Hyundai Sonata i45 test drive since 2009 sedan

Hyundai Sonata: solo improvisation for a whole orchestra

The calm name was the best suited for the two previous generations of the Korean sedan. The current car is completely different. Sonata number six tries to infect you with its active life position.

Hyundai Sonata, from 899 900 rubles, kar from 9.76 rubles/km
Now, if to the legs of Jennifer Lopez
Ah, what eyes! Large, slanting, icy, worst purity. And where did I see such? The nose, by the way, is also not possible. As if a radiator grille in the Toyota Camry style, a sharp, predatory grin, typed from sharply sharpened blades. And these contemptuously pursed lips, wrinkles of folds on the sides, capriciously arched stamping thresholds of thresholds, the expression from this car is blurring!
Exactly a year ago, when the prototype of the car was represented in Geneva, the Koreans called her style liquid sculpture. It seems. Although one cannot but admit that the Sonata lines are cunningly intertwined - it is not at all like Elantra, IX35 and her other relatives. But in the profile, the Korean sedan frankly resembles a car of a completely different level of Mercedes-Benz CLS. At the back of Hyundai, one can completely recognize for the 5th episode from BMW. And even the side mirrors of the Korean folds exclusively in the German manner without pressing his ears, but lifting them up.
A series of coincidences could be continued, but nevertheless, designers from the California studio of Hyundai do not deserve accusations in plagiarism: they simply successfully disposed of the ideas spied on the side, worshiping something very much of them. No, this is an unknown passage from the Gogol marriage about the lips of Nikanor Ivanovich and the nose of Ivan Kuzmich. There is completely different.
The elegant, like a roof line, spectacular drops of headlights, flowing from the wings to the bumper, the embossed subframes of the sidewalls with such a set of expressive means, the current Sonata looks not only brighter than all its ancestors, but, perhaps, more interesting than many classmates. The energy of the car is such that it is transmitted to me, cheering up on a gray and dank February day.

Carried away
I found the workplace of the driver to be equipped no less interesting, bright and positive. The front panel stems in exciting from the door to the door spectacularly complements the central console depicting the cobra prepared for the attack. The devices wired by pressing the buttons shoot the instruments in the eyes of a white-moon backlight, and the petals peeping from behind the steering wheel for manual control are asked. And here it is difficult to resist the comparisons, because the interior of Sonata is somewhat reminiscent of the Lexux is interior, and the Korean quality of performance and the convenience of planting are hardly worse than Japanese.
The high -quality audio system with the subwoofer, the settings of Stile and the prestige, generously pours out its harmonious on the inhabitants of the salon. Nevertheless, it is clearly noticeable that the creators of the car were much more bothered by the emotions of its master than the needs of his guests.
The driver's seat has the broadest adjustments in the range, allowing it to lower it almost to the floor. Even I, with my 185-centimeter growth in this position, rest my eyes on the steering wheel and instrument shield and I can’t observe what is happening in the immediate vicinity of the car. But everyone knows that the closer the fifth point to the ground, the brighter the sensation of driving. In addition, the gearbox selector is clearly shifted towards the driver, and a central tunnel rises between me and my neighbor on the right. Are those times, unlike all its purely family predecessors, this Sonata is written for solo improvisations?

Trifle, but unpleasant
However, it seems to me, in his desire to put a person at the wheel of the car, the creators of the car missed a number of important details. During a visit to a spacious sofa, it turned out that even elementary pockets in the doors are not laid passengers. And this is in the sedan worth a minimum of 900 thousand rubles! Moreover, even in the most expensive versions, climate control has no division into zones, and the glove box is devoid of shelves. In order to fold the rear seat using fixers located not on its backs themselves, but in the upper part of the trunk, you will have to either dive into the bowels of a deep hold, or to appeal to the help of outsiders.
And a light raid of negativity can leave cheap plastic inserts on the steering wheel, as well as windows, devoid of automatic mode: Uan-Tach is only a driver's door.

The closer I met Sonata, the more often I was surprised. Yes, please, the car has become more and easier! Yes, yes, slightly parting in the space due to the wheelbase, length and width - by 65, 20 and 3 mm, respectively, Hyundai dropped 57 kg. And this unloading diet is clearly good for him. In contrast to the predecessor, adhering to the measured-assembly manner of behavior, the current Sonata is noticeably more energetic. And in the city it is pleasant to make a laugh, and it performs overtaking on the highway without a shadow of tension: a 2.4-liter 178-horsepower engine is kept well-done!
He is skillfully assisted by a new 6-speed automatic of his own development of Hyundai engineers, which does not suffer from excessive thoughtfulness and does not hurry to switch to the transmission above, replacing the steps exclusively on time. Only with a promoted motor, the box begins to work with noticeable jerks.
However, they disappear without a trace if you stop tyurating the engine all the more so that there is no particular need for this: the motor is perfectly pulled from the bottom, and the peak of its moment falls on 4000 rpm. And just after reaching these revolutions, it is best to change the gears in manual mode: then it will work to go smoothly and without losing the pace.

Valuable frame
And here is the unexpected surprise of Sonata now noticeably more collected in turns. Although the steering wheel still lacks information content, the car is being torn much less than its predecessor. And therefore, in marginal regimes is perceived more understandable and flexible. On a winding and icy highway near Moscow, it became almost as easy to son the highway as at some supermini. Moreover, the reckoning for new abilities is not so great as you could expect: the suspension, if tougher, is only a little. Electronic shock absorbers, the set setting of Style, not only successfully extinguish all kinds of fluctuations in the body, but also skillfully circle our roads that decorate our roads.
The comfort of the car is generally minimum. There are no irritating aerodynamic noises in the cabin, and the motor carefully wrapped in isolation does not bother with unpleasant sounds. Only tires that begin to vote at speeds by a hundred are distinctly audible. Their incontinence, however, can be recorded on the expense of spikes on a serious problem, in any case, does not pull in any case.

Of course, the Koreans did not bypass the acute environmental issue. But the solution they proposed look at the surprisingly unobtrusive and elegant: they did not waste engineering resources to the invention of cunning devices like the start-stop system, but limited themselves to a green bulb implanted into the instrument shield, which indicates the most economical motor regime. Of course, it is unlikely that he will be able to force him to eat a holy spirit, however, it is quite possible to maintain fuel consumption within 10 liters per hundred, limited to exclusively tips of light bulbs.
And everything would be a well -unexpected Korean improvisation on the topic of a family medium -size sedan was pleased with a combination of such completely diverse and very positive characteristics as stylish appearance and European handling, that its small minuses would surely go unnoticed. If not for one but the price. At least 899,900 rubles are more expensive than most European and Japanese classmates. Not to mention the fact that for this money you can choose a car from a more prestigious business class. A pity, the car turned out to be pleasant in every way.


Source: Behind the wheel