Hyundai Sonata i45 test drive since 2009 sedan

Election Day

It happened! The Volga-Siber joined the election race for the wallets of buyers. We reduced her with the favorite of the market in the class of inexpensive, but roomy Sedan Hyundai-Monatia and the colorful Chinese diamond-M2. The impressions are shared by Mikhail Gzovsky. Photo: Konstantin Yakubov.
Hyundai Sonata 2.0 L, 137 hp, 4-speed automatic, GLS equipment, 602 700 rub.
Brilliance M2 1.8 L, 136 hp, 5-speed mechanics, Deluxe equipment, 540 000 rub.
Volga Siber 2.4 L, 143 hp, 4-speed automatic, Comfort, 580 000 rub.
The best way to feel the car to wave in a couple of hundred kilometers. Our choice is Yaroslavl. The end point of the run is the main square of the city: characteristic administrative architecture is harmoniously combined with the philosophy of the subjects, primarily the new Volga. But while we are taking a closer look at the competitors.
Gold, diamonds?
At dusk, the diamond looks original, although many features in combination with the emblem inspire associations with Mazerati. At night, it is easy to confuse him with BMW because of the characteristic cilia of the overall lights in the headlights. And what, not the worst examples to follow! It is no coincidence that the resemblance to the German model. Five years ago, Diamond and the Bavarian company opened a joint venture for the production of BMW of the 3rd and 5th series. Only the hosts of the diamond asked artists from the Italdesign studio, responsible for developing the appearance of M2, to give the car the features of the Bavarian standard.
It is a pity that a pleasant impression of appearance is not supported at the level of sense of smell and tactile sensations. I open the door and immediately feel the signature smell of a Chinese car. BMW also smells, but there are different aromas: an expensive European restaurant against a vegetable base.
The steering wheel with a thin rim in the cross section, the unimportant quality of the audio system sound all this disappointed from the first minutes. But it is well conceived! The front panel is well drawn; Unusual, but conveniently organized climate control, successfully located on the console buttons to open the trunk and gas tank, and laconic devices are good.
In the movement, the diamond is also contradictory. It is playing playfully with small irregularities, on a good highway, it is confidently standing on a straight line. On asphalt waves, M2 begins to sway slightly, and diagonal vibrations are not uncommon. Large potholes are harshly given in the suspension lack of energy intensity and move.
Surprisingly, with all the disadvantages, the Chinese of the Chinese is sports. Hopeful following the wheel and a decent stability supply in the bend the merit of the adapted suspension of the Mitsubishi Galant of the previous generation.
Probably, the engineers set up M2 on the patist of BMW, only something was not enough. Patience or funds?
Why do all the pedals have a move so small, and the effort is great as in a sports car? Why does the box lever stuck in the switching mechanism (selectivity, by the way, is not bad!), Like a 30-degree frost outside? On the course of the vibration of the lever causes a resonant buzz, which can be stopped only by putting a hand on it.
But the greatest disappointment of the engine. Yes, the diamond was almost 2 seconds faster than opponents in acceleration, but the reverse side of this winning is complete helplessness at low speeds. At the rise at a speed of a hundred, you first have to go down for the fourth gear, and then to the third. If you want to use a high -speed character to the maximum, get ready to listen to a strained song.
Diamonds are one of the few Chinese manufacturers participating in the largest European car dealerships for several years in a row. And one of the first to go on sale in the EU. But they have not yet received serious support for the European electorate.
In a bakery in a taxi
The secret of eternal youth sonata is the notorious formula maximum a car for their money. But, unlike Chinese, Korean automakers have long been operating not only with dry numbers. What is the leather salon in Russia, if heating is not provided? The Chinese offer this, Koreans are not. Is it because China has been making cars for itself so far, and Hyundai has long shot to the spoiled market of America?
Sonata product is carefully planned, oriented for its buyer and calculated to the last won. The smoothness of the appearance expectedly flows into the salon and is grounded on the asphalt. A shapeless driver's seat allows, however, it is convenient to sit down. The main thing is that the growth does not exceed the average much, otherwise there is not enough adjustment in length. The control of light and climate is clear from the first seconds at an intuitive level. And that the radio is not built -in, so maybe this is good?
Let the pendants are too soft, and the reactions to rotation by the steering wheel delay and cause iron -like fluctuations in the stern. But the smoothness is good! You don’t go in the sonata, without noticing the seams and sloppy road patches; Only occasionally the drum fraction of gravel by arches comes from below.
