Test Drive Opel GT since 2007 Convertible

Mask Zorro

Only at first glance could seem that Casa Del Zorro became the extreme point of our route completely by chance. Up to the Mexican border - with hand, and on the slopes of the mountains are illegal immigrants, and Zorro is translated from Spanish as a fox. Again, the road sign is a winding road - probably the most common on the roads of these frivans - at the same time similar to Roscherk Z, which leaves the sword, and on the emblem of the Opel automotive brand.
But only this is all lyrics. And not a lyrics when you did not give out gas when starting from the traffic light, and the car shamefully stalled. I thought it was only in such cases in such cases it was accepted to signal into the bumper. However, in the trendy California city of Palm Springs, where Martine Dietrich and Frank Sinatra could be met at the crossroads, the morals were the same - some dark people in a huge Dodge Ram with a blunt perseverance tame to a signal. Therefore, before moving, we showed them an international combination of one middle finger. Our car was rare, the whole street was staring at us, so our gesture also saw everything - we are in the roadster, which means how on stage. The buddy then said that in Texas, for example, for such a gesture can just kill. We also got drunk, but where there - with proper handling of Opel GT pedals, tears from the place of up to hundreds for some 5.7 seconds, where to keep up with some rams.
Further communication with the indigenous population was more friendly. At every crossroads or parking, everything, of course, wanted to know what it was for a bright car, but it was clear that Opel's words in these parts were not heard for a long time. Then I had to explain that the router of this is the same as Pontiac Solstice or Saturn Sky, only built for Europe and therefore has a little other appearance and name. We nodded, but with some distortion, the Americans are unusual. Apparently, in the states, the country spoiled in terms of cars, has already managed to forget the history of the Opel GT of the first generation.
He was invented in the mid-60s of the last century as mini corvette for Europe. The tiny car, built on the platform of the cadet, but with an elegant body made in fashionable for the time of the Stylistics of Coke Bottle Shape, styled just not in the old world, but in the States. He was bought by those who lacked money for an adult Corvette, worth four times more expensive. And until 1973, 70,000 Opel GT was sold to the United States. Today, General Motors concern wants to repeat the same story. Only if the former GT was completely original product, today it is only a branding.
However, we, not knowing what car is nostalgia, and indifferent to the words of Pontiac and Saturn - well, except to strive about the Ponts of the football team from Ramensky, it is quite possible to evaluate this car, so to speak, with a clean sheet. Very wider track, 18-inch wheels deliberately protrude from the arches, a long hood, hoods, starting behind the head restraints and relative to this car with the sports two-bedders of the past. Inside, everything is also very beautiful, but somehow not an American is impractical. With nothing that the trunk, when the roof is folded, accommodates a little more cubic meter of cargo, there is not no blades in the cabin, but there were no places even for the holders! Everything reminds that this car is not for travel, but for a walk. During which you, and all who will be nearby, will admire the two-color leather interior, stylishly stitching large stitches, a bunch of polished aluminum parts, chrome rims of blowing deflectors ...
However, all this splendor can be deserved to demonstrate only if the plated awning is hidden in your trunk. With the raised roof in the cabin, it becomes black and uncomfortable. The awning is mounted-dismantled manually, and it is possible to grab exclusively for its edge. When closing, it will not be immediately possible to get into the locks on the windshield frame. And it will be necessary to get out to go out to fix the triangular protrusions of the agent in the metal part of the car.
Behind the wheel, Opel GT will be comfortable even to a man growing, and it is even comfortable to get comfortable that the steering column is only adjustable here. Sports chairs are pleasantly dug in the ribs. The central tunnel is high, so it is very convenient to rely on the brush of the right hand to control the box. The course of the lever is short, but the fixation of the gear is clear to call in any way - instead of the fifth, it is easy to stick to the third and announce the neighborhood of the engine. By the way, the motor on the Opel GT in its own way is unique. Never have managed to shoot with the liter of the working volume of the whole 132 hp And since these two liters, then the power of the rhodster - 264 hp The drive, of course, the rear, weighing the car along the axes 51:49, that a priori guarantees pleasure from the passage of agrees. Maybe only with such a soft steering wheel screwed in turns do not really want. Another evidence that Opel GT is a car for walking.
In Russia, Opel GT will cost from $ 40,000, which is less than asking for Honda S2000, not to mention Audi TT or BMW Z4. On the other hand, Roger may not be called BMW, but still he must have some kind of highlight. Here, for example, the old Opel GT had amazing headlights. They flew into the hood to the hood until time, but it was worth pulling the lever on the central console, and the headlights with a metal pool appeared. And here? Is that the most corners of the awning that you need to manually clip off to the body ...
The branding of the German company is not accustomed to. If you look at the well-known offensive expression, any car becomes the Opole not from the point of view of the quality of the products of the said brand, but from the point of view of the branding itself, it will become clear that there can be almost any car in Opel. Once the ISUZU SUV suddenly appeared under the name Opel Monterrey. Roadster Lotus ELISE turned into Opel Speedster. Now it's time for Solstice and Sky.
Very long ago, there were no Dolby in cinemas, but schoolchildren went to the film Zorro for ten times, and in the fences they wrote not only words of three letters, but also proud strokes Z - the same as the noble hero left on the walls. And these schoolchildren matured, they came to the cinema again, but instead of Alena Delon, for some reason, bitch, show Banderas and Hopkins. Probably interesting, just not at all.

Text Dmitry Grona photo Opel AG

Opel GT.
Gasoline engine, 4-cylinder
Working volume (cube. Cm) 1998
Power (hp at rpm) 264Pri 5300
Moment (nm at rpm) 353 at 2500-5000
Rear-wheel drive
5-speed gearbox mechanical
Length / width / height 4100/1815/1275
Mass Curb (kg) 1320
Maximum speed (km / h) 229
Acceleration up to 100 km / h (c) 5.7
Fuel consumption (mixed cycle, l / 100 km) 9.2
Price in Moscow from $ 40,000

A source: "Autopilot"