Hyundai Sonata i45 test drive since 2009 sedan


I remember that ten years ago sellers of Korean cars felt like outfits in the secondary market
Clients bypassed them, preferring the old Toyota and Volkswagen. Now the situation has changed, people are accustomed to models from the country of morning freshness. To a large extent, we owe this Hyundai Sonata fifth generation.
Despite the originally Korean origin, we have little Hyundai Sonata, brought directly from Korea. Although they ask for such specimens relatively little (it is worth noting that cars originally sold in Russia are more expensive in the secondary market). Recently, Sonata from America has been actively imported. Not only the economic crisis affects, but also the fact that Korean models have lost more in price over the years than Germans or Japanese. True, the technical condition of cars from the United States is usually worse than cars from other markets. As for the Taganrog Sonata, experience shows that the Russian assembly loses Korean slightly. As a rule, minor defects are eliminated in the very first months of operation (by the way, the interservice mileage for Sonata from Taganrog is less than that of native cars: 10,000 km versus 15,000 km).
There are enough space in the cabin. In the basic equipment of the fifth generation, there are two airbags, air conditioning, and an electric package. Sometimes there are even a leather salon and electric seats (it is worth noting that the skin of American Sonata is not the best: there are complaints that the seats are too slippery). But you should not count on a bright design and exquisite finish.
However, these disadvantages of Korean can be forgiven. After all, there are no special claims to the quality of assembly. Everything is done at a very decent level, and after 34 years of operation, the salon should not creak or crumble. Cars of the first years of release require special attention to air conditioning, the elements of which can be seriously worn out. In addition, there are cars with wiped armchairs and broken heating seats. But this is a rarity.
Often, buyers of Koreans are worried about the body. Someone believes that the metal of these machines quickly rusts. But this is completely wrong! There are no complaints about corrosion resistance of the body, although car owners should still monitor the paint. On three -year -olds, pebbles can already break through the varnish in the front of the body. Masters do not advise forgetting about such chips and recommend painting the largest.
The fifth -generation Hyundai Sonata is used to sold with us, as a rule, with gasoline engines. The most common is the 2-liter 133-horsepower inherent four. In addition, recently on sale you can see the 2.4-liter Sonata (150 hp), which are brought to us from the USA. Having aimed at the Korean sedan with a relatively powerful engine, look for cars with V6 (by the way, there are quite a few of them in the secondary market). A 2.7 liter engine issues 172 or 178 hp depending on the sales market.
Of course, six cylinders are very good. Sonata 2.7, even with an automatic gearbox, can go faster than 200 km/h, and acceleration of 0100 km/h is quite frisky. The motor has excellent traction on the bottoms, and some truck on the highway can be overtaken without any problems. However, there is also the flip side of the coin. Cars with a powerful V6 is relatively expensive, spend about 15 liters per 100 km in the city (if you actively burn the gas pedal, then all 18 l), and the maintenance of this unit is expensive.
So maybe it makes sense to look at a more budgetary 2.0-liter version? By the way, one should not think that such cars are bad: 133 horses are enough for the city, and on the highway you will not restrain the flow. Although counting on victories in traffic lights is not worth it. After all, even with a mechanical box, Sonata 2.0 accelerates to hundreds per 13.3 s.
As for the 2.4 liter motor, it is a compromise. There is already a decent number of horses, and the price is quite adequate. Only masters strongly recommend that Sonata from the United States very carefully inspect. Remember: the inhabitants of the New World usually treat their cars exclusively as a means of movement and try to save on its maintenance as much as possible. Hence the cheapest mineral oil in the engine, old filters that have long been time to change, and so on.
All engines are considered quite reliable and serious problems, as a rule, do not deliver. True, these engines have one very unpleasant feature. This is an extremely low timing belt. Masters recommend changing it every 50,00060,000 km. Moreover, together with the belt itself, you also need to buy new videos. The cost of replacing the timing belt is considerable, especially if you contact the proprietary service station.
Remember also about the spark plugs that do not live on our fuel too long. That is why they are often changed on the service every 10,000 km, without even consulting with a car owner (it is better to put ordinary, and not platinum, as sometimes offered for a service station). At the same time, replacing candles on a 2.7 -liter motor requires a lot of time and you need to remove the intake manifold. If the mileage of the car you buy is approaching 100,000 km, wait for the imminent death of the ignition and pump coil.
All Hyundai Sonata brought from the USA are equipped with an automatic gearbox. And this is completely natural: most of the inhabitants of the New World do not know how to use mechanics at all. It is not uncommon for a 4-speed automatic transmission and in the presence of V6, but cars with a 2.0-liter engine usually have an ordinary 5-speed handle.
There are no serious complaints about the reliability of a 4-speed machine. Of course, this transmission is not the most modern, when switching speeds, there may be delays, and the Kick-Down mode does not work here immediately. In general, an ordinary machine developed in the 90s of the last century. Unless he has a manual mode, which is very effective for overtaking on the highway.
However, the main rule when operating Sonata with automatic transmission is not to be nervous at the wheel. It is better to accelerate smoothly, you should not break the first from the traffic light. Remember, calm is the key to health. In addition, do not forget to change the oil every 90,000 km (for some hundred this period is reduced to 60,000 km). Subject to all these simple tips, the box will last up to 250,000 km or more. If on a car you attracted, the automatic transmission switches speed with too strong jerks, it is better to refuse the deal. After all, the box is probably plowed by frictions, and the repair of the machine will rise at $ 2000.
The mechanics are reliable, and the clutch is usually changed after 120,000150,000 km ($ 400 with spare parts). Although sometimes it happens that with a large run in the box, synchronizers die. In this case, the repair will cost about $ 500. But the last ailment is rare.
It is interesting that the Hyundai Sonata V suspension is not only very modern in design (independent both in front and behind), but also strong enough. Racks usually withstand 80,000100,000 km. Stabilizer bushings are required to be changed on average every 50,000 km, but they are very inexpensive. True, simultaneously with bushings, the worn silent blocks of the upper levers in the rear suspension are often changed.
If you have a mileage of about 100,000120,000 km (and often cars are sold with such numbers on the odometer), then be sure to find out from the seller that he changed in the suspension over the past 30,000 km. If nothing, then do not rejoice and tell friends about the reliability of the Korean. Surely soon you will have quite serious investments in the suspension for replacement will go shock absorbers, levers (both in front and behind) and hub bearings. Moreover, masters often complain that it is not always possible to turn the bolts and nuts in the Sonata suspension. You have to cut off a grinder.
Brakes (in front are disk, and in the back are eternal, but not the most effective drums) are generally reliable. The pads have to be changed every 30,00040,000 km. Moreover, the masters advise you to put original, with them the discs last longer.

