, our reader received the amount for the purchase of a parcipher, and to spend it with the mind, I decided to contact us. Given the preferences, we were adjusted by Subaru Forester and Ford Escape, and on their own initiative also Mitsubishi Outlander XL.

Requirements for the car:
Image - solid, moderately rested, for those who have already proven everything.
Style - a simple and conservative style is welcome.
Hanging Quality - I do not need that the machine rushes all from the traffic light, but the handling should be at the level.
Efficiency - should fit in 10 liters per hundred.
Interior - I want a spacious salon and an equally spacious trunk.
Equipment - active and passive security systems are welcome, but the first priority.

Why did I decide to stay on Subaru Forester and Ford Escape? Perhaps because they are not such respending, like the rest. It seems to me that their appearance really corresponds to what they are capable of. They have neither the deliberate sportiness, nor facefish. They are simple and understandable, one Japanese, another American, and which of them is better, I wanted to figure out. But why did you also put Mitsubishi Outlander XL, I can not understand. Speak, this model is now very popular? So it costs almost 200 thousand more expensive. Well, since she is here, you will have to compare with it. Why start? .. Let's, perhaps with Ford.

Ford Escape.
We can say that my car life forty four years ago began with him. After all, the half-timer, who has become my first car, initially was Ford AA.
As I said, externally I like this car. Moderately beautiful, moderately dug and moderately iron. As a former professional-professional driver, I can immediately note that the clearance of him, and the geometric patency is quite sufficient to get to the cottage without any problems. The only thing that is very embarrassed is the low-arms of the rear suspension levers. Such a stretch in the forest for the fuels to hook a pair of trivia. And it also seems to me that the outer mirrors are not great enough to maneuver in a dense urban stream. However, if you remember about the mirrors that I had, for example, on raffik, then it's just a trumulous. Now the salon. I can not say that he struck me with his filling, but, in general, it looks good. I've seen a car and rich for my life. However, inserts under the tree and aluminum make it very cute. Although it is better for me when functionality prevails over beautifulness. In this regard, I perceive the handle on the front rack with a big delight, rather than leather KULISE ACP. It is cleverly intended that you can hardly block bridges. This SUV without it is nowhere. And although I understand that Escape to the real SUV is far away, it is still nice that such a function is. But what has to regret it is about the absence of a lower row. As the tests have shown, there is not always enough in the loose of the snow in the snow. So sometimes I wanted to set my power, but, alas, 145 horses are not always able to snatch the car from the captivity. But the suspension on Coldes was very good. And yet, having spent some time driving this car, I can say that he does not fit me. What is the problem? I'm close in this car. Perhaps, if I was already in the waist, everything would be great, but I'm not going to walk to the gym, and I can't deceive the nature.
Selected, because: Time proven design, spacious salon, sufficient clearance, not strongly rested appearance. 22500.

Does this car have a style? I think that yes, but, in my understanding, he is as styled as a well-kept rustic horse, if you put it next to the frist. Just
It does well both on asphalt, and on the cafeteria, however, high speeds are clearly not the horse of this car. Acceptable
I love when everything is in our places, and this is just this option. One thing is bad that I don't turn around in this car, and there is not much place behind the place as you want. Closed
I think I will not be ruined. We work out
Equipment in standard
In the database, there is not much of what would like to have on board, however, in principle, there is everything you need for a calm and judicial ride. In the end, I am not going to striking, the age is not the one. Rationally
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Dignity behaves on off-road, and dynamics are sufficient.
- Close, on my standards, salon and no possibility to disable the stabilization system.

Brand and Model - Ford Escape 2.3
Dimensions - 4480x1845x1730 mm
Engine - gasoline, 2261 cm3, 145l.s. / 6000 min-1
Transmission automatic, 4-speed
Dynamics - Max 160 km / h

Subaru Forester.
Let's go to Forester. It looks very similar to Escape, such similarity reminded me of the similarity of ZIL-130 with GAZ-53. It seems that the cars are different, and the similarity is amazing. In this connection, no sense to reason about appearance. But what I seemed inside, I will say. First, Subaru, in my opinion, much more interesting in the interior than Ford. There are also inserts under aluminum, but there are exactly how much how much how much you need, in connection with which the car does not try to look richer than in fact. In addition, the governments here are more ergonomically. Not only liked how the handbrake is installed. With my complex, I actually sit on it, and in the emergency situation to tear it literally from under myself. The selectivity of the gearboxes also inspired. I remember on a Lviv bus on which I also had to work, the transmission was also difficult to find. But after all, there is a remote transmission traction passed through the entire salon. And then the box is next, and the transmissions are incorporated somehow unbelievable. But pleased the presence of a lower row in the transmission. This is true, with such a detail you can climb anywhere, just enough of the lumen. True, sometimes it really bothers the stabilization system, but, as I understand it, it can be turned off. For me, it is better that it was not at all. Without it, the car literally roets the earth. And horses like a little more than Ford, and be healthy. And on the Forester track it seemed to me more collected than Escape. Although truly riding the car starts only when the tachometer arrow passes the mark of 3,500 revolutions.
In general, from two of these cars I would take Forester. Although I do it, too, is not very comfortable because of my size. And the handle at my age, you know, not the best option. Even when lyase in common Livestock worked, I realized that this thing is automatic.
Selected, because: optimal in terms of price-quality ratio, has a four-wheel drive and a decrease in the transmission. The salon is quite spacious. 24000.

