Test drive Nissan Primera sedan since 2002 sedan


More than two years have passed since the European debut. But the car is still perceived by a concept frame that has been ahead of time. And none of his rivals still do not have a rear view video camera.

The competition between the democratic models of the middle class (or segment D) is unusually acute. The offers are the sea. But everything is close to the selection in design, consumer qualities and, as a rule, price. And there are few high -profile names that make you choose the conviction. Therefore, the ability of the machine to draw attention to themselves is of great importance, and it remains to customers either rely on luck, or to scrupulously weigh all the pros and cons of each model.
Well, in art to impress the current example has achieved considerable success. Its unusual appearance may be liked or not like, but hardly anyone will leave indifferent.
However, if the examples were a gray mouse, you would still not have passed it by choosing a middle -class car. There are so many dealers in Russia and, competing with each other, they are advertised so actively that from ads with the image examples literally grinding in the eyes on the pages of automobile newspapers and magazines. Where to go by there! And if you deign to call in to the dealer, the seller will show you so many new -fangled things, which are stuffed with an example, what you will certainly say: oh! But already from the threshold, as usual, you want to know

What is the price?
When an example appeared in Russia, prices for it were indicated in dollars. This is not to say that they were seductive, but taking into account the novelty, the models were perceived adequately. When the European currency began to rapidly go into the separation of the American, Nissan rewrote the price tags in the euro, and the situation became sad. An example at once turned out to be much more expensive than its direct competitors Toyota Aventsis and Mazda-6, which remained in the dollar corridor.
In addition, the situation was aggravated by price anarchy. Until recently, Nissan dealers did not adhere to a single price list, and the difference in the price of the same car could reach 8 percent. That is, especially greedy dealers of prices were simply frightening.
Теперь все это в прошлом. С нового года Ниссан установил единые цены и снова перевел их в доллары. Причем это был не просто механический перевод евро в доллары по текущему курсу. Примера подешевела! В среднем, на 68 процентов.
Обычно универсалы среднего класса стоят на $10001500 дороже седанов. Примера-универсал обходится дороже седана ВСЕГО НА $500

Хэтчбек визуально мало отличается от седана, но при этом ГОРАЗДО УДОБНЕЕ


Самая доступная машина с 1,6-литровым двигателем в исполнении Комфорт стоит теперь $20 900. Автомобили с 1,8-литровым мотором в исполнении Элеганс $23 400 или $23 900 (с ксеноновыми фарами). Максимально возможный 2-литровый двигатель сочетается с исполнениями Элеганс и Техно. Первое стоит $25 400 и может быть дополнено кожаным салоном с электроприводом регулировки кресел, люком в крыше и ксеноновыми фарами. Такая машина стоит $27 800.
Версия Техно изначально дороже Элеганса на $350. Но дилеры будут предлагать ее только в максимальной комплектации с кожей, люком и ксеноном по цене $28 150.
Выше были приведены цены для Примеры с кузовом седан и ручной коробкой передач. Хэтчбек стоит дороже седана на $200, а универсал на $500. Автоматическую коробку можно получить с 1,8- и 2-литровым моторами. В первом случае это будет обычный гидромеханический автомат, а во втором бесступенчатый вариатор. Обе коробки стоят дополнительных $1500.
В исполнениях Элеганс и Техно люк в крыше, КОЖАНЫЙ САЛОН с электроприводом кресел и ксеноновые фары предлагаются комплектом
КРЕМОВЫЙ САЛОН сочетается только с цветом кузова золотистый металлик

