Test drive Mazda 323 F 1994 - 1997 hatchback

Mazda again. Again snowy

The name Mazda is persistently associated with employees of our magazine with frost, snowstorm, snowdrifts and other winter attributes. By a strange coincidence, we constantly have to test cars of this brand in arctic weather conditions.

By agreeing on receiving a car at the dealer, we hoped to make a report on the features of the operation of Mazda in urban conditions, but the snowfall fell on Moscow made its own adjustments - the streets turned into the field of road services with elements, squares and avenues due to huge heaps of snow resembled in huge heaps of snow. The foothills of the Caucasus. The carriageway was very narrowed, which led to numerous jams, and standing in traffic jams, from all the wonderful qualities of the car, only the softness of the seats, the efficiency of the heater and the operation of the radio can be evaluated.

After conferring, we decided to conduct a test. But now in extreme mode - in deep snow and on bare ice. Where? Of course, at the central airfield to them. Frunze.

The first thing we saw by passing the checkpoint was an impressive column of army trucks, firmly settled in a single rut laid through the flight field. The actions of the military personnel who were in cars were so apathetic that it became clear: they were not the first hour and they do not count on an ambulance. The road and estimates that Mazda weighs a little - in which case, in hand you can take it to the road - we turn on the virgin lands. In the first gear, in a way, the car began to move forward slowly.

The machine shown in our disposal in the winter studded rubber Dunlop with a width of 185 mm. This is a lot for the ice road, but for deep snow - just right. From the side, a moving car is similar to a floating dolphin: the front wheels tamp the snow, forming a tubercle, then crossing it. The car pecks with his nose, dives, then the hood rises again ... The low spoiler of the front bumper works like a dump at the bulldozer, marking a significant part of the snow to the sides. Behind the car there is a wide furrow, the profile of which exactly corresponds to the configuration of the bottom. To the goal - a cleared area on the runway - reached safely.

Not only we chose a pokatushki airfield - someone carefully arranged a milestone for slalom, designated a pocket - parking and the boundaries of the territory liberated from snow. Machines for which all this was intended, either already, or there was no, and we were happy to frolic on the prepared highway. To begin with, a sharp acceleration on a straight line. It becomes sharp only after a speed set of 30-40 km/h and switching to the third gear: the first two are very short, the engine is spinning instantly, and the car, despite the winter tires, skids. For more efficient acceleration, you can ask the car to make you, slightly stinging the right and right.

With straight rotation of the wheel, the spikes drink in the ice six parallel grooves and become useless, and if the drive wheels begin to slip to the side, then each spike clings to the road at a new point and the clutch with the coating increases many times. You can also simultaneously operate with gas and brake pedals, achieving uniform rotation of both wheels and, as it were, blocking the differential. But this technique must be pre -mastering, adapting to the character of each particular machine. Mazda allows you to use both methods. The first - thanks to a sensitive and informative steering, the second - thanks to a powerful engine and successfully tuned ABS. Having accelerated to 60-70 km/h, the car is approved on the course and further acceleration does not cause anxiety or discomfort. At the entrance to the turn, the machine is completely controlled using gas and steering pedals.

The test program provides for several races along one trajectory with a sequential increase in speed. At first, Mazda behaves as a typical front -wheel drive, but, having overcome the line of 60 km/h (critical on the ice for most cars of such a layout), so confidently and tenaciously holds the way that there is a suspicion: but did we have a full -orientation for us for advertising purposes. version? Or full -focused? Ten to twelve years ago, Toyo Kogyo Co. Ltd., which owns the Mazda brand, actively developed such models and even released them in mass. To clean conscience, they were not too lazy to stop and look under the car from behind. Suspension levers, jet thrust, a powerful stabilizer of the anti -resistance stability - and no traces of the transmission or rotary mechanisms. After reading the specification, they found the answer: the distribution of weight along the axes is 52 and 48%, i.e.

almost perfect. Plus, winter shoes and 160 kg mentioned above in the center of the base is the crew. If desired, of course, you can tear the car in a skid and gently enter the turn on a side sliding, but still much more pleasant a feeling of stability on ice is not often found.

On the turn of the car, the car body almost all the time retains a horizontal position, but if it is still disturbed, then stabilization occurs instantly. The ice surface of the road is replete with small potholes and resembles a washing board. This is best felt at low speed, when the wheels are rolled through the tubercles - their suspension perceives as full obstacles. With fast driving, shock absorbers excellently work out all irregularities, and vibration is not transmitted to the salon. Noise insulation is also at a height: inside the machine you can talk in an undertone even with half -sides lowered.

The next stage is slalom. At the first arrival, I go around the milestones with a large margin, trying to develop an algorithm for steering.

Gradually, the amplitude decreases, the speed increases, but not enough to get a significant reactive force on the steering wheel. You have to straighten the wheels manually, often twisting strongly. It is possible that on dry asphalt the car will behave better, but for now, it is the fastest that the snake manages to go with the drift of the rear axle.

