Test Drives Mitsubishi Galant US 2004 - 2008 Sedan

Galant Sport 2.5 V6
Black sharks belonging to the Selachoidei family (real sharks), it is impossible to refuse a peculiar charm only on the grounds that they are not vegetarians. To feel it on yourself, it is not necessary to dive with the aqualung in the Australian Great Barrier Reef area, go to the oceanarium or watch the transfer of animals in the world. Just look at ...
Ice without flames
The first trip at the new Galanta fell for the evening. The devices were broken out with bright (even) Blue ice, hesitated and moved ahead the seat, slightly turned the mirrors - I am ready to go, it's notifiable and mastered first, the interior is mostly hidden by the dusk, secondly, what can be seen, subordinated The laws of practicality. So much that feelings are fresh ...
Galanny Century
The current Mitsubishi Galant does not so much Japanese as American does not need Europe. His no one is waiting there. But we, in the car sense, although not America, but, especially, not Europe. We, having remembered about the still favorite previous generations of gallants, on which we went, go, and we will ...
Class Inequality
For the price of the Appendix, it is fashionable to create models not in the usual classes, but in niches. But besides obviously combined, odious off-road coupes, racing jeeps and single-blank cabriolets there are a banal outstanding from a class in class. And it is against the background of the overall permanent growth of the dimension. This is something that hasnsubishi galantzen a tested car $ 33 700max. Power 158 ...
Magic carpet
Cars create emotional designers, cold-blooded engineers and calculating marketers. In the case of the new Mitsubishi Galant, some of these guys changed the role ... Look at the new Mitsubishi Galant. In three quarters, anfas, in the profile, behind ... What do you think? Rather, what do you feel? We think and feel that the new Galant could look different. ...