Hyundai Sonata i45 test drive since 2009 sedan

Strictly in a row

Cars, like dishes in a restaurant, are divided into hearty and delicious. But they sometimes cost the same money.

No more, no less
Choosing a middle -class car, a person is unlikely to part with the last blood. However, a certain financial viability does not mean that you can litter money as easily and naturally as when buying an expensive business class sedan. This is a kind of campaign to a restaurant, where your task is not to show off before the local bomon, but first of all, excuse me, eat. The budget of the event you plan, accordingly.

So, we decided to eat (in the sense of traveling) for a well -defined amount. In order not to go out, as the jerky millionaire Koreiko used to say, but not to deny himself the necessary. Who is there from the middle class sedans there in the framework of 2526 thousand? Not many, if you immediately reject the minimum budget versions. Why do they have lunch should be satisfying for us. And so it turned out that Nissan-Primer-1,8-elegans, Ford-Mondo-2,0 trend and hand-hin-monata-2,7GLS fell under our requirements. And all with automatic transmission.

Do you love a computer?
You can’t take any of the trinity to beginners. The youngest, example, made his debut in 2001, then the last sonata was refreshed for the last time, Mondeo had already gone for the fifth year. But the demand for them is still high. Nissan and Hyunde in the first quarter of 2005 were second only to Mazde-6 and Avensis, and Mondeo is the best mid-Europeans.

Given not the young age of our contestants, they will probably be subject to their appearance, probably it is not particularly worth it. Everyone imagines the exterior of any of the trinity, because on the streets there are enough of them. The only thing that surprises the striking skill of sonata to look more than it really is. Many even take her for a business class sedan. And the savvy dealers, of course, are in no hurry to enlighten naive buyers. In fact, before the business class, the sonata is still to grow and grow. In the end, the Korean, the production of which is established in Taganrog, only 1 cm longer than Mondeo, whose classes do not arise.

It's more curious that. An example is the most compact in the Trinity, but does not at all look at a podoka. It's all about short body overhangs that give the car elegance and completeness. And although the example of the pond and after them no longer look back on the streets, the appearance of the Japanese woman causes only warm feelings.

For some, the N-form control panel is not puzzles, others are at a dead end
Shiny ears of the steering wheel hubs are the music control buttons and cruise control

From the point of view of readability, the dashboard located in the center is not the best solution

The eyebrick in the place of the left upper handle is a very useful thing
Cup holders protects a flexible sliding curtain from dust

There are enough secret places for different small things in the cabin

The technological arch limits the cargo capabilities of the car

In the Nissan salon, love can very quickly be replaced by hatred. The coffee table, strewn with buttons and switches, towering in the center of the torpedo, is a branded system for controlling secondary functions, known as N-form. Will you be able to find a common language with the Japanese Ai-Drive, depends exclusively on your computer literacy. Without false modesty, I admit: I did not have any special problems. The intake of the switches is not so scary if you catch the simple algorithm for the operation of this electronic germ pool. But if the mouse in your understanding is not a computer device, but only a small rodent, then the problems are guaranteed.

Noting the shortcomings of the inner world examples, we will not forget about the advantages. So, so far, not a single middle class car in Russia has a rear view camera. Be kind in the example. Moreover, after last year's restyling, its monitor became color! In addition, a TV tuner easily joins it, and at a similar price your car becomes a TV about four wheels.

Box Automatic without unnecessary adheres neither sportswear nor manual switch
Let the tidy not shine with designer sorts, but it reads perfectly

Two years ago, Mondeo received a new music center, the design of which was perfectly in a strict theme of the interior

More often the musical joystick is placed to the right of the steering column. However, using it is still very convenient
Modest Middle Class sedan, glovey box

The vertical adjustment of the driver's sealing pillow is already in the basic version of Core
Two headrests of the sofa does not matter, but good. The third here is still superfluous, and visibility is noticeably higher

Mondeo can also be equipped with telewate equipment. But only at the price of a brand new oka. But in terms of ergonomics, questions in the Ford salon do not arise. Everything is clear, everything is at hand, everything is as it should. Tested force on levers and switches, visual climate control buttons, simple music control plus a convenient steamed joystick. What else is needed for happiness? Brighter design and slightly better plastic doors and front panel upholstery? I think, yes. Supported, half a bell will be typed.

