Test drive Opel Zafira 2006 - 2008 Minivan

Astral spirit

Opel-sail is ranked to CDs or otherwise family cars (Family Car). Does this term mean accessibility for the family budget and whether the stagnant is needed to maintain a car in service, Igor Kozlov found out. Photo: Alexander Kulnev.
1997 Frankfurt. The debut of the prototype of the Opel-Zafir.
1999. The beginning of the production of the model range A in the city of Bohum (Germany). Body: 5-door 7-seater compact van. ECOTEC engines gasoline: P4, 1.6 l, 74 kW/100 hp.; 1.8 l, 85 kW/116 hp.; Diesel P4 with the injection system NAKMON RALL and turbocharged 2.0 liters, 60 kW/82 hp. Front drive, M5 or A4.
2000. The power of the gasoline engine of 1.8 liters is increased to 92 kW/125 hp. (changes in the management system).
2001 New gasoline engines: P4, 1.6 l, 71 kW/97 hp.; 2.0 l, 141 kW/192 hp (with turbocharged); 2.2 l, 108 kW/147 hp.; Diesel P4 with a Ugro -RALL injection system (Bosch VP44) and turbocharged (Garret T15) 2.0 liters, 74 kW/100 hp.
Crash Test Euroncap: 3 stars, 6 points per frontal blow, 16 for the side.
2002. A new diesel engine with a Uzmon Rail injection system and turbocharged: P4, 2.2 l, 92 kW/125 hp. The beginning of official supplies to Russia versions with gasoline engines 1.8 liters, 92 kW/125 hp. and 2.2 l, 108 kW/147 hp
2003 Feylifting. Cosmetic changes in the grille of the radiator and optics. The power of the gasoline boost engine of 2.0 liters increased to 147 kW/200 hp.
2005 The second generation of Safira (lineup B). ECOTEC, P4 series engines. Gasoline: 1.6 l, 77 kW/105 hp.; 1.8 l, 103 kW/140 hp.; 2.0 l, 147 kW/200 hp with turbocharged; 2.2 l, 110 kW/150 hp.; Diesel with a Uzmon Rail injection system and turbocharged 1.9 liters, 74 kW/100 hp. or 88 kW/120 hp (Differences in the settings and boost pressure). Front drive, M5, M6 or A4.
Crash Test Euroncap: 5 stars, 14 points for the frontal blow, 16 for the side.
2006. The power of a gasoline engine with a turbocharged 2.0 liter is increased to 176 kW/240 hp. (modification of ORS). A diesel engine with a Uzmon Rail injection system and turbocharged 1.9 liters, 110 kW/150 hp.
A jerk in prize -winners
Safira entered the market painfully for a long time. Two years passed from the debut of the prototype (see the history of the model) to the start of serial production, and official deliveries to Russia began another three. As they say, they harnessed for a long time, but quickly went. In Europe, Zafira is one of the most popular in the class, and we have a model on the podium 2nd place in 2006 after Ford-Cmax. In addition, dealer statistics do not take into account the influx of used machines, and there are almost half of the Safir from Europe in our secondary market.
Family happiness has a price. Safir-A 1999 in decent condition is cheaper than 310,000 rubles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find, and for a car of 2004 they will ask for at least 415,000 rubles. Safira-B, of course, is more expensive, and the price is stronger on the configuration.
2006 cars are offered for 530650 thousand rubles. Dealerships are 35%more expensive, which is not surprising, because there is much more information about their past. However, when buying any used option, it is worthwhile to know the features of the model.
During the EURONCAP CRASH test, a incident occurred: a patented PRS pedal folding system (Pedal Release System) did not work properly, as a result of which a machine with miserable six points for the front hit earned only three stars. After making changes in PRS and a second blow, the result was better than four stars, but the general deformation of the front end remained on the verge of critical destruction. If the test speed is a little higher than the mannequin would suffer much more.
Obviously, therefore, the official sources left the primary result, although many refer to a repeated Crash test. But no matter how many stars to take for the truth, when buying a car is more important than something else: whether the car was in a serious accident. Indeed, with a violated or not technology, recreated power frame, talk about the stars empty. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics at the dealer, not only the body, but also the electronic block of airbags. It is designed for four works, therefore they rarely change it (replacement is unprofitable), and the Tech-II dealer diagnostic device will tell the whole story. True, if the block still did not stir up, then the truth will remain behind seven seals.
On the body that avoided accident, corrosion is unlikely to be found, of course, if the paintwork is not broken. Even the first -year -old cars look well done thanks to the bilateral galvanic coating of the body. Note, a guarantee from through corrosion 12 years!
Confused relationship
Safira is built on the Astra platform with the widespread use of its units, therefore, characteristic sores of models are common. True, there are few of them. We pay the main attention to the racks of the reptile stability stabilizer, the vitality of which depends on the driving style (3060 thousand km). Steering tips may require replacements with 5070 thousand. It is located much longer the steering roller of the steering drive in the cabin, so it is less affected by the street, however, after 90 thousand km, it noticeably tapps the reason to fork out.
