Porsche Boxster 987 test drives since 2008.

Cowardly Porsche test with a cap
Three hours before the aircraft departure, I went and bought myself an insurance policy for four days. I paid a little more than 3 euros, by the way, not a joke. But then, in which case, they will be treated in the amount of 30,000 euros! I flew to the test of the new Porsche Boxster. Don’t be afraid. You, most importantly, are braking before ...
Porsche Boxster test drive: ultimatum
The premiere of the second generation Porsche Boxster took place at the International Motorshow in Los Angeles in November last year. Compared to the previous generation, the power of a 2.9-liter engine increased by 10 hp. And now it is 255 hp. The economic crisis of the early 90s found the legendary producer of Porsche sports cars in a distance. Production volumes ...
Porsche Boxster Spyder. Brighter than the sun
Porsche Boxster Spyder. Price: 3 735 000 rub. On sale: since February 2010, they are, and in California they know a lot about expensive cars. Moreover, unlike Russia, belonging to the highest caste on the Pacific coast of the United States is determined not so much by the number of zeros in the price as the degrees of freedom that the car can give. Not surprising,…