Reviews Lexus RX 1998 - 2003

Lexus RX1998 - 2003 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of the RX operation.
Engine minimum Repair Cost Problems
Transmission Automatic transmission often fails, malfunction symptoms: blows or shocks when you turn on the drive (s) or reverse. Repair cost - from 20 thousand rubles.
Management and suspension system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system Due to the weight of the car, brake discs and pads wear out 50 thousand km.
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other minimum Repair Cost Problems
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information are collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-13 13:08:30

I somehow broke the window with a view to twist a wooden brandwriter-handle automatic transmission. For 3 years of operation there was no special problems, now the box as it began to behave: how difficult it is to switch to the second transmission ... I think about buying RX 400H

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2012-07-13 14:04:40

I catch some kind of crunch when you turn the steering wheel, as if it hurts the rotation pointer. I looked at the pit - everything is in order. Circling the steering wheel with one hand, and the second hold the turning pointer and that's how it hurts something.

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2012-07-17 12:21:34

Do not do that. If you turn on to the left and holding the switch, twist the steering wheel to the right, then the crunch occurs. The return mechanism is triggered. So it can be broken.

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2012-07-17 13:40:06

V Rajone Podrulevogo Perekljuchatelja Mozhet Trewat 'Ulitka (SHLEJF V KOROBOCHKE) I Prilegajuchie K Nej Detali .... ILI NEPRAVIL'NO RUL'EVOE KOLESO USTANOVIL ...

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2012-10-25 17:23:19

I also smashed as the front right glass to steal the Wooden Obalnik ACP. And so cool she! The machine works properly. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

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