Test drives Mazda 323 F 1994 - 1997 hatchback

Merry Mazda
The model under index 323 was prettier, but it has preserved a flexible character is a small car - like a woman sensitive to the wishes of her beloved: she is able to be what the chosen one wants to see her at the moment. A obstinate (fast) or languid (slow), defiantly bright or modest (select color and complete set). In a word, this is a good girlfriend for everything ...
Incorrect comparison
Compare Mazda 323 and Kia Rio? Yes, between them, the abyss of several thousand cu! Nevertheless, let's try. Yes, the significant differences between these cars are obvious, but something is related to them. This is something - an unusual five -door body: either a hatchback or a station wagon. In fact, there are such hybrids in the market ...
The secret of charm
Having increased the advantages of the predecessor, the updated Mazda 323 is able to conquer even biased people by the power of its charm. Did you get convinced of the correctness of the choice of some discreet, but a solid thing some time after its purchase? If so, you can easily understand the philosophy of three hundred twenty -thirds. This car (in this case, we are talking about the sedan) ...
Modest charm
Many of us when buying a car, not even noticing this ourselves, pay a lot of attention to the nationality of a future purchase. This is especially felt if the pre-passing car also had exotic roots. The former owner of the American model will probably first get acquainted with the offer of American automotive traders in this price range, and only then it will go to look at others ...
Mazda again. Again snowy
The name Mazda is persistently associated with employees of our magazine with frost, snowstorm, snowdrifts and other winter attributes. By a strange coincidence, we constantly have to test cars of this brand in arctic weather conditions. Agreeing on receiving a car at the dealer, we hoped to make a report on the features of the operation of Mazda in urban conditions, but collapsed ...
Three -native three
Nowadays, the name Mazda 323 has ceased to sound as a banal designation of the model - rather, this is something like a brand. Over the past thirty years, several generations of tremors have changed, and they parted around the world with millions of circulations. And not only under an index of three digits: in some countries the 323rd is known as Familia ...
On every day
Japanese cars penetrated our market almost simultaneously with European ones. The first were, of course, Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi. But Mazda cars began to appear in Russia a little later, first, used cars from Germany (model 626, for example, according to the results of sales, repeatedly became a car of the year among foreign cars), which are good of itself ...
Portrait on the background of rivals
Everything is known in comparison ... Guided by this, we went to the auto polygon in order to meticulously compare the most-most domestic VAZ 21103 car with its foreign classmates. In preparation for this test, a surprise awaited us. It turns out that there are not so many real classmates for one hundred and thirds, but the reason is that one and a half liters (even if this does not seem strange) ...
By evolution
Today, the car can be sold arbitrarily well, but who will guarantee its commercial success tomorrow? Only a constant process of improvement will help to resist the onslaught of competitors. According to the current laws of survival, already three to four years after the start of the release of the model, its improved version should be prepared. And here two directions are opened in front of the manufacturer: to invest, ...
Mazda 323
The autopilot evaluates cars according to five main criteria. The amount of advantages is indicated - b, the shortcomings - Ch. The next subject gained four B and one Ch. This is Mazda 323. Exterior. At the end of last year, the third coming of Mazda to the Russian market took place. Those cars that are delivered to us now, experts call the BJ series ...