Ssangyong Rexton test drive since 2006 SUV

In pursuit of aliens on the updated Ssangyong Rexton

Ssangyong entered heavy battles for the Russian buyer. It was decided not to scare children and pregnant women with the design of their cars. A moderate pricing policy made it possible not to scare men. At the end of spring, the younger Actyon and Actyon Sports were updated, and recently adult Rexton. We tested these models on the territory of the Volgograd region. And for good reason, on the eve of Haloween, we had to visit an abnormal activity zone called the Medveditskaya ridge. In this area, sitting UFOs saw several times, often there are ball lightning and many other inexplicable phenomena. For example, the unexpected appearance of a column of Korean cars ...

The renewed Rexton looks good. Within the framework of the new design policy of the company, the appearance of the SUV has become a more typical and familiar view of the European (although he had never dreamed of nightmares before, unlike prerestyled Actyon and Actyon Sports). The form of the front optics of the headlights has changed more licked, and the fog of the Tights received the design more cramped; The rear glasses changed slightly. Optics now flaunts with fashionable diodes. The radiator grille with the emblem in the middle also contributed to the abolition of violent style. To those who are not enough, I inform: the bumpers, thresholds and roof rails have changed.

Inside, you immediately notice a new central console with two possible execution options. The architecture is simple, no original solutions. Along with the skin, the manufacturer promises some completely new textile options for upholstery. I was already hoped to see light linen tones mixed with leopard rags, but the Koreans did not surprise here (another plus). The driver's seat has electrical control according to eight parameters. Despite this, it was not possible to configure it so that it was convenient.

Rexton multimedia system has an interface Bluetooth

So that we would not find a flying saucer or, at worst, the flying bowl, we were taken by the famous ufologist Vadim Chernobrov. He is trying to squint at least one of the very seedy alien for more than a dozen years and leads the whole organization of researchers of paranormal phenomena Cosmopois.

REXTON moved towards the unknown thanks to the 2.7 XDI turbodiesel with a capacity of 186 hp. This motor pulls in the entire range, and pulls gloriously. I never had to feel a shortage in horses or a tormenting moment. And adherents of gasoline units will like a 220-horsepower engine with a volume of 3.2 liters, which confidently drags the two-tone body of the SUV to the maximum 184 km/h. At the same time, 11.2 liters per 100 km are consumed in the suburban cycle, and in the city 19.3 liters. Good appetite, you do not need to feed from a spoon. You can switch transmissions through a 5-speed mechanics or machine gun with a winter mode and a manual change of steps. The latter works tolerably, not annoying his thoughtfulness. In general, I liked the pairs of the engine.

The roads in the fields were decently repented and our trip was clearly not going to make our journey with a light walk. We needed to get to a drunken grove. No, this is not a range of supernatural accumulations of drunks from all over the district. The fact is that the birches growing here have strange bends of the trunks. Some of them simply tend to the ground to the ground instead of the usual traction up to the sun. The nature of this phenomenon is still a mystery. Aliens may be in the know, but for some reason they are silent.

You can take mud baths behind the wheel of rectona confidently. With a disconnected anti -circulation system, the car cheerfully overcame descents and lifts, stormed the track and generally showed himself well done. Just do not forget about geometric patency. The entry angle is 28 degrees, the congress is 25.5, and the longitudinal patency is 22.5 degrees. In general, the tires would be faster and you can safely go fishing by off -road moderate. But on standard tires, swimming on a slippery coating is uncomfortable.

Prices for renewed Rexton start from 1,149,000 rubles for a diesel mechanical version and finish at a mark of 1,519,000 rubles for a diesel machine (for 1,419,000 you can purchase a seven -seater version of Elegance Family). By the way, for the updated Hyundai Santa Fe they ask for at least 1,299,000 rubles. Gasoline Kia Sorento with mechanics and all -wheel drive 1,239,900 rubles.

Now a few words about Actyon restyled. We have already written about him in sufficient detail, I can add only subjective sensations. Moving by off -road Action, of course, is much harder than renovation. There is not enough traction of a two -liter gasoline engine (149 hp and 197 N ∙ m), and it becomes completely difficult to call in a hill through the mud. You have to mutter spells, tear off the hairs from a colleague's beard and run out of the car to dance a little with a tambourine. With a diesel engine, by the way, the only possible unit for Actyon Sports becomes tangibly more fun. He has as many horses, but torque almost twice 360 \u200b\u200bN ∙ m. The operation of the system of automatically connected all-wheel drive did not cause large claims, in the very least, but the car was selected from the mud captivity on its own. Although without a cable was not.

On the sale of gasoline-assigned Ssangyong Actyon will appear this month. Prices start from the mark of 805 thousand rubles for the version with the front -wheel drive. For this money, during the accident, the front airbags will hit the face, alloyed discs will not allow to be ashamed of stamping, it will not have to be limited to the presence of a full -sized reserve on the dock, the air conditioning will not allow to overheat in the traffic jam. Plus there will be heated seats, ABS, leather steering wheel and lever gearbox, cruise control and music with six speakers

For 859 thousand, you can please yourself with Comfort. You will not be brought with her (ESP), side pillows in the Commonwealth with safety curtains will also hit the ears, a mesh will help to keep the dog in the trunk, and in extreme cases, the curtain. It will be possible to combine an automatic machine with all -wheel drive, only leaving 889 thousand rubles in the cabin

Glovy, oh, the capture of the clutch pedal: now the gasoline version of Actyon can be bought with a machine gun. A six -speed transmission is available both in cars with front and all -wheel drive. I could not travel off the road on the machine, so I can’t inform how adapted to hostilities.

