Subaru Forester test drive since 2008 SUV

Subaru Forester 2.0 test

Hungarian test drive updated Forester with a two-liter engine. I managed to strongly confuse Subaru managers ... The new Subaru Forester was shown to us in Hungary. This is a country where there are a lot of pornography.

At any gas station for two kopecks, you can buy wheels, brochures and magazines with the most hot contents. All the journalists invited to the presentation somehow knew about this. All the conversations were only on this topic, no one even hinted about the new Subaru Forester. And this is understandable. The forester is every year! EC is getting more boring, will you now wait for any unexpected impudence from the once combat vehicle. And old Hungarian pornographs, apparently, are still annealing!

In a clean shirt
When we were handed out from Subaru Forester and we drove around the vicinity of Budapest, I began to look for gas stations in order to make sure of the unbridledness of this country with my own eyes. But the movement in Hungary is organized so correctly that almost everywhere you can go more than 130 km/h. And if you do not know where exactly the gas station, then you are guaranteed to fly by. Especially on Subaru Forester with a new opposition engine. It was he who became the central theme of the test drive. Although there are no innovative developments in it. The developers simply set a system for controlling the valves for the inlet and release, having achieved less fuel consumption and improved the dynamics. Moreover, they lengthened the piston of the piston by 15 mm, increasing the torque. And now everyone who was blaspheming Forester for semolina at low speeds can be washed.

However, they scolded the prerestyled Subaru not only for weakness on the bottoms, but also for vibrations on the body, that is, for insufficient comfort. The Japanese did not forget about this, and now the consumer can ride not only faster, but also more comfortable.

There are also changes in the suspension, but we will not notice them. Forester, which have long been traveling in Russia, are not simple suspension on the basis of the wishes of domestic auto -journalists. These settings seemed to the Japanese so correct that they decided to make a Russian suspension for the rest of the world. Russian Subaru fans should be satisfied.

The trunk is standard for its class. Loading height too

Too safe
Hungary is very convenient for the country for a test drive. It is a pity that we were not allowed to try cars with a more powerful 2.5-liter unit: the Japanese do not intend to sell them in the European Union, so this modification will separately be presented in Russia.

Was in Hungary and off-Road, but what! We found a fragmented country and grabbed with a margin of four wheels. True, in the official test drive program this section was not listed. And it’s clear why. For the sake of safety, Subaru Forester cannot be completely disconnected by electronic assistants. On the asphalt in an emergency, this saves, and in the mud helps to get stuck. We made our way through the fields on the crossover, which rushed from a frantic wheel slip to their complete stop. If a machine with a 2.5-liter engine is equally safe, lovers of off-road will be disappointed.

Each time, at the presentation of the new car, I try to draw a clear conclusion for myself, mainly to briefly answer endless questions like: is it worth taking? I don’t know from the outside he is too banal. Inside is even worse. Traditional Subarovo values \u200b\u200bremain symmetrical all -wheel drive and opposition motor. At that moment, when I remembered them, we spent time in a party consisting of Subaru managers. These were high -ranking managers. If they were Russians, there would be three layers of guard around the hotel. I asked one of them: what, in fact, is the advantage of the opposition? He has a lower center of gravity, answered the general manager of the Forester project Mr. Ichikava. And how lower is the usual? I added and already took out a notebook to record the figure. Then something unimaginable began. Several people from the Russian representation more than once asked me for the essence of the issue and for a long time translated it to the Japanese, who by that time gathered about a dozen. Then they started a very lively conversation with gestures. Obviously, a serious confusion arose in their ranks. I reminded myself again, and after a solid period of time during which the consultations continued, the answer was voiced: this is a very difficult question. They do not know! If such a figure was loud, it would be painted on each advertising poster. And therefore, what is the updated Subaru crossover? A SUV, trying to keep up with competitors with the help of an old four -speed automatic transmission. As a result, the two -liter Toyota Rav4 makes a hundred in 11 seconds, and the same Forester in 12.4 seconds.

Forester's interior has not changed much. There will be something to do during the next update

But the main thing is still pornography. Many of us were looking for her in Budapest, but by the end of the trip, only one journalist proudly presented two CDs with a sickle and a hammer on the cover. They cost a penny and were sold in the public domain at the gas station. If in the heart of European debauchery a sales hit is a video with an orgia from a student dormitory in Kaluga, then the old light is really time for retirement.

Technical characteristics of Subaru Forester
The new Subaru Boxer oppositions are aimed at increasing environmental requirements in Europe and North America. The manufacturer offers two options with an active valves control system: 2-liter (models 2.0x, 2.0xs) and 2.5-liter (model 2.5xs).

The horizontal-opposition 4-cylinder third-generation gasoline engine made it possible to achieve both environmental friendliness and good elasticity. It provides more smooth acceleration in the entire range of rotation of the crankshaft. And fuel consumption was significantly reduced compared to previous models (approximately 10%). The piston stroke is made longer, which led to an increase in the torque at low and medium speeds of the crankshaft. In addition, coupled with a compact combustion chamber and an active system of intake valves, this made it possible to reduce the level of toxicity of the exhaust gases.

Please note that Subaru increased the piston stroke, retaining the overall dimensions of the engine the problem with the same, the problem is solved by crossing the valve system and the mechanism of its drive, as well as changes in the design of the cylinder block and the cylinder head mechanism.

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photo Subaru

Source: Magazine 4x4 [May /2011]

Subaru Forester Crash Test since 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system