In order not to frighten off this lullaby, do not abuse the accelerator. The automatic box works smoothly in order not to disturb the passenger, and the engine howl at high speeds quickly persuades to remove the leg from the gas. At high speed, the sonata is slightly, but does not frighteningly swim along the road, reminding him once again: do not rush! It is impossible to conquer the voter with vanity: a clear line of behavior and a good election program are needed. Hyundai's arguments are iron: a voluminous luggage compartment, there is enough space from the back for three large passengers, and the reputation of the model is excellent, see how many sonata with taxi checkers on the streets.
And if they do not take?
We rarely feel our own age for the time being. I am aware of my cars. It is strange to see the chopped forms of the 1980s and recall the school years, even more wonderful to look at the naive roundness of the 1970s. Saiber’s predatory profile unequivocally says: I come from the late 1990s of the early 2000s. Born in Detroit American, continued to serve in Detroit Russian
At the Sebring, from which Saiber was made, I managed to once travel a day or two. It would seem, where to wait for the new one? But this Volga is different! I'm not talking about appearance, which, by the way, most of my friends liked it. Gas engineers managed to combine incompatible.
The car ignores the ruts and, when the wheel gets into a large pacifine, shudders only on average. Excellent course stability is combined with good smoothness. I remember that Sebring showed excessive softness in this matter, up to the bit during braking and squat at a sharp start. Saiber is completely devoid of these Americanisms. From the overseas car you do not expect an obedient drive, the reactive force on which is close to optimal. In response to provocative driving a hint of insufficient rotation. The 4-speed automatic is an expected non-bureaucrat, especially when switching down today, and strives even when you calmly ride the motor up to 4,500 rpm. In the kik doward, the engine roars menacingly, but you expect more from overclocking. However, a solid official was not in a hurry! By the way, what is he in the new Volga?
It is not too convenient to sit back to sit down Saiber to bow to a provincial scale. Having penetrated the salon, you will have to struggle in search of a convenient posture: the seat is low, the legs hang in the air. The three of them here is uncomfortable: the average tunnel on the floor interferes, the passengers almost rest against the ceiling with their heads. You can’t write off age! Not passengers, but Chrysler. These are not the only anachronisms: the air conditioner has rotating pens with an unusual algorithm, the wipers come to life after turning the wheel on the steering wheel, it is impossible to choose the desired mode the desired mode the first time is impossible. Similarly (only on the left), the lighting of the devices is turned on, and when you check the wheel in the extreme position, you will unexpectedly blind the salon lighting. I recognize you, the old kind Volga!
The calculation of gas is clear: a car of Russian production and the original Russian brand (nothing that the letters of Latin) is very promising from the point of view of the state order. Maybe the corresponding agreement has been reached even before the start of production? If so, the project is protected from the failure of the most reliable insurance company by the state. So the threat of a manager from the Gaidaev comedy: and if they do not take, turn off the gas! It is unlikely to come true.
So, what will the party and the people choose? Of course, officials will prefer what is needed. And you and I, fortunately, have the right to vote ._x0008_
Brilliance M2
The Chinese sedan has been produced since 2005, in Russia it has been sold since the summer of 2007.
Engine: gasoline 1.6 and 1.8 liters (100 and 136 hp).
Gearbox: 5-speed mechanical.
Complete: Comfortable, Deluxe.
Price: 455 000540 000 rub.
+ Good controllability and smoothness at high speed, modern appearance.
- _X0007_MARARICARY force on the pedals and in the transmission mechanism, sluggish on the bottom of the motor, an uncomfortable trunk.
General assessment 7.5
It is well painted, well assembled, it is not at all brought with such a set of properties to claim success.
Hyundai Sonata
The Korean model debuted in 2001, in Russia it has been produced on Tagaz since 2004.
Engines: gasoline 2.0 and 2.7 liters (137 and 172 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic.
Complete: GL, GLS.
Price: 527 000725 700 rub.
+ Good smoothness, spacious rear sofa, logical operation of the machine.
- _x0007_NENformative steering, small road clearance.
General assessment 8.1
Time -tested comfortable model for those who are never in a hurry.
Volga Siber
The overflow of Krysler-Sebring (aka Dodge Status) in the 2000, stood on the conveyor of gas in September of the outgoing year.
Engine: gasoline 2.0 and 2.4 liters (141 and 143 hp).
Gearbox: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic.
Complete: Comfort, Lux.
Price: 540 000640 000 rub.
+ Convenient driver's seat, spacious trunk, good review, clear handling.
- _x0007_Skroma road clearance, vibrations on the steering wheel, lack of climate control.
General assessment 8.2
The American charm, the sled manners adapted to Russia and the native name make many shortcomings forgive.
Mikhail GZOVSKY: Despite the tangible progress, Chinese cars are far from both Korean and American competitors, even nenovo in design.


Source: The magazine "Driving"