Для знакомства мы взяли Примеру с наиболее популярным у нас кузовом седан, ручной коробкой передач, в исполнении Комфорт. Однако с весны 1,8-литровых машин в исполнении Комфорт у дилеров, скорее всего, уже не будет. Дело в том, что по новому прайс-листу разница в цене между 1,8-литровым Комфортом и гораздо более богатым Элегансом получается мизерной всего $200. Неудивительно, что российский импортер Ниссана принял решение заказывать 1,8-литровые машины только в исполнении Элеганс.
Перечень стандартного оборудования
Исполнение Комфорт:
ABS с системой электронного распределения тормозного усилия
Усилитель экстренного торможения
Фронтальные подушки безопасности
Передние боковые и оконные подушки безопасности (1,8 л)
headlight washer
Climate control
Зеркала с электроприводом и обогревом
Передние электростеклоподъемники
Тканевый салон
CD-магнитола с 6-ю динамиками
Обогрев передних сидений
Центральный замок с д/у
Preparation for installing a phone
On-board computer
Rear review camera
Steering column adjustable in two planes
Front seats adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the pillow
Steel wheels R16
Eleganes execution additionally:
Fog lights
Rain sensor
Intra -axial mirror with automatic obscurity
Rear electric windows
Leather steering wheel with a remote control of the audio system
Velor salon
R16 wheel wheels from light alloy
Techno execution additionally:
Combined fabric upholstery
Alloy wheels R17
Outside and inside
Without a doubt, the appearance of the first and most tenacious hook, on which an example catches buyers. It has been noted more than once that the example looks conceptually, cosmic. But you can’t say otherwise. The profile of the machine, almost devoid of steps between the hood, the roof line and the trunk (the Japanese call this the concept of the monoform) really resembles flying saucers depicted in fantastic cartoons. And the combination of clean, smooth planes with sharp faces of lateral substetings and complex headlights with round light guns under the transparent glass only enhance associations with cosmic technologies. Especially if the car is painted with silver metallic.
The rear glass examples- the sedan reaches almost to the body of the body. The lid of the trunk is very short

Can designing examples are successful? Rather, it is controversial: either like it or not. It is indisputable only one example forces to attract attention and is not lost in the stream.
But the futuristic design required some victims of a practical nature that do not like the category I do not like it. For example, the idea of \u200b\u200ba monoform was embodied not only in the soft, without pronounced steps of the profile line, but also in the absence of decorative elements on the body. As a result, protective moldings disappeared from convex doors and bumper. Accordingly, during urban operation with inevitable contacts in close parking lots, chips, scratches and small dents will appear on the body. Another victim of the design of the side mirrors of triangular shape. Yes, they fit perfectly into the general style. But after all, their reflective surface is truncated, triangular.

Inside the example, the alien ship is even more reminiscent. The sloping, leaving for the horizon of the torpedo is crowned with a visor in the entire width of the cabin, under which (in the center!) There are three large dials with silver rims. Under them is a large color monitor, and even lower, on a horizontal tide, the keyboard buttons with two rotating handles and a joystick in the middle are located. In addition to a 4-spoke helmet, almost the entire ship control panel is concentrated here. Because the rest of the torpedo area is virgin without any buttons and twists.
The shape of the door armrests and torpedo, curved in the tongues of the front doors, are also unusual, the form of door armrests is also unusual. When you open the door, at the first moment it seems that a piece of the front panel breaks down with it. By the way, a cream interior, combined with the color of the body, is especially beautiful, golden metallic. Creamy here is made not only the seats and the upholstery of the doors, but also the lower part of the torpedo, which creates a feeling of space.
According to the real volume, the salon examples fully corresponds to expectations from a middle -class car. Perhaps it is not a record spacious, but four tall inhabitants are enough here. If desired, you can take on board and the fifth width allows. But, as it has been started today, the sofa is obedient for two. By the way, unlike some single-graders, even in the hatchback with its roll, the back door of the space of space and above the heads of the rear passengers is quite enough.
Both front seats are equipped with a height and angle of the pillow (two front handles), as well as the adjustment of the lumbar support (handle on the back)

The ignition lock in the dark is highlighted

The larva of the lock on the driver's door is left just in case and covered with a lid. It is assumed that the castle will be controlled from the key
Under the tide of the central console is the CD player

