Test drive by Renault Modus 2005 - 2008 Minivan

Riddles of small forms

Mini-wen even some kind of voluminous, pot-bellied word. In memory, all sorts of scenes, s-Maks, sinks and other are by no means small cars pop up. And then cars balancing somewhere on the border of the small class: in the form of mini-wen, in size kids, but in fact?
With a length of less than four meters, their creators are not afraid to talk about the convenience of entering, placing the rear passengers, the capabilities of cargo compartments, comfort and expanse. In general, they are trying to convince us that from the inside there is more kolobok than outside.
We are talking about three new products of our market: Renault Modus, Peugeot 1007 and Honde Jazz. Unusual, by no means cheap, at first glance they seem impractical toys from the category of female. Is it so? After all, the design of single -volume bodies is distinguished not only by the design courage here is full of interesting, innovative solutions.
Growth hormones
Renault Modus is playful, smiling appearance is adjacent to the unassuming interior of one of the most modest configurations. Honestly, after unusual lines and as if inflated from the inside, you wait for more from the modus. But the rough, rude plastic pleases only with two -color, and the rest of the upholstery materials do not seek to take possession of your attention. Nevertheless, the phrase was ready to break from the language: and this is for $ 17,000?! For some reason, it remains unspoken. The fault of this is unexpectedly spacious, at least in front, the salon. And also huge and from this very convenient door openings.
Looking around, I conclude that the interior is not so poor! The seat, although unsophisticated in configuration, but, among other things, is adjusted in height. The driver’s landing is high, with a good circular visibility. Yes, and you are settled behind the wheel of a modus, albeit not perfectly, but immediately, without unnecessary fidgets.
You take it for a rusted plastic trunk, it turns out that it is also adjusted in height. In the system of maintaining microclimate, he discovered air conditioning. Next, I pay attention to two airbags, the electrical lifts of the front glasses, heating the seats, everything is not so modestly skillfully hidden behind the apparent simplicity.

Here is the Mini-Wan front panel, with all the impressiveness, is precisely empty. In the middle, only a supercompact combination of devices stuck. Bright, fashionable civil, it nevertheless does not cause a storm of delight in the soul. Only a speedometer is read well, the rest merges with the background.
Great disappointment lies in wait for the rear passengers. Imagine: you enter a large door opening, trying to sit down and there’s nowhere to put your legs! The knees dig into the back of the one sitting in front, and only a solid supply of air over the head supports the thoughts of the expanse.
Alas, the promising version of the rear seats Triptih remained overboard this configuration. It is in it separate chairs travel in all directions, offering landing options. We have whole pillows and backs have very limited transformation capabilities.
PEUGEOT 1007, frankly, is difficult to evaluate according to standard schemes. As you meet, the thought of practicality is becoming less and less significant, giving way to emotions
At first glance, a thousand seventh typical concept, ideal for attracting the public. Wherever you find yourself, the expressive design of Pininfarins and a continuous high -tech causes a sea of \u200b\u200battention. People freely freeze at the sight of the unusual proportions of the body. With a smile, childishly monitor the movement of electrified doors. Similarly, they are trying to look inside the interior so cosmically impregnable.
Everything is very stylish, spectacular, unusual. Behind the sliding doors are expensive upholstery materials. The dynamics of a thoroughbred audio system, which on the front panel, perfectly coexist with one of the twelve sets of interior interior details. Huge hatches on the roof are perceived for granted. And now you are offended by trifles: if buttons are provided for the side doors, then why should the back be opened manually?
After the first sink, the euphoria passes. The domestic frost at a time removes all this electrician from balance, and communication with the machine again goes into the coordinates practically practical.

Of course, from the point of view of the driver and the front passenger, the thousand seventh is simply huge. As in the case of a modus, you first enter it, and then you sit down. If you take a driver’s tools in it just nothing extraordinary. Stylish steering wheel, traditional combination of devices and a microclimate control unit. Even the seat is moderately tough, tenacious, as it should be Sporty. That's just the landing comfortably sitting down on the pedals, for some reason I have to stretch to the steering wheel.
Irritable of an unevazhnetsk visibility. Mighty tides crush from above (cunning door locks are hidden in them). The double front stand of the body easily hides a pedestrian behind itself, and here the small external mirrors are still incredibly forced to be more attentive.
In an attempt to sit behind, we are tolerant of the fiasco, it turns out that an adult is not there. The head rests on the ceiling, the knees are crushed by the back. And this is with the rear seats completely moved into the trunk.
Honda-jazz outwardly does not offer anything special, except that the color is omededly sympathic or the hatchback, or the station wagon, grown in height and from this, who has giggered by branded features. Why, then, was a jazz recently chosen a car of the year in Japan? It turns out that you need to get acquainted with him differently: Down with emotions, long live the mind!
Now your attention will attract an economical 1.4-liter engine. The non -standard body layout will be surprised, in which the fuel tank will be found under the front seats. Its usual place is given to the additional space for the legs of the rear passengers. Here is a really small large car, as the creators themselves call it.
Inside, jazz is clearly more interesting, more saturated than the same modus. In addition to more noble decoration materials, the view is attracted by a rich front panel. It echoes a bright, large combination of instruments, nearby comfortable climate -setting toggle switches. A grip, stylish steering wheel, a pleasant lever of the box with verified switching. Perhaps here I like it strongly, with the exception of one driver's seat. The landing is more familiar, passenger, but the chair itself is amorphous, its pillow is short, which is especially noticeable against the background of the correctness of everything else.
But Jazz takes care of the back of the behind. Everything here is really an adult way: full of space for legs, shoulders, heads. Here they are, the advantages of the original layout.
Motors races
Renault Modus, by Russian standards and preferences, seems to be a modest, which is a 1.2 liter engine more as a punishment than for driving. In fact, everything is far from the case. Of course, some inferiority of the motor is noticeable when touched and at low speeds here the modus sometimes complains about the lack of torque. But it is worth the arrow of the tachometer to cross for 25003000 rpm, the car becomes frisky, mobile, sensitively reacts to the position of the accelerator. Together with the agility, a sharp, annoying, and at certain speeds, the transmission sings it to the salon.
In terms of settings of the chassis, the modus is ingenuous. Dense suspensions have good energy intensity, but tend to repeat the profile of the road, and in small irregularities they shake it pretty much. The car has a sharp, dynamic car, perfectly suitable for the city crowd. It is obedient on suburban routes the truth, here it is necessary to make an amendment to the activity of the machine and not quite logical operation of the steering wheel power steering.

