Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) test drive since 2007 SUV

Wild guy

The new Cheroki did not shake more beautifully nor combed his hair. He simply changed one jacket to another and disheveled in a different manner. And why should a gloss to bring if you still get dirty?
Another drive
If it weren’t for a helicopter that most heavenly took us from a mosquito paradise on Seliger, then a peppy grace to Cheroki in the chosen places of the Tver region would have remained for me the most striking impression of acquaintance with a new car. The old Mi-8, of course, is cooler, but the jeep is also very cool, believe me. Although, I must say, the initially upcoming meeting with the Indian did not at all plunged me into a sacred thrill. Moreover, a year ago I pretty much rolled at Dodge-Nitro (which is the same new Chirik, only with a cool ram on the grill and without a reducing transmission) and did not delight: the usual leisurely American Ulyan with a bright appearance and a rusted interior. And what should I expect from Cheroka?
It turned out to be drive. But not the highway drive that gives a quick and accurate passenger car, but a drive of a completely different property. When such an amazing landscape of nasty, it becomes just scary on a forest primer under the wheels of a car at a crazy speed, is it just scary and will I tear off the bottom now? What is there! Chirik jumps, rolls and, when he pours into the next hole, even claps in the cabin with something, but the suspension meekly suffers a slap in the face, without showing a single displeased breakdown. This is just some kind of mess! ESP is triggered from time to time, but each time it does it so appropriate that you want to throw the steering wheel and start applauding: without a stabilization system, such a speed along such a road on a heavy and high machine would turn into an exile torment.
Then the primer is replaced by something completely unimaginable: to call this expensive language more than a random pile of slides, turns and deep pits filled with gloomy mud. But the hellish annealing continues Cheroki confidently crawls forward, occasionally stroking the soil with a fit belly. Managing a car is easier: know yourself twist with a steering wheel and slowly squeeze the sole of the gas pedal. Probably, it would be possible to drive in a straight line, but out of a passenger habit, I still carefully bring down every obstacle to an awesome look. The gasoline engine pulls well from the bottom, and the machine is smoothes reactions to the operation of the accelerator: who said that the offroud is difficult?
The next test is complete absence of the road. Ahead is steep, like a helicopter. Be sure to try two new systems: help and descent help. I enter the hill and stop without reaching the top. Then I release the brake pedal, and while the leg travels to the gas pedal, the car stands as it stood without rolling back. And really convenient! After stopping on the very top, I click on the button that activates the HDC system, and remove the leg from the brake pedal. The car begins to carefully move down without accelerating. By the way, unlike other all -terrain vehicles, during the descent of Cheroka, the driver and the brake and gas, without turning off the system, allows the driver to use the driver. However, if the pedals are released again, the jeep will restore its previous speed.
Chirik very harmoniously combined the truly all -terrible values \u200b\u200bof a long -flowing suspension, a hard rear bridge that lowers the transmission and achievements of parquet progress: electronics are so organically complemented by iron that overcoming off -road really seems funny entertainment. It seems that there is no need to understand the nuances of driving outside the road the car will do everything for you. And therefore, the main thing here is not to be starting to watch: no matter how capabilities the jeep possesses, you can plant it.
I'll be back, perhaps, on the asphalt.
Jeep Dzhipovo
As before, Cheroki is a classic all -around: he did not come close to purely road cars. Acceleration that on gasoline, that on a diesel engine does not affect the imagination: the car simply gains speed, turning off emotions. At all, not at all a racing car. And thank God: many are sure that Cheroki gives a feeling of a serious heavy machine. He does not even try to hide his nature with a jeep should be a jeep!
And this position is pretty to me. Moreover, I myself rode for quite a long time on the chirka, it was a first -generation car with the factory designation XJ. The brakes of brick were cotton, no controllability, and the suspension is contradictory: hard and soft at the same time. When accelerating, the jeep crouched on the rear wheels, when braking he buried his face in the ground, and in corners he was not childish, but at the same time it was impossible to name a comfortable suspension.