Mandatory for examples of heating 2-speed, with light indication of inclusion

Two cup holders are mounted in the armor of the rear sofa
Behind the wheel
Settling in the front chair, first of all you pay attention to the unexpectedly high, city landing at the wheel. And why is the height adjustment here? The seat was originally installed high from the floor. If you raise it up, you find yourself under the dome of the roof and peek out onto the road from under the upper cut of the glass. But the trunk pleasant to the touch (in the executions of eleganes and technology it is leather), unlike most Japanese cars, is regulated not only in height, but also in departure. So a convenient landing at the wheel, albeit with a city accent, manages to find.
The front seats themselves are generally not bad. Especially in the elegance version with velor upholstery. But their pillows are soft, and their backs, on the contrary, are too elastic and tend to push out of their arms. But there is a regular adjustment of lumbar support, not at all superfluous on long trips.
Governing bodies

1. Block windows. 2. The corrector of the headlights and the mirror settings remote control. 3. The monitor of the information display/rear view camera. 4. The control unit of the audio system, climate control and on-board computer. 5. The alarm switch. 6. CD player. 7. Niche for fine luggage. 8. An ashtray and cigarette lighter. 9. The internal button of blocking the central lock.


1. The indicator of the temperature of the coolant. 2. Fuel level indicator. 3. The brightness regulator of the lighting of the devices. 4. The button for the ground for the daily run counter. 5. Signal lamps. 6. Speedometer. 7. Mileage counter. 8. Tachometer.

The ergonomics of the main governing bodies in the example are typically Japanese. Neither to the steering wheel, nor to the pedals, nor to the gearbox lever, you don’t need to get used to it and went. Therefore, the main attention has to be paid to newfangled decisions.
The Nissanists, located in the center, assure that they are perceived by the human eye better than traditional. Not ready to confirm or refute this statement. This is not to say that the central tidy annoyed me, but, apparently, it is necessary to get used to it for more than two days during which I talked with an example. In any case, when one day in the dark through the steering wheel I saw a gray emptiness, it lasted some fractions of a second, but if I abused libations, at that moment I would swear.
But the central control panel, which is in charge of the work of the audio system, climatic and route computer, left a double impression. On the one hand, it was pleased that the characters on the monitor screen are large and clear, and the computer’s information was logically grouped. For example, along with the indications of the average fuel consumption and the stock on the remainder of the fuel, a running scale of instant expenses is displayed, which allows the use of the indicator as an economy meter.
But the logic of managing some functions is clearly confused. Without problems, you can use only a climate control in a car mode and a receiver when it is configured to the frequency you need. If you need to change the fan speed, direction of air flows, tuning the tuner or the brightness of the monitor, you will have to make several manipulations instead of one. And not to control them to the touch, but visually. Moreover, some functions are controlled by a joystick, while others are controlled. As a result, you have to turn on the turn signal and stop on the sidelines. Because it is simply unsafe to be distracted from the road while driving.
The on -board computer examples allows you to find out the average fuel consumption not only at the moment, but also in a few days

Eleans and Techno's performances look preferable. In them, at least the control of music is duplicated on the steering wheel, which allows you not to roam in the wilds of the central remote control.
But another embodiment of high technologies of the video camera of the rear review deserves the highest praise. At first I tried to determine which of the three bodies is better in reversing maneuvering. No difference. When the rear gear is turned on on the monitor screen in any case, a complete picture (though black and white) of what is happening behind the rear bumper appears. And although near the image it turns out to be somewhat distorted, the camera works better than any ultrasound parkingock. Cool thing!
But the side mirrors really fell victim to the design. Their curved sectors, displaying the picture in the neighboring row, look like tiny triangles, in which nothing is visible.
We liked
Over the head of the driver

Large and bright symbols on the information display

Rear review video camera

As well as:
The possibility of choosing three bodies and a small difference in price between them
Low cost of rich execution of eleganes
The presence of examples of their own style