There is definitely. And this is despite the fact that Forester is very similar to Escape. However, it looks much more elegant due to a more detailed study in trifles. Pleasantly
Very collected car. On the road, it is as if on the rails, however, I liked the fact that it is possible to use Redeya, and if the stabilization system is also disabled, then the waist pattern, like a broom. Need
Interesting and even beautiful, but in it I can not feel like at home, the expanser is not enough for creativity. Not for me
It is hard to believe that its average consumption will be at the level of 8.5 liters, but if they are put in the top ten, and that is good. Acceptable
Equipment in standard
There is everything, and it is nice, especially for the money. Worthy

Advantages and disadvantages
+ The possibilities for off-road are limited only by clearance, dynamics worthy.
- It is inconvenient to use the parking brake, poor selectivity at the gearbox.

Brand and Model - Subaru Forester 2.0
Dimensions - 4560x1780x1700 mm
Engine - gasoline, 1994 cm3, 150 hp / 5600 min-1
Transmission mechanical, 5-speed
Dynamics - 184 km / h; 8.4 s to 100 km / h

Mitsubishi Outlander.
Since you pulled the Mitsubishi Outlander XL to this event, let's see him. Externally, it seems more rested. And in size, apparently what is needed. In any case, no less than Forester and Escape. The length is somewhat confused, and the reserve under the trunk. And so, in general, very nothing. Salon, too, like me. It has a style. But most of all is satisfied with the fact that I am fit in it without problems. In addition, in the car, a large trunk, with friends or with her son fishing to wave with tents there will be no problems. With ergonomics, too, everything is at the level. For example, the driver's cup holder is very convenient. Yes, and on the central console, all by the mind. You do not have to understand where it is. Everything is there as needed. A worthy car and rides, harsh, but tolerant. Hmm, I'm confused. I liked this option more than those I first thought about. You know what, I probably stop my choice on it. After all, in the end, I am not alone by the car ride. Son, one way or another, will also be. And from the point of view of design, Outlander XL is still more interesting and more representative. And since the son made me such a gift, then albeit himself enjoy. In the end, everything that I have, belongs to him.

Selected, because: quite attractive externally, it has a spacious interior. It is not bad equipped with active and passive security systems. 29100.

This car feels breed. Against the background of opponents, it looks like an athlete, accidentally launched into the hall to the rods. Despite its size, the car looks very easy. Freshly
On the road is impeccable, but on the cafeteria you have to be cautious because of the Big Rear Ove. Plus, another spare wheel hangs. But, in principle, I will get to the cottage without problems. GOOD
I love when everything is in our places, and this is just this option. But most pleased with the fact that I am spacious here, and, apparently, this factor will be decisive when choosing. Right
I do not think that he will be voracious everyone else. Acceptable
Equipment in standard
In the base of pillows is not enough, but you can take a complete set, and there are already six of them. Worthy
Advantages and disadvantages
+ A sufficient room in the cabin, a lot of space and on the second row. An impressive trunk.
- I do not think that the leaning lower part of the fifth door will add usability.

Brand and Model - Mitsubishi Outlander XL
Dimensions - 4640x1800x1720 mm
Engine - gasoline, 2998cm3, 220 hp / 6250 min-1
Transmission - automatic, 6-speed
Dynamics - 200 km / h; 9.7 s to 100 km / h

Editor's Choice
Each of the cars has a good arsenal qualities. However, only the cumulative balance of charms and its value expression allow us to make the final choice. Taking into account the nuances, Ford Escape seems to be such a Spartan. And in the equipment, and in behavior. Mitsubishi Outlander XL on the contrary. Styles, promoting life with a scope. But sometimes he brings his credo to extremes. But Subaru Forester, although not without cockroaches, a child of a good compromise. The sample is the most golden middle, which led editorial sympathies.
My choice
I really did not expect that by choosing a car from those that I like, I will stop my choice on another. However, it is clear, because the car can be appreciated only after you communicate tightly. And after this communication, I chose Mitsubishi Outlander XL. He came up with all the criteria. And not only me. I think this choice will approve and my son. Nevertheless, and Subaru Forester and Ford Escape are very worthy cars. But if I am a little less dimensional, I would most likely gave my preference for the Subaru Forester, because by the ratio of the price-quality-opportunity, it seemed to me more optimal than the American.
The latter is very, very simple.
Photo: Igor Kuznetsov

A source: Magazine 5 Wheel [May 2009]

Crash test Subaru Forester since 2008

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system