Corporative Korean plastic under a tree spoils the whole impression of a very pretty interior in general
The anti -tug system is not superfluous on a powerful car too basic equipment

Xenon, headlight washers, foggy rooms are included in the GLS equipment base
Saving on a full -fledged casting among Koreans is considered a bad form

Leather inserts in the doorway look elegant

With such a clear molding, the third entrance to the sofa was ordered for two places

The same applies to the sonata to a greater or lesser extent. In a nutshell, ease of use is on top, but the quality of execution should be higher. Well, the swamp-green car does not paint, as if swimming with tina, the backlight of the dashboard. The inserts under the tree are so simple funny. The climate control unit is also far from the most convenient air conditioner on a more modest sonata-GL and easier in management and more pretty. But all these are grades for artistry. By and large, only the absence of a steering wheel in length is annoyed in Hende. But which Korean has it?

Four in the boat
Only four adults will accommodate in any of the middle class sedans. This also applies to Hyunde with his false players on a business class. Yes, in the width of the sofa, the sonata really beats competitors about 5 cm. This became possible due to the lack of pockets in the rear doors. But in fact, a wide sofa does not give any advantages. The pillow, formed for two places, does not allow us to conveniently sit down to the third sitting at the edges slide down to the center. In addition, the sonata is slightly less space for the legs than in Mondeo. In general, complete equality is obtained.

The main advantage of Nissan’s interior is not for anything design, which simply cannot but attract attention

This, of course, is not an example of automotive from coutures, but quite successful in terms of real convenience salon

The triumph of genius simplicity is so best to characterize the convenient and artless interior of Mondeo
Sofa examples quite meets the modern requirements for capacity by two adults here will be free

Each car chair wants to be leather and electrified. In Sonata-V6, you do not need to pay for these options

Ford sofa seems very spacious not only in the photo. And you don't have to support the ceiling with your head

As for the driver's seat, the advantage of Ford is not in doubt. Only in Mondeo does it really meet the high rank of workplace. A long pillow holds the hips, reliable lateral support clearly fixes the back in corners, and many adjustments facilitate the search for a comfortable position to people of different complexions. In chairs, examples and sonatas can only be sitting, but I don’t want to work.

Not at ease
Classic sedans traditionally do not differ in cargo talents. And the geometric volume of the trunk does not play a role here. What is the use of a semi-cumulator of space if, due to the small opening there, nothing larger than the road suitcase still can not be put? So in this case I had to choose the best among the worst.

Ford trunk is good for everyone: both roomy and the back folds almost evenly, and instead of loops, a parallelogram mechanism. Only the opening is narrow

Trunk examples are average in all respects: both in useful volume and ease of use

Large loading height and narrow opening the main disadvantages of the trunk sonata

Mondeo surpasses rivals in volume of 500/1370 liters, and in terms of ease of use. At least the separate back of the sofa allows you to transport longs. It is very easy to fold it only to pull the trigger cable. Comfortable. But in the example and sonata, the luggage opening in the salon is limited by the arched stiffness.

And we will go and rush
So far, the difference in energy combination of cars has not played any role. But as soon as the three sedans were lining up on the asphalt straight, as a completely different song began. It could be expected that a 1.8-liter example would overtake Mondeo-2,0 and even more than a 6-cylinder sonata-2,7? Of course not. The miracle did not happen, but some adultery of the circumstances became clear.

So, the first automatic box with a 116-horsepower example is an option for those who are going slowly in life. With mechanics, one and eight are still back and forth, but with the automatic transmission they do not succeed. The gas pedal seems to be asked: do we really need to rush like that? Therefore, without problems, you can only stay in the stream in traffic jams. But if you need to add ... with an effort we set the accelerator and wait. Finally, the machine will jump down two steps down and, sending the tachometer arrow to the red zone ... It will go not much more freak. The only way to shove the lezboka to turn off the overdrave at least a little bit. Limited by the range of the first three gears, an example will be more to make noise and eat more gasoline, but will also add dexterity during overtaking. However, on the highway your lot is cruising 130140 km/h, which is somehow not solid for the car for $ 26 thousand.