We didn't like it
Narrow opening of the trunk of the sedan

Small area of \u200b\u200blateral mirrors
Lack of protective moldings on doors and bumers

Complex management of the information center

As well as:
Low driving comfort
We load the baggage
So, gentlemen, you like the sedan on it has a lion's share of sales in Russia. Well, if you choose a sedan, just out of habit, if you please. We will try to approach the choice meaningfully.
Due to the unusual shape of the body, the lower edge of the rear window examples-sedan reached almost to the stern. Therefore, the lid of the trunk turned out to be very short, and the opening is small in height.
And what of the fact that a 450-liter chest is hidden under the lid? Anyway, you can’t put anything more overall than a road suitcase. Against such a background, a narrow opening between the salon and the trunk, formed after folding the backs of the rear sofa, no longer looks like a disadvantage.
Sedan trunk (left), hatchback and station wagon (right)

Such sacrifices could be somehow justified if the example looked like a classic three-basting sedan, which our customers appreciate very much. But thanks to the slope of the rear glass, smoothly passing into the trunk lid, an example of a sedan is even visually perceived by the hatchback What kind of trump cards remain at the sedan?
The hatchback is clearly preferable. He has a huge door, and stand under it, unlike a sedan, can be in full height, and the upholstery on the door is plastic, formed instead of a miserable cloth, and there is an inner handle. Like it or not, an example is the case when 200-dollar overpayment for hatchback is unequivocally justified.
With the station wagon, everything is clear. If you need it, you buy it. But, given that the station wagons are very well resold in the secondary market, and the new station wagon is only $ 500 more expensive than the sedan (a very small difference for the middle class model), this choice seems profitable even without the real need for the car.
Car dimensions, mm
Salon dimensions, mm

In independent crash tests conducted according to the Euroncap method, she acted very worthy, gaining 29 points, which allowed the car to earn hard 4 stars according to the results of front, lateral and pillar strikes. Such a result would hardly be achieved without the presence of lateral and window pillows.
In the Russian specification, they are installed on all cars in Eleans and Techno, as well as in the performance of comfort with a 1.8-liter engine.
In addition, one of 29 points was accepted for the presence of an unhealthy seat belts. So if the driver or the front passenger does not fasten, the sound zummer will not calm down until the lock is clicks.
It is prescribed to transport children in the example in special children's armchairs on the back sofa. You can use the seats of the isofix standard, the corresponding mounts in the car are provided. But to install a children's chair on the front seat with a back forward is prohibited, since the passenger pillow of safety does not turn off.
On the road
What engine to buy an example? If this is a family car that often has to drive with full loading of the cabin and trunk, you need to start with a 1.8-liter engine. The base 1.6-liter engine on paper, although it loses very little, but a lack of 200 cubes of volume at full load is felt. Therefore, a 1.6-liter example can only be taken if you plan to ride mainly one and unit and mainly around the city.
Of course, the 1.8-liter engine does not demonstrate excessive agility, but up to 2000 rpm, like most 16-platens, it is sluggish. But thanks to the predictable adhesion drive and a fairly short transmission, it allows you to move without tension in the torn rhythm of urban traffic jams. After 2000 revolutions, even acceleration until the limiter is triggered. Therefore, in general, a 1.8-liter motor is enough for an example.
Is it worth overpaying for a 2-liter engine? If you need burden and dynamics, and funds allow, probably, it makes sense.
But keep in mind that in combination with the mechanics, the box with a 2-liter motor will be 6-speed! You have to get used to it.

1. Flood traffic jam. 2. The oil probe of the engine. 3. The glass of the glass gunner. 4. Expanding tank of the cooling system. 5. The tank of the power steering. 6. The oil -stained neck of the engine. 7. The tank of the main brake cylinder. 8. Battery battery.