I managed to get behind the wheel of Actyon Sports for the first time (although Peter Bakanov has already rolled on it in October). I can’t help but she have praise to the designers of Bureau Georgetto Jujaro for such a successful pickup reincarnation. There are, of course, connoisseurs of the previous design, but we will leave these cute people alone, in their system the beautiful measures in the first place stands Freddy Krueger. Now Actyon Sports looks like a solid adult car, he has beautiful headlights and a pretty radiator grille. And, most importantly, it looks so that it does not cause laughter, no bewilderment, nor tears of the most compassionate people.

The size of the luggage compartment Actyon Sports at first seemed to me small. But comparing the numbers with competitors, I understand that the opinion is subjective. Ssangyong has dimensions 1275 mm x 1600 mm x 525 mm, and Mitsubishi L200, for example, 1325 mm x 1470 mm x 405 mm

On a fragmented road, Actyon Sports experienced the biggest difficulties from all crooks, and a typical weight is interfered for cars. Because of her, the movement was more like a performance in drift competitions, when the rear wheels are always trying to overtake the front ones. Beautiful, but not very effective in terms of overcoming obstacles. And the wheelbase that increased by 41 cm, compared to the usual Actyon, does not contribute to cross -country ability, slightly gazed and stood across the ruts to unwind the cable. In general, with maneuvers on off -road should be more careful.

On the highway, the pickup did not deliver pleasure from driving. The steering wheel is empty, and the driver does not feel at all. What is there under the wheels and whether the hole managed to go around, the round thing that determines the direction of movement does not want to report. At a speed of more than 100 km/h, the pickup gives free entertainment in the form of constant need to steal. By the way, the four -spoke steering wheel from Recton itself somehow does not fit with the pickup style. Too monumental and serious, a farm of amazement from Actyon would have come here much more.

But all the nit -picking disappears, you just have to look at the price of Actyon Sports. The lower border is 849 thousand rubles. At the same time, the five -seater Mitsubishi L200 will cost 909 thousand rubles, and Ford Ranger in 985 thousand. In choosing a workhorse, saving is not in last place, so you should not discard Korean pickup.

Sadly, during the test drive, we could not see a single alien with their own eyes. But Ssangyong's earthly products have shown good. Of course, there are still many problematic places, but the company is clearly on the right track. While maintaining the price level, Ssangyong has every chance to conquer a worthy piece of the market, breaking stereotypes and prejudices. And may the forces of extraterrestrial civilizations, Chubacca and a snow man will help her.

Medveditskaya ridge
The Medveditskaya ridge is a chain of hilly mountains, forming an oval with a diameter of two tens of kilometers. In this area, no one will surprise anyone with stories about extraterrestrial civilizations and otherworldly forces. Unless with eight -eyed six -erah dwarfs you can try to interest it, but in general, there are enough of your secrets in full.

For example, the researchers of the Medvedi ridge found an underground tunnel with a diameter of 6 to 20 meters, having smooth walls. There are no such neat caves or faults in nature. The tunnel stretches with a flat line to a cave with a diameter of 35 meters, and then diverges into three branches. Having traced the direction of these moves on the map, we can find that they lead to the places of alleged UFO landings! It seems that someone met green men, or they themselves dug up the subway, so that it was easier to walk unnoticed.

This concrete ball is nothing more than a device for changing time. Electromagnetic coils are walled over its surface. During the experiments, a lightning rod was created, directing the charge of lightning directly onto the ball. First, they planted mice inside the ball, and then several people visited there. According to Vadim Chernobrov, the change in time was recorded, however, only for a split second

In 1993, one of the local residents in the garden found a rod made of bronze alloy, twisted into a double spiral. Archaeologists confirmed the antiquity of the origin of this product with one reservation: such a trinket can only be found in the territory of Ancient Egypt, and not in the Volga region. Where did this product come from on the territory of the ridge are still open. Unless the ancient Egyptian came to stay with his no less ancient mother -in -law, but dropped it.

Not far from one of the villages there is a source of water. Yes, not simple, but radioactive. At the same time, no deposits of radioactive substances on the territory of the ridge were found. But from another source nearby, distilled water beats with a key. The researchers have only to find local springs with coffee/lemonade and finally get confused in their research.

But do not rush to go to your own expedition: among other things, people often disappear on the Medvedi ridge. In August 1993, an ufologist from the Krasnodar Territory disappeared without a trace. Where he was seen for the last time, a large dent was discovered in the soil. In early 2004, a tourist from Bashkiria disappeared. Several people, who also left and did not show a desire to return, still managed to find, but they all behaved inadequately. They answered questions incoherently, did not remember anything about their travels and in general slowed down.

Maxim Kudymov
Photo by the author and Ssangyong

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