Test Drives Nissan Navara (Frontier) King Cab since 2005 Picap

Bullfigue from Versace
There was no such car in Russia. Nissan became the first. So, I wish the best. I wish you! He lacks the machine gun ... yes, yes, for sure. Claimed from tank armor mighty wings and hood, massive body racks, compared to which the windshield no longer seems large, and the side and at all begin to resemble the sights ...
Pickup Navarian
Nissan made a picap luxury truck at the average Russian driver firmly associated with a truck. And frankly utilitarian exterior of the models officially represented in our market, and their internal design, and the level of equipment is not allowed to doubt the justice of this analogy. However, Nissan decided to redo the views of our motorists to such cars, released ...
Under the hood
Love for pickups has always been characteristic of America. There is a pick-up - your own for the farmer, and for a rapper-hung with gold. Another thing is Russia. Our people doubt the car, which, in fact, is quite close all-wheel drive (and not always) a truck. On the one hand, not status, with the other ...
Fifth Element
In the range of Nissan SUVs, the sports-utilitarian Pickup Navara became the fifth element, thus closed, thus cycle 4x4. Nothing, however, there is no mystical here ... Just now Nissan offers all-wheel drive cars in Russia from almost all categories, except for the luxury, but also on this, judging by the intentions of the Russian representative office of the company, it will be more. Pickup market ...
Test of a successful car
Nissan Navara is an almost unique car, which occupies a special place among classmates. Even taking into account the narrow positioning of pickups in the consumer market and despite their small choice, Navara deserves attention. During the test drive, we had to answer the main question: who is calculated by a pickup cost about forty thousand dollars and what ...
To me on the will
That's, they lived. Once the pickup was considered a utilitarian car, and now leather interior, climate control, good behavior on asphalt. Rather, a large and prestigious 4x4 car, not a truck. Sorry, I did not introduce the recruitment: Nissan Navara. Lux Pickup, as provided with a novelty, became the fifth officially sold all-wheel drive from this Japanese brand. The basis of the chassis ...
Pokemon and Baseballcake
All America has long and firmly obeyed on pickups. They carry the canisters with milk, which gives cow from Iowa, bricks, boards, skiing, snowmobiles, bicycles, tents - Yes, anything. These are cars for all occasions. American life. Partly - Japanese. But for some reason, not yet Russian. Pickup - One ...
Nissan Navara and Nissan Pathfinder - a bike that does not get
Love in nature, travel, ride kayaks, bicycles and other snowboards? You need an SUV! Or a pickup or better SUV somehow for luggage calmer. No, still pickup will go anymore. Major, will understand! In the last couple of years, Pickups became incredibly popular in the Russian market. Moreover, unlike the same America ...

Video crash tests Nissan Navara (Frontier) King Cab since 2005