Test drive Mercedes Benz S-Class Sedan since 2011 sedan

Mercedes-Benz C180 BlueEfficency-“Ts” Harden!

With the release of the updated version of Mercedes C-Classe, he pulled out externally, became better in the cabin, acquired a new automatic transmission and received new security systems.

Tackout of personnel scourges of a modern organization of labor. Small, medium and large business, and, what a sin to hide, state organizations still suffer from this phenomenon. A similar situation in the world of cars. Even popular models sold in the market for a long time, overnight turn out to be dismissed, and in their place, as mushrooms after the rain, new brilliant and completely dissimilar cars appear on their predecessor. It is good or bad to judge the consumer. But the speed with which some models are radically changing is sometimes frightening. And only a competent leader belongs to his staff reverently, leaning the weaknesses of the employee and strengthens the strong ones.

The head optics with inlaid LED dimensions gives the appearance of the updated C-class swiftness and solidity at the same time.

This is what happened to Mercedes-Benz C-Class. The familiar to us since 2007, that by the standards of automotive life there are already very many, received a serious increase. According to the manufacturer, the total number of changed parts in the restyled version exceeds 2000 pieces. The figure is very impressive. Let's try to figure out where they managed to place them without harming the general concept of the model.

Changes in the aft at least: completely diode optics, that's all.

Appearance: no extreme measures were taken on changes, which only benefited. Stability plus evolution is the key to success. The front headlights, as if flirting, are curled up in surprise, producing the effect of wide open eyes. It is difficult to say whether this affects a more efficient use of lighting equipment, but the head optics has become much fresh and dynamic. The headlights themselves received integrated dimensional lights in the form of irregular LED hiring out. In addition, the LEDs settled in a fog -up comb and a posterior optics. The sharp edges of the bumper allowed to visually facilitate the lower part of the car, giving the silhouette of dynamism. By the way of relief: the front wings and the hood of the restyled machine are completely made of aluminum, due to which it was possible to save more than nine kilograms of healthy weight. Perhaps this is all outwardly noticeable changes in the body. But even an ignorant person can easily distinguish models before and after restyling.

The salon during restyling underwent the most serious changes and became as close as possible, in design and quality to older brothers - E and S class

The main changes are waiting in the cabin. With the output of the radically updated model in 2007, in the everyday life of motorists and auto professional, there were a lot of jokes and sharp comments on the interior in general and quality of materials in particular. But all this is behind. Looking ahead, I will say: from now on, S-Class has become more solid, presentable and more pleasant.

The first and most obvious update was the panel, or rather its upper part, which now accurately copies the silhouette of the panels of the older brothers E and the S-class. The multifunctional display received its place under the visor, which effectively protects information displayed on it from sunlight. This decision is more convenient for the previous departing monitor.

Below was a trapezoidal panel with logically located multimedia control buttons. The filling of this panel remains in fact without changes, a tangible difference is not felt. Everything is in place. The climate control unit, the automatic transmission lever and the washer of the multimedia system also remained the same. According to my personal sensations, it would be more convenient to arrange the puck closer to the automatic transmission handle, the rest of the ergonomics of the entire layout of the central blocks at the highest level.

The display of the on -board computer, or rather its design, strides in the leg with the times. All textures are fashionable with the effects of pseudoaluminia. Read great!

The dashboard acquired deep massive wells, which only improved the viewableness of the testimony. The on -board computer display, located exactly in the center of the speedometer, received a new design with the times.

The steering wheel deserves special attention, which, in comparison with the predecessor, decreased in dimensions and has become more convenient. Graceful, tenacious, with competent tides for the correct grip, the helm can rightly be considered one of the attractions of the new interior. The look at the materials used has changed in the root. If their quality did not cause doubt before restyling, but the appearance left much to be desired, then in the updated model and hands and the eye there is where to walk around. Otherwise, the salon was left without noticeable changes. Spaces, convenience and comfort are still at a decent level.

The Command multimedia system has acquired an Internet browser, however, it was not possible to check the performance, due to the refusal to interact the software with the phone.

The car we got to test was equipped with a 1.8 liter engine with a compressor with a capacity of 156 hp. Together with the power unit, the 7g-Tronic Plus automatic transmission operates this is the most significant innovation. Recall that before restyling, an obsolete 5-speed machine was responsible for gear shift. From now on, in this connection, the potential of both units is used as efficiently as possible. Even relatively modest characteristics of acceleration of 9 seconds to hundreds are very solid.

The suspension of serious adjustments did not undergo: the chassis is still configured by the principle of the middle ground to the best of comfort and moderately athletic.

The feeling of comfort during the ride is called upon to maintain auxiliary systems, including an assistant of the blind zones and a system of maintenance of the strip, which, with unauthorized (without turning on the turn signal) rebuilding from the strip into the strip, first warns with light vibration on the steering wheel, and if the driver does not respond, then according to The system returns the machine to the strip by slowing the wheel on one side or another. When using this system, together with remote cruise control, capable of making one hundred percent stops and emergency braking, you can easily travel quite a long distance without taking any machine management actions. We managed to drive along the Moscow Ring Road from Volokolamsk to Altufevsky Highway, without pressing a single pedal, but only occasionally stunning on a protracted arcs.

Countless assisting systems facilitates the driving of a car, perhaps only on distant strokes. In conditions of tense Moscow traffic, they are practically useless

Another assistant is designed to analyze the driver’s fatigue. However, at any time of the day in any situation, he highlighted us a cup of coffee, considering the driver extremely tired and advising him to rest. I think that the whole thing is in a forced manner of driving in conditions of constant acceleration and braking inherent in the metropolis.

In conclusion, we can say that the updated C-class has become much closer to its older brothers in quality and status. And, of course, he earned his increase in obvious successes.

Dmitry Malygin


Source: Carclub.ru

Video test drives Mercedes Benz S-Class Sedan since 2011