Of course, the new Cheroki behaves much more culturally, but the echoes of the past still remained. And yes: outwardly, the last generation car is much closer to the source than its recent round -fingered predecessor. And as soon as I took advantage of the services of the glass gunner, as the past again made itself felt: on that Ix-Gerly washer sprayed with exactly the same even fan all over the glass, which brought me into indescribable delight. I recognize you, Chirok!
What is characteristic
The Americans attached a commander’s nose to the Indian: in front of Cheroki you can easily be confused with the flagship commander, who, by the way, is still a handsome man. But having observed a wide couple of days, I got used to his new appearance and even imbued a little: I scared, of course, but very charming! And, most importantly, with character.
The character, by the way, is not easy. Once the army breed gives itself out in the cabin. The driver’s landing is very peculiar: the massive central tunnel pushed the pedal knot to the left, and not to reach the site for relaxation, so you just put it on the floor. The steering wheel tends to lie on his knees. But you can adapt.
The transmission modes are switched by an elegant lever
On off -road, the passenger can only hold by the handle above the glove box either on the front rack or above the door of the handrails
Panoramic Luke Sky Slider The most curious of possible options
The salon compared to the predecessor became more noble: chrome and plastics-Serebryanka appeared. But hard plastic has not gone anywhere. He is everywhere: torpedo, central console, door panels all of it. Of course, for that kind of money I would like something softer. But when you remember that American dealers are asking for Cheroki in the $ 21,785 database (more than two times cheaper than ours, the Yankees are lucky!), Everything falls into place. Moreover, the obvious plasticity does not spoil the car much: this is not a glamor mobile, right?
Although with the custom-made Superlucian Sky Slider, the jeep definitely claims to be a place in the sun. Cool thing! Stretching almost in the entire length of the roof, he using an electric drive folds into an accordion and opens the sky not only to the driver, but also to all its fellow travelers, and it can be collected not only from behind, but also in front. The miracle-wing is made of waterproof acrylic fiber and equipped with special sensors that stop its movement if something is in the way or, more likely, someone. I, having played with a panorama, hastened to lift the hatch as soon as a column from brand new chirks hit the road: the first deep puddle with an open roof promised a mud bath. And for sure: after five minutes, the car was reduced from head to toe cheerfully dried in the sun with mud.
On the hardcore off -road passengers, the sofa throws throughout the cabin
The machine is well adapted for transporting long -meters
The trunk does not affect in size, but the loading height is actually very large
Rare view
Probably, if I did not know what the new Cheroki on the off -road, I would hardly have been fascinated by this machine. And so, at least, I understand why it is needed. But to a much greater extent, Chirik is valuable to us because it is one of the most male cars of our time. Now, when newly appearing models compete with each other in metrosexuality, trying to appeal to both strong and weak sex, Cheroki does not make a curtsy in the ladies' side. Unsceptible, not the most convenient, poorly feeling on the asphalt, this guy definitely will not like the girls. Thank you, jeep, thank you, Cheroki! While such cars will be produced, you can live calmly: men have something to ride.
Now all -frusters are increasingly turning into simply road workers. But not Cheroki. This one, as before, is capable of serious exploits thanks to an intelligent full drive, good geometric patency and lowering gear. This machine is ennobled by progress, but not crushed by it. But how many who will be ready to evaluate this?
Definitely diesel!
Although the Americans have the opportunity to become jeepers for mere pennies, they still will not be able to know Cheroki with a magnificent 2.8-liter diesel engine that develops 177 liters. p., in the States traditionally sold exclusively gasoline jeeps. We have an additional payment for the Italian VM turbodiesel is only 23,500 rubles. The motor loses to the 3.7-liter gasoline engine at the maximum junction, but it gains a hundred quickly, and fuel consumption is an order of magnitude lower. The basic equipment is quite rich, but for a surcharge you can get a sliding panoramic roof of the Sky Slider (44,650 rubles) or a regular hatch (37,365 rubles), a sophisticated multimediasist with navigation (65,095 rubles) and an additional package of an additional additional when operating an additional one. equipment (11,750 rubles), including protection of the fuel tank, gearbox and front suspension, as well as a full -sized spare wheel.
Kirill Brevdo, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [10/2008]

Video test drives Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) since 2007