Subaru Forester test drive since 2008 SUV
Subaru Forester. Cult of personality

The construction of a car to the cult of a whole science in which representatives of the vague Albion succeeded most of all. But behind their shoulders are centuries -old traditions of automotive and the millennial history of the creation of spiritual cults. The more amazing example of Subaru, for some half a century, has turned the brand into a model of a religious proporting brand, perhaps the brightest in Asia. However, why only in Asia?!
Test pilot
Vladimir Makkaveev, 34 years old, automobile journalist, driving experience of 15 years, personal car - Volvo C30
For advanced and pragmatic Japan, as, by and large, and for Asia as a whole, an example of car idolatry is absolute nonsense. But having chosen this path and giving their cars the taste of the chosenness of not the elite pomp of Lexus and Infiniti, but a finely aged charisma for those who understand, they did not lose Subaru. Yes, these cars are voracious and roads in operation. It is pointless to argue with this. But they are similar to ancient Greek sirens: once succumbing to the charismatic charm of Subaru, you will no longer be able to break out of these spells.
The cult of the personality of Subaru is by no means a little town. As the song is sung, from Moscow to Brest there is no such place ... What we, in fact, were able to verify our own, going to test the surrounded Subaru Forester on the banks of the Bug by the very border of the former Soviet empire in Brest and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
It would seem that Belarusians, due to the proximity of the automobile and cultural borders of the United Europe and the not the most enviable financial situation of the country, should be less than Russians are subject to Subaru Mania ... But no, wherever we stop on the way from Minsk to Brest: at the gas station whether it is completely German in terms of quality of coating, and not in belonging to the M1 Autoban, in the Brest Fortress or at the rural prodmag somewhere in the Stone, five minutes later, like partisans from the forest, a flock of subarumovodes was gathering around our new Forester, to stare in love with loved ones on an unprecedented hitherto in these places of the beast. Togo and look, they will divorce a fire on the side of the road and to poison fishing to poison ... or rather forester stories.
How much does a cattle eat a lot?
They say that with a new 2-liter engine less than 7 liters per hundred!
Yes, it cannot be! Brechnya ...
And not at all a little! The third-generation motor ... The suspension, they say, is also new. It should be better to steer!
Have you tried it?!
Anticipating that the banal uncle will follow, and let me ride!, I hasten to transfer the disputes of the subarists into a more constructive direction.
Sit down, guys, in a row, let's talk with a fret! I will tell you a fairy tale about a forester from a distant samurai country, where the sun and your favorite cars are born. It’s not even that a fairy tale, but a past, tested by roads and paths of reserved Belovery.
Are you talking about the motor, tell about the motor, brother ... Is it really true 7 liters of burning?
It happens. If you stand on a cruise control on a flat M1 highway, you can achieve a lower consumption. If the turbo engines of revolutionary changes have not undergone, despite even the extension of the new sports modification of the heir to the STI Forester S-EDITION (XT-S) with forced up to 263 liters. With. (347 Nm) a turbo engine that disperses SUV to hundreds per lightning-fast 6.5 s, then the atmospheric forester brigade has acquired new horizontal-opposition engines Subaru Boxter with a capacity of 150 and 172 liters. With. Accordingly, with the torque of 198 and 235 Nm.

The suspension was also updated. Not radically, of course, but some fraction of smoothness on the country and sharpness on the asphalt, she added the already collected character of Forester. But on the intermediate coating of gravel, this acuity literally comes out sideways, protruding the excessive academicity of the standard Yokohama G95 regular academic tires for such coating not adapted and unambiguously slippery for the nature of the updated Forester.
The list of global Forester updates is perhaps exhausted. Fettlement so, according to the little things: Forester 2011 Melomanes will please two new audio systems with Bluetooth technology, a separate air conditioning system on 2.5 -lordly versions, a new radiator grille and aerodynamic mirrors. In the color version of the body, as well as the salon, new colors were added. Almost all Forester 2011, with the exception of only the cheapest version of 2.0x, shoes in 17-inch wheels, received new fluorescent scale of devices with metal frames and electric-circuit mirrors and LED rotation repeators.
Moderately rich, moderately modern! But for Subaru this is not the main thing! The main thing is that all these updates are enough to maintain the Forester personality cult that has taken its roots throughout the immense union state. That's truly: from Moscow to Brest there is no such place ...
We do not love
The steering liners of the gearbox switching are very helpful. Sports
The S-EDITION motor is launched by the button. Fashionable
New fluorescent scales of metallic frames. Bright

It gives true pleasure, especially a turbocharged S-EDITION.
Without special stylistic delights, largely conservative, but maximally ergonomic. Everything is at hand.
Given sports charisma, is very comfortable.
The innated hard frame and structure are pleased that prevents jamming of the rear doors during impact.
At the level of the main competitors.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ New economical atmospheric motors and a super-dynamic forced S-Edition turbocharger, increased sharpness of control.
- slippery standard tires, excessive conservatism put the salon.
Dimensions - 4560x1780x1700 mm
Engine-gasoline, 2457 cm3, 263 l.C./6000 min-1, 347 nm/28004800 min-1
Transmission - automatic, 5 -speed
Dynamics - 228 km/h, 6.5 s to 100 km/h
Fuel consumption - 10.5 l/100 km in mix. cycle
Competitors-Honda CR-V, Ford Kuga, Nissan X-Trail, Toyota Rav4
Our opinion
Given the spiritual power of the brand in the eyes of its fans, updates are more than enough to not only hold, but also strengthen the Subaru Forester position on the market. New atmospheric engines and, in particular, forced sports turbo leads S-Edition will definitely like the adherents of the brand. And not only them!
Author: Vladimir Makkaveev

Video Subaru Forester test drive since 2008
Subaru Forester Crash Video since 2008
Subaru Forester test drive since 2008
Subaru Forester Crash Test since 2008
Krassh Test: Detailed Information91%
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