By tradition, the last stage of the dough is the test of the brake system.

It was impossible to catch the moment of turning on the ABS.

Probably because in these weather conditions it acts from the moment of pressing the pedal. On a straight car slows down effectively and stably, only minor side departments remind that under the wheels naked ice. When braking in the bend, the vibration of the brake pedal becomes stronger, a small recoil is felt on the steering wheel, but this is a low price for confident following along a given path.

Having mastered the character of Mazda and appreciated its running qualities, we finally once again grabbed the territory not touched by cleaners. Fantastic impression. The car rushes, as if not touching the road. Fountains of snow from under the wheels completely cover the side overview. A evenly lying completely white cover conceals the relief in front of the hood. All this completely deprives orientation and sense of speed. It seems to pull the steering wheel over yourself, and the car will begin to gain height.

When leaving the city streets, moderately cleared during our tests, we are still impressed by the flight. Passionate motorists shy away from a small machine, with a slip and a screech of rubber torn from traffic lights. The colossal charge of vigor and pleasure received from acquaintance with 323 F acted for several days.

Now a few words about what the car we tested is.

The Mazda 323 family (Familia for America) currently consists of a three -door station wagon - actually 323, a five -door hatchback - F and two sedans - S and Lantis. Model F is conceived as a machine with a pronounced sports temperament. This is evidenced by the fact that it is equipped with the most powerful gasoline engines in the range - 1.8 and 2.0 liters, as well as an aggressive front with narrowed headlights and upturned feed with mandatory anti -winged.

In addition, a more rapid, in comparison with other representatives of the surname, the appearance of the upper framework of the side glasses gives it, which is why the car seems easier, airy.

With the same sports slope, the salon is also decorated. The front seats are stylized under the pilot’s chair - developed relief, lateral support and high headrest. All conceivable adjustments make it possible to provide optimal planting to a person of any complexion and growth. All of them are carried out manually, electric drives are provided as an option.

The designers also took care of passengers located at the back. The second row of seats is not able to change the configuration, but the profiled back of the sofa, the armrests (on the doors and the hinged central) provide maximum comfort for two. The three of them will probably be crowded. The upholstery is combined, two -tone of dense, vile fabric, which has excellent friction properties. Contrary to the initial fears between the heads of medium-sized passengers and the passenger ceiling, 7-8 cm remains. In this regard, the hatchback favorably differs from the sedan, in which, when driving on bumps, even a short person risks recapturing his crown. Despite the fact that the rear sofa is noticeably recessed into the trunk, there is a lot of space for luggage. Access to it is possible both through the fifth door and from the salon, with a completely or partially back.

The lamb and the dashboard do not correspond to the sports motives of the interior. If there is a powerful hydraulic wrap in a car, there is no need to make the steering wheel so large. The built -in airbag does not justify this either - it is quite compact and noticeably shifted down. The designers did not be wise over the combination of devices. It is standard for all options for the 323rd, consists of a speedometer, tachometer and two signs - temperature and fuel level. The steering column is adjustable in height in a very large range; Even putting the steering wheel on his knees, the devices are easy to keep under the clearance between the knitting needle and the rim of the steering wheel. This is with a straightforward movement. And in the bend they are overlapped by a chubby pillow. The pedals are widely placed, the distances between them are the same. This is very convenient for those who are used to slowing down with their left foot.

In the center of the front panel are climate control and radio control handles. Cars come from the factory equipped with audio acid, then the dealer sets the device in accordance with the buyer’s addictions, or by its own, or does not install at all. On the central console there are a couple of cup holders, an ashtray and a gearbox pen. The headman is small, the levers are short and clear. The work with a box gives great pleasure - the driver is enough to slightly push the handle in the desired direction, the disposal and fixation occur automatically.

Forward and to the sides the review is excellent, which can not be said about the back. The glass of the fifth door itself is quite large, but it is very tilted, and the feed of the car, for the sake of style, is high. Through the intra -junction mirror, only the roofs of cars going behind are visible.

External facilitates orientation, but exclusively on the road, in motion. When maneuvering reversing there are big problems.

The space under the hood is organized very sensible: in the center - the engine, the design of its lid leaves no doubt about the presence of two distribution shafts. Along the perimeter, in the cavities above the wheeled arches, auxiliary systems are placed. All hinged units are quite available for dismantling or maintenance. The exhaust manifold is closed by a heat-reflecting casing-firstly, so as not to get burned inadvertently, and secondly, in order to exclude overheating of the radiator.

For unknown reasons, Mazda was in no hurry to master the Russian market. While the other whales of the Japanese auto industry have already won and hold on a strong position, this company takes only the first steps, overcoming hard competition. Mazda's main trump cards are innovative technical solutions that she has always been famous for, and moderate prices. We hope that the peculiarity of domestic business will not scare away the management of the company, and its products will take a worthy place in the dense ranks of compatriots.

Evgeny Romantovsky

A source: Motor magazine [No. 4/1998]

Test drives Mazda 323 F 1994 - 1997