The fifth -generation Hyundai Sonata (the internal designation of the EF body) was produced in Korea in 20012005. However, in our country you can find Sonata V 2006 and even 2008. Why? Yes, everything is simple. It was this Sonata that began to be produced in March 2004 on Russian Tagaz (such cars can be distinguished by a Vin-number that begins with the letter X and numbers 7). Demand for Taganrog cars was very decent: thanks to the Russian assembly, Sonata seriously fell asleep, which attracted many customers.
In 1988, the Korean company Hyundai Motor introduced a middle -class sedan called Sonata. The car did not make any impression on European and American drivers, but in South Korea it was bought very actively. On the first Sonata put gasoline engines with a volume of 1.8, 2.0 and 2.3 liters, and at the end of 1989 a 3-liter V6 (146 hp) appeared.
The second generation of Sonata debuted in 1993, and already in 1996 the car was modernized. Moreover, the Koreans decided not to be modest and called the restyled Sonata the third generation of the model. Machines were equipped with 2.0 liter engines with 8 or 16 valves (95 hp and 125 hp, respectively), as well as 3.0 l (V6).
Indeed, the new model (though that turned out to be suspiciously similar in design to the Japanese Mitsubishi Galant) showed in the spring of 1998. Under the hood of the fourth -generation Sonata, they put engines with a volume of 2.0, 2.4 and 2.5 liters.
The fifth generation of Hyundai Sonata did not have to wait long: the machine built on the Sonata IV platform debuted in 2001. The most interesting thing is that this car began to be done in Russia, the production of Sonata V started in Taganrog in 2004. Then Hyundai introduced a completely new generation of Sonata (in Russia this model was first sold as Hyundai NF and only after recent restyling returned the birth name).
The sixth generation of Sonata has become noticeably larger than all its predecessors. The car received a very good configuration, decent decoration materials, advanced security systems. Under the hood of Sonata NF, you can find gasoline engines with a volume of 2.0 liters (144 hp), 2.4 l (161 hp) and 3.3 l (235 hp), as well as 2.0 -liture diesel, issuing 140 hp.
Old Sonata is a modest and not the most prestigious model. However, if you do not take into account the image of the brand and a rustic salon, then the car is not so bad. Just know that counting on the low cost of spare parts or penny maintenance is not worth it. And further. Over the years, Korean cars are getting cheaper faster than European or Japanese.
The 2004 production of our experts fell into the hands of our experts, originally sold in Russia. At the moment, the mileage of the machine is 85,000 km. The car is in a very decent state. There were no serious accidents, there are only a few small chips on the body. In the cabin, too, everything is normal, even when driving along a bad road, there was no creaks.
The seller assures that everything is in perfect order with the engine and the gearbox. The study was confirmed by his words. Yes, and the suspension does not require urgent repair (recently changed stabilizer bushings). True, the masters said that after about 5000 km the right front hub bearing could die.
Now the car is for sale. The price is 380,000 rubles.
General Director of the Center for Car loans, Ph.D. Dmitry Erokhin
Waste Korean machines have never been lucky with car loan programs. There have always been some restrictions on the year of the production of cars that banks accepted or did not accept for lending. In the context of the financial crisis, these requirements on the part of financial institutions have only tightened, and today it can be stated that it is almost impossible to buy on credit Hyundai Sonata V 20012004.
In order not to waste time and effort to search for a loan for buying Hyundai Sonata V, in the current situation it is worth reorienting to the purchase of Hyundai Sonata VI 20062008 of the release. Prices for these machines have fallen significantly recently, and those sellers who have not yet done this will readily provide a real discount for a real buyer. Almost all banks lending to the purchase of cars today are ready to issue a loan for the purchase of this car.
The lending conditions for the purchase of Hyundai Sonata VI will be as follows: the loan rate is from 16 to 22% per annum in rubles, the amount of the initial contribution of at least 20%, the loan term of up to three years, payment of CASCO insurance from the buyer's own funds. The requirements for the borrower in almost all banks are the same today: the absence of delay on loans, criminal records, the availability of a work book or employment contract, work experience in the last place for at least six months.
Denis Smolyanov
Photo author: Alexander Polunin


Source: Mkobil magazine [December/2008]