Mondeo costs almost the same money, but lucky is much better. It cannot spoil the incendiary character of a 2-liter 145-horsepower engine even an excessively simple machine. He has neither a sports regime nor manual switching. Well, let. Even in the usual mode, D Ford is very clockwork small. It is easily weaved from traffic light to a traffic light, and if necessary, very quickly gains the maximum 190 km/h. Moreover, unlike examples, Mondeo accelerates progressively smoothly, bypassing the excess nervousness of the kick downs. The most pleasant way, Ford feels very little to a more powerful hande. Although according to the passport, this is a little one and a half seconds when accelerating to a hundred.

Sonata suppresses rivals not only 178 horses, but also a more advanced box with manual switching. It is not surprising that in the first gear, the Taganrog Korean literally grows the earth under him. And there is no shortage of power in the Drive mode. If you carefully stroke the pedal, the machine will switch early, trying to save fuel. He drowned more hard, and the hande breaks forward, giving the driver a heady aroma of powerful and juicy acceleration. Such moments are expensive. Of course, and on the highway it is the sonata that is the fastest than anyone else that she overcomes the threshold of 200 km/h.

All that Ford lost in terms of acceleration dynamics, he, in our opinion, returned, deceiving brilliantly. ABS here is directly tuned in aesthetic one at first allows the wheels to be slightly blocked and only after entering the work. Sonata and an example of such a driver approach to the brakes do not think.

In line for pleasure
Probably, today there is no form of Ford, which could be called tasteless in terms of handling. All of them are a real delight for an active driver. And Mondeo is no exception. Perhaps the main advantage of this car is not at all the perfect passage of turns, impeccable behavior on a high -speed straight or excellent steering wheel amplifier. Personally, I am most conquered by the fact that even a leisurely riding of Mondeo delivers true pleasure. The collectivity and readiness of the car for any turn of events is felt not only by 190 km/h, but also when the speedometer only begins to measure the first hundred. So the absence of dynamic stabilization system in the basic design should not be considered a serious drawback.

It is curious that the previous example, withdrawn from production back in 2001, was also an extraordinary car. An example of a muddy, alas, is not able to light up. There are two complaints about her. Firstly, the steering amplifier is not fully honest in communication with the driver in turns I want more clear feedback. In addition, at high speeds of the example, he behaves too nervously. If the road is perfectly flat and where did you see those in Moscow and the region? then everything is okay. But the slightest flaws of the canvas, whether it is the bald spots on the asphalt or the transverse cracks remove the car out of balance. She begins to jump along the road like a ping-pong ball. Which is not only uncomfortable, but turn a quick ride into a lesson, to put it mildly, not too fascinating. If the suspension is not able to work out irregularities in the movement in a straight line, then what will happen in the turns?

Cannot please the active driver and sonata. The initially developed to the tastes of the Americans, it seems to be called to drive only in a straight line. You will have to come to terms with a too soft long -flowing pendant and completely devoid of the gift of feedback by the steering wheel. How is all this fraught with? In the turn, which Mondeo flies without moving, the sonata behaves like a pensioner who took up morning gymnastics. The body is frightening, and the car, as if losing orientation in space, squats to the front outer wheel. Yes, and on a high -speed straight sonata sways, like a sailboat, which went into the sea into the storm itself. What a pleasure from driving is there.

Sleep hard to sleep hard
The losing of the joints in controllability was supposed to turn into high smoothness. This is partly so. Hyunde is better than rivals with small and medium flaws of the road surface. Say, technological joints on bridges or paving stones of tram tracks are almost invisible to the driver and passengers. But beware of large pits here, a fuel-soft suspension of the sonata can easily work on a breakdown.

But in terms of acoustic comfort, Hyunde has no rivals. The motor purifies inaudibly on idle, and even when the tachometer arrow approaches the red zone, does not irritate a metallic howling. It is worth noting the complete absence of vibrations on the steering wheel and selector of the gearbox. This is what a noble nature of the V-shaped six is.

Neither Mondeo nor an example can boast of the equally pacifying peace in the cabin. Especially annoyed by the Nissanovsky motor bell during overtaking. Yes, and the suspension examples are harsh and noisy. She also does not work out sharp bumps, which is especially strange, given the unimportant handling.

And Ford, oddly enough, does not at all require any special fee for his first-class behavior in turns. Yes, of course, the epithet, the harsh to it is quite applicable, but only in comparison with the super -mirror sonata. In fact, the concept of Mondeo discomfort is very far away. Again, a rather energy -intensive suspension allows you to easily overcome even large pits, now and then falling on the way.

Average score
All three performed approximately equally in crash tests. Equally medium. An example and Mondeo, who earned 4 stars from Euroncap, only in the second ten of the safest class models. Nissan’s problemat was the steering column bracket and the front panel threatening the legs of the sitting in front. But Mondeo, almost impeccably protecting his inhabitants during a lateral blow, very poorly performed in the frontal clash very high loads on the driver's chest and a heavily deformed interior.

The sonata was not divided in Europe, but she received an assessment of the American road security insurance institute (IIHS) well.

But in terms of equipping safety means in a standard configuration of an example ahead. Only Nissan does not require a surcharge for the curtains. In Mondeo, they will cost an additional $ 426, and in the sonata you can’t get them at all. Moreover, the basic Hend-2,0 is completely limited to the frontal eire-beams.

Such different money
If cars are the same, then the estimates for the budget should be appropriate. So? By no means. After all, we compare the price tied to a specific car with a specific engine and configuration. That is why the sonata, for which $ 25,950, the maximum possible price unconditionally wins. Who else will offer you so many equipment in the standard? If desired, you can also save: Hende with a 2-liter four and automatic transmission will cost $ 21,085. And the basic sonata-GL (despite its basicity equipped with almost everything necessary) and it costs $ 18,380. And as if this is not enough! In the salons selling the Taganrog Hende, generous gifts are waiting for the buyer. Until May 31, all customers were invited to choose for free equipment for $ 2000.

Nissan’s prices, on the contrary, do not indulge in our test, costs $ 26 150. But, by and large, a full-fledged example with an automatic should be with a 2-liter engine, and this is at least $ 29,200. However, the price will reach the same mark Our car, we will fight it in the image and likeness of the sonatas with leather, xenon and electric drive of a driver's seat. It remains to be consoled by traditional Japanese three years of factory guarantee.

It will not be possible to argue with the price of the sonata at the price of Ford. But for $ 26,500, he offers a decent selection of equipment and enviable dynamics. Therefore, a 2-liter sedan with automatic transmission is an optimal Mondeo, which is hardly worth it above.
We decided:

So, if we round our culinary comparisons, then an example seems to be a real land. Fashionable, popular and quite expensive the consequence of the love of our compatriots for all exotic. But sushi is just a fish with rice. And in the same way, there is absolutely nothing stunning under the futuristic body. Yes, Nissan (, the average rating of 3.8) is quite spacious, completely safe and still fashionable. But the unimportant smoothness, handling and dynamics do not at all meet the high price tag.

Sonata resembles a hearty Russian dinner from the first, second, third with pies, kvass and cold. Both the food value, and the affordable price, of course, prevail over the Gourmet matters. But is it so bad? No other middle -class car, except for the sonata (, the average rating 4), does not provide the buyer with so many pressing goods for quite earthly money. Yes, of course, Hende's handling leaves much to be desired, perhaps, too gluttonous V-shaped six. But who will offer less than $ 26,000 so much dynamics, high smoothness and maximum set of luxury ingredients like a leather salon, a complete electric package, automatic transmission, xenon and music?

Mondeo (, the average assessment of 4.2) is actually also a delicacy for connoisseurs primarily dynamic driving and bright controllability. But it is mistaken to believe that Ford's taste is limited to this. In all other categories, he is simply a good car in moderation, quite comfortable and satisfactorily safe. In addition, not so expensive. At least for the price we have taken by us as a guideline in the region of 2526 thousand you get a full -fledged car, which has nothing to apologize for the owner.

Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [08/2005]