Test drive Nissan Primera sedan since 2002 sedan

You are not like everyone else

Primera looks consequently - a sort of jellyfish in a car embodiment. The hood smoothly passes into the windshield, and the rear glass floats on the trunk lid (company representatives emphasize that the manufacture of a cunning lug compartment cover is a real technological adventure). The outlines of the car are blurred, the silhouette is somewhat shapeless. Someone is looking for a corporate identity in sharp faces and sharp crossings, but Nissan went the other way. It is good that buyers understood and accepted this approach. We will accept, however, reluctantly. Still, there is something alien, unnatural in such a concept. Although in certain angles the car looks original, futuristic and attractive.

Inside is already better, no less conceptual than outside, but somehow clearer. Finishing materials - at an average level. There is nothing special to praise, but by and large there is nothing to scold. Leather chairs - just what the middle -level manager needs. Softly and with electroregulations. A little slippery, but how many will attack on this vehicle steep turns? Only madmen like us.

But the instrument panel in the center is beautiful. And still topically. Feature number one, neither give nor take. The devices are slightly turned to the driver, their graphics are modest, but pretty. They are read well and, most likely, are the pride of the owner of the car. Well, we understand him well - no one offers such extracts in the classroom.

The front panel of a large color display decorates, on which the readings of different systems are displayed. And also, and this is also an Ich, - a picture from the camera, which is hidden right in the lid of the trunk above the number. Funny little thing! Ask your friend to look there and crumple the grimace. We promise, it will be funny. The scattering of the buttons at the end of the central console is composed very conveniently, convenient for the palm of your hand. Yes, and the algorithm of work is known quickly, pay five minutes to the system, and you are bosom friends with it. The main functions are duplicated by stylish keys on the steering wheel.

The variator is another PRIMERA chip. Forget about machines, complex robotic mechanical gearboxes and other similar charms of progress - on the variator, progress can be stopped as unnecessary (we mean peaceful, civilian cars). The variator has two operating modes. The first will call the stung - this is the variator as such, by definition. The second is an imitation of an automatic gearbox. In the first mode, you press the gas, take off the turns: yes, they remain there. Without jumps and twitching, the car evenly and a little boring gains speed. The motor continuously howls at maximum speeds, which slightly presses on the psyche. Therefore, while you are not accustomed to this behavior of the tandem of the gearbox, sometimes turn on the second mode - the smart variator will arrange with six fixed steps and it will be clear to transmit the motor traction to the drive wheels. However, all this is from the evil one. The most effective is precisely the first regime.

And what about the motor? Another clerk in a solid, but not expensive non -wrestling suit, reliably doing his job. 140 forces enough for the extent of dynamic movement in the city stream - you will not grab stars from the sky, but you will not hit the mud with your face.

The suspension, this obviously was developed in the hope that the dashing driver would never buy Primera. By the way, such a calculation was correct. We tilted into turns at different speeds, and such, but, alas, we did not receive any pleasure. Information on the steering wheel is present, but more clearly perceived distinct rolls and a lack of suspension of the suspension. But if you roll calmly, without unnecessary fuss, the car will seem comfortable. Although the energy intensity is still not enough. Especially if you get out of town on a bumpy soil path. Even the body asks to urgently stop such a mockery - creaks doors in the openings on the most powerful excesses of the primer. No, rather back to the city!

Source: Motor magazine [No. 10/2005]

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Driver and passengers

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Primera sedan since 2002
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability