Test Drives Opel GT since 2007 Convertible

I want to see the sky ...
In the rear view mirror, a squat roadster was scored with convex front wings, aggressive air intakes in bumper and huge headlights. What is it? Lotus? Corvette? Viper? As it turned out, this is a new Opel GT! It became clear when on a short straight car caught up with us and, lever with a motor, went on overtaking. I have already seen him on the car dealership ...
Mask Zorro
Only at first glance could seem that Casa Del Zorro became the extreme point of our route completely accidentally. To the Mexican border - to apply, and on the slopes of the mountains are illegal emigrants, and Zorro is translated from Spanish as a fox. Again, the road sign is a winding road - probably the most common on ...
Pure art
The presentation of the Opel GT rhodster has passed in the surroundings of the sun, the wind and the rains of Lake Balaton. As it turned out, the raising glasses of the current for the coming of the Rhodster to Russia was slightly premature. I have two news. The first: when we rolled Opel GT in Hungary, we solemnly announced that the car will appear on the Russian market in ...
Fast but different
These SUV Antara 3.2 cars and Roadster GT do not unite anything, except the Opel brand belonging. In the model range of the German company they are, we can say at different parts. Antara is designed to benefit from the European buyer, and the version with a 3.2-liter engine for the Russian market is produced exclusively at the GM plant ...
Late arrival
Opel GT. Price: 1199000 rub. On sale: from the second half of 2008, that not all cars reach the domestic market, no one secret. So, appeared in Europe in 2007, the roadster Opel GT did not have planned to sell. But everything changes, and perhaps already this year limited ...
What kind of sports roadster Select: Opel GT (264 hp) or Honda S2000 (240 hp)?
Both competitor Roadster, both look powerful and not too suitable for the role of a family car. Opel GT and Honda S2000 primarily focus on getting pleasure from management. Although they achieve this common goal completely differently. That is why in the company, the headquarters of which is located in Rüsselsheim, this double convertible called ...