Hyundai Sonata i45 test drive since 2009 sedan

The quality of "sound"

The current generation of Sonata is the sixth in a row. However, for other markets, the model is called as i45

It so happened that the Koreans of the Japanese, to put it mildly, dislike. And this feeling pours out in their acute desire to take the islanders where the chance will only appear. In particular, try to overtake in the automotive industry. The new Hyundai Sonata is a vivid example of an attempt by this kind.
The inhabitants of the country of morning freshness are about the Japanese are approximately the same as the Greeks to the Turks, who at one time captured half of Cyprus. Or as faithful Palestinians to the inhabitants of the kibbutsev. These high relations originated back in the 16th century, when the samurai army played along the Korean peninsula. Then its inhabitants were saved only by the introduction of an unlimited contingent of the Chinese army. In the past century, the rising sun of the Japanese occupying troops re -over Korea from 1910 to 1945. As much as the whole Memorial of Victory in South Korea talks in detail about all kinds of atrocities and oppression of the local population by the Japanese. The desire to take revenge on the neighbor at least by economic methods among the Koreans is very strong. It is no worse to build cars than the ex-commanders, they have been trying for a long time, but so far somehow without much success. But having made a new Sonata, representatives of the Korean automobile industry seemed to have decided that they had reached the desired level. It is difficult to find a different explanation of the not -so -modest price of this model.

The two -color gamut, in which the salon is decorated, does not cut his eyes at all, despite the fact that the Chinese, engaged in automobile production, hopelessly surpassed the very concept of creamy skin.

The engine starting system from the button harmoniously complements the machine locking system controlled by buttons on the door handles.

But about this at one time, first we will talk about the car itself. Only this time we will do without indispensable attributes of professional articles about cars, without all these stamps about the rapid design, the smooth line of the roof and dynamic bends of something there is somewhere in the photographs. Even from them it is clear that with the appearance of Hyundai Sonata everything is in order. On the one hand, the Koreans managed to resist the attempts of a stupid rethinking of someone’s ideas, and on the other, they did not fall to another extreme. They did not break their original way, giving rise to the selfless carts of monstrous design, as, for example, most recently, no less Korean Ssangyong acted. In general, from now on, Sonata has not only its own, and also a pretty fresh face that looks at least no worse than competitors, including branded marketers, Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. By the way, the main field of the battle of the young Korean patriot with Honored Samurai Market of North America. We, of course, have a similar process will not have a less epic scale as an example.

The instrument panel looks simple and stylish. And the branded blue rims came here very helpful.

To have fun with the manual mode of a six -speed automatic transmission, it bothers quite quickly: this machine has a rather calm driving style.

Yes, the modern auto design is penetrated through by mutual plagiarism. But such a straightforward copying of a man who controls the climate control is still slightly tag.

As for the passenger compartment, then, as they say, there is a nuance. The instrument panel is made in a very concise style. Two electronic dials. In the center of each according to the pointer (fuel supply and engine temperature). Black and white gamut dilutes a bluish rim. Between the dominant on the dashboard, the circles are displayed by the testimony of the on -board computer. Everything is clear, understandable and pretty. The test, in general. The steering wheel is sheathed with leather. On the plastic of the upper part of the front panel, it did not try to save it soft and, as they say, correct to the touch. But his bright fellow who went to the interior finish below the waterline is clearly simpler. However, this does not affect speed. In the central console, in addition to music in its upper part, the gaze inevitably stumbled upon a climate control unit (single-zone, by the way). He, as they say, is licked from a similar unit of the Volvo brand. Still, the situation is strange: a respected Korean brand, and the Chinese brand is borrounded and this device is somehow ambiguously copied. According to a simplified methodology. The Volovian man is pressed: both the body and the head. And Korean only has a body. His head is only supposed to be for beauty. Such a climate without a head.

On the back sofa, two passengers will be located with everything possible for this class of cars with comfort.

The fact that the front seats do not have a special ability to side support, one may not say: this parameter is traditionally not included in the list of needs of the main sales market for the US model. By the way, the algorithm for working door blocking on the go. As soon as you stop and put the automatic transmission lever in the parking position, all the doors are automatically unlocked. Each time at such a moment I want to say something like: the train does not go further, please free the wagons! Laughter laughter, but this increased helpfulness of the central castle can play with the owner of an angry joke: the booster is not asleep, you know.

The fact that the car is not in vain claiming the title of business sedan, you are finally convinced, sitting in the back seat. The standard test of landing himself showed that a person up to 185 cm tall on the back sofa, without touching the knees of the driver's seat. And there is enough air over your head.

In the dynamics, Hyundai Sonata makes a rather peculiar impression. Firstly, from the very first minutes of the trip it becomes clear that 178 horses of a 2.4-liter gasoline engine are enough here. Moreover, despite the presence of an automatic six -speed transmission. This is a top for the Russian market combination of a pair of a motor gearbox for Sonata. This couple can quite vigorously disperse the car both for high-speed cruising along a suburban highway, and for energetic overtaking in the city stream. On the highway of the car eats about 10, and in the city 1214 liters of the 95th. Everything is on the average level. But there is one unpleasant but. Suspension. Apparently, the designers intended to make her European assembled and clear both in corners and in a straight line, even when driving in domestic bumpy directions. Did not work out. Having passed literally a few kilometers, you understand that the suspension pedantically conveys to the body of vibration from each irregularities that fell under the wheels: from impressive potholes in the asphalt and ending with cracks of hair thickness. Of course, many people like to feel the way for the fifth end of the fifth point, not without reason the karting is considered a rather popular Sunday hobby. But in a business class, such an option is still unnecessary. And with the energy intensity, not everything is in order here: the driver of Sonata must either go around quite harmless potholes in the asphalt, or reduce speed before them. Unless, of course, does not want to frown from the vile metal BAMS every time in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper shock absorbers.

Now about prices. They start with 930,000 rubles for a naked car with a two-liter 150-horsepower engine on the handle. For the top version with 178 horses under the hood and with an automaton, you will have to lay out about 1,200,000. Representatives of the company are sure that this is a very competitive offer in our market. After all, Japanese models in a similar configuration are noticeably more expensive. That's glorious, cheers: the Koreans caught up and overtook the Japanese! Separate gratitude before the construction of a high course of Japanese yen! The main thing is that centenary resentment is finally revenged. But it may seem so only if the titanic effort of will to close your eyes to the existence of a similar Ford Mondeo in our market. For the same 1.2 lyama, you can purchase the mondeo refined to the maximum. But only the engine here will be a 200-horsepower and KP advanced two-disc powershift. Only he is one, if anyone does not know yet, in comparison with a traditional automaton, at least a liter of fuel for every hundred mileage saves and this will, in every sense, a European machine, without any reservations and assumptions!


Source: MKOMBILA magazine [May/2011]