PEUGEOT 1007, the owner of the most powerful 1.6-liter motor in our test. In the past meetings, I remember that such a thing is more than enough. But high technologies, a tribute to fashion, demanded something unusual from the creators. In this case, a robotic gearbox. In fact, the same mechanics, but under the control of electronics, supposedly optimizing switching. Two pedals under the feet, under the hands of a lever-jacket and branded petals on the steering wheel. At first, there are more than enough enthusiasm. Know yourself Davi for the accelerator and the steering wheel, the car will make the rest of the car.
But one day you will slow down somewhere at the intersection, then gazeta, wanting to integrate into the stream. And the car suddenly thinks, it will hang for a second one and a half in search of the desired transmission. First thought: what to do? Calm down, he will continue to do everything himself, only you will have a decrease in electronics. A similar incident can be expected on overtaking, when rebuilt. Go to manual mode? He will undoubtedly suffer in such situations, will allow enjoying the agility of the motor. But why then electronics?
Otherwise, we find complete understanding with Peugeot 1007. Good acoustic comfort, only disturbed by whistles at high speed. Balanced energy -intensive pendants, noticeably shaking only on small irregularities. The controllability also seemed interesting: the quick, clear responses of the machine are supplemented by the intelligible operation of the amplifier. In these matters, Peugeot, as expected, is on top. But at high speed, his character seemed too sharp.
Honda jazz will disappoint those who expect from a 1.4-liter engine of all kinds of Honda things there. It affects just with completely different amazing traction at low and medium speeds. Even in the city allows you not to abuse low gears, easily dispersing the car, for example, on the fifth with 3040 km/h. Conveniently, damn it, especially since the engine retains traction in the entire working range.
Of course, at the same time it is heard somewhere from 3000 rpm of the engine, the sound of the engine is present in the car. However, in his tone there is no balalaia aggressiveness inherent in the modus. Suddenly lightweight brakes appeared: you will touch the pedal a little and immediately hang on the seat belts.
At first glance, the pendants are more comfortable here. The machine does not notice small irregularities, softer on gentle waves. However, with the speed of speed, their European settings give slack, and jazz begins to swing on irregularities. Book routes are not for him.
It is incomprehensible, even careless settings of the steering electric power steering. With small corners of rotation, you seem to mix a heavy oily liquid with a steering wheel. The steering wheel is clamped, he does not want to return to the middle position, demanding constant attention. Unknown? And how! But it is worth spinning it stronger, everything immediately gets into places and the car is controlled reliably and predictably.
He is not low ...
Each car offers its own approach to solving certain problems. Each claims the only and unique concept of a small but roomy car. The general rule is one thing: if you can’t grow in length, try to go in breadth and especially in height. Become a bun, which is actually more inside than outside.

Renault Modus
The mini-ven (terminology of the company) on the new platform Reno-Nissan debuted at the Geneva Motor Show in 2004, appeared in Russia at the end of 2005.
Engines: gasoline 1.21.6 liters (75112 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed, 4-speed automatic.
Complete: Authentique, Expression, Dynamique.
Price: $ 16 69920 879.
Renault Modus interesting style, not very expressive internal content. Alas, it is convenient only for two.
General assessment 7.6
+ Good basic equipment, spacious interior, capacious trunk, good visibility and sledged capabilities.
- mediocre acoustic comfort and smoothness, close rear seat, modest possibilities of transformation.

Presented in 2002 as a concept car. The premiere of the serial model took place at the Paris salon in 2004, the car reached the Russian market a year later.
Engines: Bezin 1,41.6 liters (75110 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed robotic or mechanical.
Complete: Urban, Trendy, Sporty.
Price: $ 17 90023 300.
PEUGEOT 1007 is likely that its serial appearance is somewhat ahead of time. Bright design outweighs practicality.
General assessment 7.7
+ Beautiful, unusual, emotional car, very spacious in front; High technologies are combined with decent comfort.
- impractical as a mini-van, a tight salon, very unimportant visibility.

Honda Jazz
A five -door single -coat is sold in Europe
since 2002. In 2004, facelifting underwent. Sales in Russia since 2005.
Engines: 1.21.4 l (7883 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed and variator.
Complete: Cool, ES, LS.
Price: $ 15 90017 900.
Honda Jazz, a car is hidden under the restlessly pretty appearance, pleasantly surprised by its capabilities.
General assessment 7.9
+ A bright, memorable interior, thoughtful ergonomics, interesting transformation opportunities, roomy salon and trunk, convenient accelerated dynamics.
- Too sensitive brakes, non -informative steering wheel.
Sergey Voskresensky: The domestic consumer should have very good motives when choosing priorities. In our estimates, we tried to be as practical as possible. From these positions, the most attractive was Honda jazz.






Sergey Voskresensky

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Video crash tests Renault Modus 2005 - 2008

Renault Modus 2005 - 2008 crash test

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers