Nissan Patrol LWB test drive since 2004 SUV

Last Warrior
Affectionate in the fall the Italian sun is increasingly closing clouds more and more often, rain. We climb the updated Nissan Patrol up the mountain. The waves of the Mediterranean Sea remain further below, which did not cooled closer after the eruption of 2002, the crater of Etna. Asfalt finally ended. Rocky roads with ledges and promoons, abundantly sprinkled with a volcanic breed, very suitable for evaluation ...
"When the bumps were big ..." The test drive of the Nissan Patrol Gr car
The farther, the less understandable the desire of many well -known car concerns is to have a real, harsh SUV in the production range. Firstly, the crooking structure with a multiple margin of strength of the work of the work in production, which does not contribute to the availability of such a car. Secondly, counting on mass demand in Russia and several other underdeveloped countries is not necessary due to limited ...
Nimble "rogues"
Land Rover Discovery 3 and Nissan Patrol: both are good both on the asphalt and off -road today's heroes of our heading are not ordinary SUVs, but real off -road legends, covered in the glory of Camel Trophy and Dakar. However, to perceive them only as obedients of off -road would be an unforgivable mistake: both the new Discovery and the updated Patrol ...
Without quotes
The population of SUVs is growing steadily, and they themselves mutate, bending under a changeable world, new species and subspecies appear. At the same time, the founders of the genus, real SUVs, die out, are lost in the herd of those in the quotes of parquet. Nissan Patrol is precisely from such dinosaurs, a direct descendant of Willys grandfather, and, in principle, just like ...
The Nissan Patrol test coincided with that incredible January thaw that broke all the temperature records in one hundred and twenty years. In the world of Patrol, there is also a thaw - the sixth generation of the legendary SUV was noticeably younger, but the professional roots remained the same. Yes, yes, we have already introduced you to the updated Nissan Patrol after a trip to his European presentation. ...
Secret in "pots"
The most powerful Nissan Patrol came to Russia. The great -grandmother dabbled me with Russian cuisine: then the dumplings will make such that you eat fifty at a time, then he will weld the bruise that you recognize it by aroma from long -range approaches to the house. And hot?! How many my relatives on the female line did not try to repeat this miracle of cooking, ...
Tsar Mountain
Do not scream the king died. Long live the king! Regarding the update of Nissan Patrol. The restyled version of the famous model received a modern appearance and a stylish salon, but at the same time we have the same legendary obscure conqueror. There are not so many cars in the world that occupy an actually unshakable position in their class. But Nissan ...
The present and century past?
Do you remember who first divided the all -terrain vehicles into real and parquet? And who enriched the Russian language with the word jeep? Today, cars are changing too fast - language and terminology do not keep up with them. A real all -terrain vehicle is now not Willis or UAZ, but, of course, a solid car with a frame, dependent pendants in front and back, roomy ...
Once upon a time it all started with this car. It was he who was a large, hardy and all -profile about fifteen years ago that the world of the world -nore -rotes opened for the inhabitants of the collapsed Soviet Union. He opened and immediately ascended to the peak of steepness, causing fashion on the verge of hysteria. Pajero, Grand Cherokee, Tahoe, and others like ...
Always row, row everywhere, up to the days of the last Donets ...
Under the hood engine: working volume 4759 cm3, compression degree 9: 1, max. Power 245 liters. with. At 4800 rpm, max. The moment 400 nm at 3600 rpm of the fuel (EPA): 14.3/18.2 liters per 100 kmobbeu of the fuel tank: 95 publishing houses 7 -in -law, connected full pendant dependent multi -link, dependent multi -leaf gearbox AUT. 5-OTM. Dynamic characteristics of the speed, km/h 190 Discount to 100 ...

Nissan Patrol LWB Test Drive Video since 2004