In terms of controllability in the standard modes, it does not present any surprises. Brakes and steering are quite reliable and predictable. By the way, despite the presence of a hydraulic wiper, the steering wheel does not seem superbly light. The steering wheel is constantly poured with an effort, which allows you to feel better.
But in terms of sled comfort, an example is rude. The suspension works noisily and painfully reacts to sharp irregularities. In this case, the vibrations are transferred to the steering wheel and not distinguished by the clarity of the work of the gearbox lever. At the same time, at speed and turns, a buildup appears, as if the suspension is too soft. Aerodynamic noises appear on the suburban highway too early, and on the rough road and on irregularities the body begins to resonate.
In general, sled comfort is definitely not a strong side of examples. The question is, is it possible to put up with this? If you initially do not have illusions for comfort, you can put it completely. Another thing is that everything is known in comparison. For example, the same Avensis is much smoother and quieter examples. But Vectra and Mazda-6 are somewhere nearby.
The pupil of the video camera settled over the rear license plate. The number is most likely to be installed without a plastic plate. She blocks the camera

The main thing is to know and be prepared for the fact that in the group where the examples plays, there is a rigid struggle of budgets and all automakers save on something. Some on design, others on finishing materials, others on comfort or sled qualities, fourth on all by a little. Therefore, if the creators have offered a futuristic design at a reasonable price, a rich set and even a rear view camera, they must have sacrificed something.
Operation, service
The cost of operating in the warranty period is one of the strengths of the strengths compared to some Japanese competitors.
In principle, Nissan does not offer anything supernatural. A guarantee for 3 years or 100,000 km of run and an interval of 15,000 km standard conditions for most Japanese firms today. But due to the presence of a large number of dealers independent of each other (in Russia there are 27) and, as a result, strong competition between them, some technical centers work at quite moderate prices about $ 35 per normal. This is not $ 5055, like Toyota or Mitsubishi.
Only spare parts remain expensive in Japanese. But on consumables in the next three years you will not go bankrupt, and from unforeseen expenses you need to insure, regardless of the cost of spare parts.
Nissan Primera 1.8
general information
5-seater sedan
Equipped mass, kg
Complete mass, kg
Maximum speed, km/h
Acceleration time 0100 km/h, with
Highway fuel consumption/city, l/100 km
Fuel supply, l
62 (AI-95)
Front transversely
gasoline, 4-cylinder, in order, with two upper camshafts
The number of valves per cylinder
Diam. cylinder x Piston stroke, mm
Working volume, SMZ
Power, L.S. at rpm
Torque, kgsm at rpm
front -wheel drive
Mechanical, 5-speed
Gear rates I; II; III; IV; V; Z.Kh.
3.33; 1.96; 1.29; 0.93; 0.76; 3.21
main gear
with reptile stabilizers
Independent, such as McEferson
dependent, with the mechanism of Scott-Rassel
REMENCH with an amplifier
disk with an amplifier and ABS, ventilated in front
205/60 R16

Prices for spare parts and that, $
TO1 (15,000 km) 150
TO2 (30,000 km) 200
TO3 (45,000 km) 220
Oil filter 10
Air filter 21
Spark plug (1 pc.) 24
Front brake pads/rear 75/57
Tip of steering thrust 71
Lever assembly 197
Front shock absorber/rear 170/100
Front wing 173
Rear wing 365
Hood 299
Front door 384
The rear door is 480
Front bumper assembly 227
Rear bumper assembly 185
Windshield 250
Side glass 73
Front headlight assembly (ordinary/xenon) 245/521
Rear lamp assembly 164
We decided:
An example can be addressed primarily to modern people, advanced, enthusiastically perceiving everything new and unusual. But in order for you to like an example, its avant -garde for you should be more important than a comfortable component. And one more advice. Come in serious choice of body.
Alexander Konov, photo of Alexander Sadovnikov

Source: Magazine "Limousine" [03/04]

Video Crash tests Nissan Primera sedan since 2002

Nissan Primera Crash Test sedan since 2002

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Nissan Primera malfunctions since 2002

Nissan Primera Sedan malfunctions: Detailed information
Primera sedan since 2002
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability