Test drives Mazda Mazda 3 (AXELA) Sedan 2004 - 2009 Sedan

Probable obvious
Prospects for new models are often uncertain - you need some time to figure out how good the car is. But the success of Mazda3 does not have to doubt: many advantages of this car are not only likely, but also obvious. Mazda3 forms a credit loan still at the correspondence stage: the car is produced in the country of the Rising Sun, and ultra-quality ...
Japanese arrows
Mazda3 is not inferior to an Italian rival, but more loyal to the driver at Alfa Romeo 147 a competitor appeared. For those who are well versed in cars, I think other comments and is not required. But still I will explain that Italian cars have always been valued for excellent running quality, and few people managed to surpass them. Meanwhile, ...
Mazda 3 Sedan is also zoom-zoom
After the presentation of the new Mazda3, the opinions of my colleagues were divided: someone really liked the stylish hatchback, and the other, on the contrary, I liked a modest but a pretty sedan. Nobody argued about the engines, driving qualities and the defense of new motors - only about the appearance of cars. And representatives of the company with satisfied species observed these discussions: if only ...
Mazda 3.
The taste of life Previous models Mazda were good machines, but no more. They were quite reliable, comfortable enough, but boring, like bank clerks. In short, they were best suited for people who only need one ride to work without much trouble and inconvenience. Six painted this gray ...
Mazda-Romeo, or Japanese zoom-zoom
Once, during the Alfa Romeo 147 test, I said rashly: a cool car, but if it were collected in Japan in Japan - I wouldn't have prices! The dealer was offended, probably thinking something like: what are you, when you are, seeing, see in great and clean love! But the thought of such a combination, like a Japanese car ...
Actual Mazda 3.
And two years after the Russian debut, this car did not lose market positions that changed since in Ai (No. 24 (46), 2003) was published by the first report with a test drive of this compact machine? The shelf of competitors arrived: almost all companies, both European and Asian, managed to update their models during this time ...
Real Steel
Competition in the segment with exacerbates, and this can not but rejoice. Unlike the situation of a decade ago, his inhabitants stopped submolding to touch the leader's tail and began to have real attacking maneuvers. As a result, a whole Pleiad of cars appeared on the light, swinging on the right to establish new standards, prerogative, already eternity as ...
Golden mean
In addition to the slogan zoom-zoom, Mazda has also invented an unusual way of designating models - the numbers must be written without a space after the word. Mazda3, but not Mazda 3! In principle, violation of the rules of the English language. But the same Japanese, who are creating wonders with English. Yes, and the company Ford, which Mazda belongs ...
Dishonest test
Ford Focus of the second generation - in fact the first mass foreign car of Russian production. The plant in Vsevolozhsk is gaining momentum with each month, the number of new boys on the road is growing steadily. Mazda3, in contrast to the Community, has long been a bestseller, although it is gained in a slightly different price category. It is significantly more expensive than Focus in a similar configuration, however ...
Let's go ... with a gun
You have not paid attention to how familiar to our motorists have become automatic transmissions? Five years ago, everyone crammed from them, like damn from Ladan, and now almost every second new car, which left the car dealership, is equipped with a machine gun. And even more so: if any model in the gamma does not have a modification with ...

Video Test Drives Mazda Mazda 3 (Axela) Sedan 2004 - 2009