But the viability of the supports of the front suspension racks and their bearings on Safir, it is extremely difficult to predict. It happened that they were replaced after only 15 thousand km, although some owners have more than 80 thousand details. More often, the node is damaged from strong holes of the suspension, in which the support loses its shape and dirt enters the bearing area. On the back of such problems there are no support design changed, and the diameter of the support bearing has become much larger, accordingly, the calculated load increased. True, a creak in the node was noted on some of the cars when turning the steering wheel, but all the violinists have long been changed under warranty.
The remaining details of the pendants deliver much less trouble. Shock absorbers serve about 80 thousand km, silent blocks are more than 120 thousand km, and ball supports are almost eternal. The latter from a heavier omega, so they work for half -heartedly on the back. The back N-shaped beam will remind of itself only if you bend it, and the silent blocks of the rear suspension live more than 180 thousand km.
Four in a row
Another configuration of engines, except for the in -line four, is not provided for sofir (see the history of the model). Only gasoline versions were officially supplied to the Russian market: Safira with an engine of 1.6 liters, 100 hp. (X16xel or z16xe); 1.8 l, 125 hp (X18xe1 or z18xe) and 2.2 l, 147 hp (Z22SE); SAFIRA-B with 1.6 liters, 105 hp (Z16xep); 1.8 l, 140 hp (Z18XER); 2.0 l turbo 200 hp (Z20ler) and 2.2 l, 150 hp (Z22YH). Small batches could have a different letter ending of the motor code indicating the difference in the periphery, but this will not create any problems with their diagnosis and maintenance of dealers have everything you need.
All gasoline engines unites not only belonging to one series (Ecotec), but also criticism to fuel with a high content of resins. Alas, it is impossible to exclude refueling in a surrogate in our conditions. Therefore, dealers recommend through one, in extreme cases, two nozzles without dismantling. At the same time, the carbon monoxide is washed off from the guide bushings and the valve rods, which reduces the risk of freezing. It is not difficult to guess about the consequences of the meeting of the piston valve.
The same consequences and with a breakdown of the timing belt. We change it after 60 thousand km (at the back of 120 thousand km), necessarily with stretch and circuit rollers (original set) and pomp, which almost never nurses the two durations of the belt. The pumping buckle of the pump is eccentric relative to the shaft (traditionally for Opel), therefore, when installing it, the correct orientation for the belt pretext is important. It is worth mistaken, and the tensioning roller of the floating type will not be unimportant or losing the buoyancy, clamped by its own spring.
The periphery of the engines is quite reliable. There were only a number of cases of failure of the ignition modules, mainly in the warranty period. Interruptions in ignition can also be due to spark plugs, tanned from metal-containing additives in fuel. Tearing the motor on idle and failures during acceleration is a very characteristic sign, and the Check Engine lamp will remind you that you will more expensive to postpone a visit to specialists for yourself a neutralizer.
The diesel engines were not officially supplied to our market, so there are no reliable statistics of their failures. However, serious breakdowns are not known. Another alternative to gasoline gas. Making the engine to work on it is technically real (imported sets are released at the astra), but by placing a cylinder, lose all the advantages of the layout of the backbone.
Family idyll
Clutch is unlikely to ask for replacements earlier than 100 thousand km usually with the 150th thousand. As a rule, the seal of the gearbox drives are also approached by this time. There are almost no problems with mechanics or automatic, as with the CV joints, of course, if anthers are not torn.
The front brake discs are changed with a residual thickness of 23 mm. As a rule, such wear is observed by the end of the second set of pads, which are enough for 5060 thousand km (automatic transmission). The discs are rarely faded, and with sufficient thickness (new 25 mm) they are pulled. The rear pads serve 5565 thousand km, when they are replaced, not only the caliper, but also the manual brake mechanism are cleaned. On the Safirs until 2001, the handbrake axes were acidified, but after the change of the supplier, such a problem was almost gone.
It is strange that the quite solid car was in the middle peasants of the rating of the reliability of the German Tu..V. Three-year-olds only in 65th place out of 113, and the five-year plan at the 94th out of 107. Either the most successful options were either supplied to us, or Russian families were so attentive to the technique ... One way or another, Safira will be long ago for a long time rule the ball in the secondary market.

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Test drive Opel Zafira 2006 - 2008

Crash Test Opel Zafira 2006 - 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunction Opel Zafira 2006 - 2008

Opel zafira malfunctions: Detailed information
Zafira 2006 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability