Lexus RX 1998 test drives - 2003 SUV

Lexus RX300, Volkswagen Touareg V6 3.2
Lexus RX300 has been launched since 2003. It has been equipped with two types of engines - gasoline V6, 3.0 and 3.3 l with a capacity of 150 and 169 kW, front or all -wheel drive, automatic transmission. Coating for the Russian market - only with all -wheel drive and engine 3.0 l. Pneumatic suspension with the regulation of the road clearance in the trim levels R2 and R3.
Energy saving
From school lessons of physics, we remember that if it arrives in one place, then it will surely lose in another. The next proof of this law was the new Lexus RX300. We realized why, more and more often, the place of test drives of the latest new products of car concerns choose Sardinia. Firstly, not too many curious people, approximately like we have somewhere in Pskov ...
Sushi in chocolate
For modern Russian literature, publicist Igor Svinarenko, widely known in narrow circles as a crest, did no less than his friend, Leonid Parfyonov, to create a special broadcasting of NTV reporters. Mr. Pvinarenko Autopilot offered to travel a week on the new Lexus RX300. I will immediately: I am just a user. Sitt - started - went. I arrived…
Open Europe
The Lexus brand Toyota marketer came up with America. Yes, so successfully that everything almost ended in an economic scandal. And after almost ten years, the Japanese reached Europe. For the tastes of the Old World, the Lexus RX300 is designed. Exactly two years ago, Autopilot introduced his readers to a new car. Then the RX300 was supplied only ...

Video Crash tests Lexus RX 1998 - 2003