Test Drive Hyundai I30 since 2012 hatchback

Sushing Test: Hyundai i30, Citroen C4

Another five years ago we would say: to compare Citroen with Hyundai - is it possible? But today, looking at Citroen C4, we can try to understand how new new Hyundai i30 market was transferred by European genes of its creators.
Koreans are seriously concerned about the insufficient penetration of their products to Europe. And not just penetration. Hyundai and Kia are filled with ambitions in a desire to bite off a fair piece of European market cake. And in order to get to it, they have to build factories in the old world and develop here, often with the help of the hands and heads of the same Europeans, new models. In many countries, Hyundai i30 has been concerned almost two years, and only the current spring car reached Russia. What would it be compared? Maybe with Kia Cee'd? This is the first thing that comes to mind. Actually, for some time, when the conmenners began to work, as they say, in one pocket, to try on each other Hyundai and Kia began to compare two-dimensional apartments on different floors immediately after the new school. The kitchen is the same, the living area is the same. And the loggia is exactly the same. The difference is only as finishing works, although it is also, in principle, comparable. After all, it is no secret that Hyundai i30 and Kia Cee'd are not just promotedforms, and almost twin brothers with a similar power structure of the body, the suspension architecture, the line of motors, etc. And therefore we had to look for for the I30 of another catering partner.
Without being original, we went through the most simple way, namely looked into Hyundai press releases. The thoughtfulness and quality of the design developed by Europeans and for Europeans was created to level the stress, which is a mandatory consequence of life in a big city and the decision came itself: we need an 100% European car, the same fighter with stress, good and invented in Europe. Moreover, who has dubious chances of success in other markets. And such there is a car! This is recently updated Citroen C4. What can be more beautiful and at the same time hopeless (in the sense of market prospects, let's say, in the same South Korea) than the representative of the glorious Citroen tribe - Pleiads created by the French in a considerable degree in the name and for the sake of obtaining pleasure from the process of their creation? However, here I lie, because globalization launched its tentacles even in the Holy Saints - in Citroen, this Citala Creative and Australia. I mean the fact that under the hood at C4 as one of the options now settled developed together with the BMW 1.6-liter 120-stroke gasoline engine VTI. However, the essence of the case does not change: Hyundai I30 claims to the European Green Card, and Citroen C4 should help figure out how much I30 is filled with European ideology and is ready to profess the values \u200b\u200bof the old world
On the eye
The Hyundai I30 Golf Class Hatchback was first introduced at the Geneva Motor Show 2007 to please everyone, but this is our main task - something similar was pronounced at the Hyundai booth. The car went on sale in the European market six months later and was passed quite positive. To save the reader from a tedious description of what and so can be seen in the photos, speaking of appearance, let's try to formulate the essence. Visually I30 almost European car. Rear is largely due to vertical sails, completely devoid of traditional Korean caution. The profile is a typical golf class. And there can be no two opinions here: the angle of inclination of the back wing, do you know, dimensions and generally mood ... slightly drove out except that front, because in the photo in the passport, the I30 still appear family features (something elantre-sonatius). This is the unpacable Korean side of the headlights and as a result is the lack of a call in the view. Not enough here, or some self-confidence, even if you want, arrogance. Although, in principle, it is also subjective, as well as the aesthetics of hatchback Citroen C4, although he gathered all possible design awards at one time.
Analyze the appearance of Citroen is completely utopia, because two chevron for the French mean one simple thing: if you do not like, then you still sleep and did not open your eyes. It's just not to slip here: a puzzle from the angles and illogical curves of the lines is differently folded into the incredible geometry of the streamlined capes of the hatchback. However, comparing cars on external parameters, it should be recognized: at least the indigenous French Citroen C4 is extremely organic and very well (even in the Hatchback version), Hyundai i30 in a traditional understanding looks much more European. If, of course, repel from the idiologists that the concept is traditionally European means thoughtful, effective, but at the same time sufficiently discreet and unkurious.
The points
A similar situation is observed and when viewed from the inside. The Kalon i30 is far from the concept of conservative, it does not at all pull into sleep from the faceless side of the same buttons. Everything looks quite fresh and even intricate. Just in comparison with C4, this salon with organic leather seats with good lateral support still brings thoughts about rationalism, compliance with traffic rules filed within the time of tax declarations and on time paid by alimony. Ergonomics I30 can be called if not exemplary, then classic is probably. Large devices are highlighted by soft blue light, buttons are noted by cute purple eyes, the optimal three-spoke steering wheel is covered with not the most gentle, but the skin, and the two adjustments and the abundance of the buttons on the knitting needles are quite capable of satisfying a person who has relocated in Hyundai i30 from the machine class higher.
On cars, within the framework of our test, almost one to one came together: in their capabilities, the equipment of the salon I30 did not yield to C4. Bluetooth, USB and AUX connectors, two-stage heated seats, MP3 support, cruise control, not to mention such obvious things like heated mirrors, cooled glove box and driver's seat elevator. Citroen asked only due to the lack of a leather cabin, which is offered only for versions in the EXCLUSIVE versions, while we had a confort with a rich set of additional options (worth a just over 720 thousand rubles). Hyundai i30 at a price (if a discount) in the area of \u200b\u200b710 thousand rubles (Comfort equipment) resolutely refused to give way to an employee competitor. The only mistakes is the lack of two-zone climate control, which is actually for the driver makes the controls more compact and easily readable. Even by the number of displays a full parity - three on the brother. Although it is over the level of innovativeness and intricateness with a translucent, changing color, depending on the lighting of the C4 LCD display, located deeply on the front panel, perhaps, will not be able to even recognized cigriers of the genre. To measure with Citroen the number of clauses packed in one car, it is like that on the asphalt paver to chase for the Bugatti Veyron. Undoubtedly, these beginnings (like, for example, the legendary double handlebar with a fixed hub, a special container for flavoring or a folding hook for a handbag from the left knee of the front passenger) form typical for Citroen image not like everything. And it would be surprising if the usual salon spiration lever walked in C4 in the way, like everyone else, and not across the movement of the car!
It should be noted that the disciplinary statute I30 is formed by several other means, for the most part associated with the functional component. The mood here is asked to suspend compared to the European version, the energy intensity and the density of which makes driving on the I30 fascinating. A 122 hp And 154 Nm of the engine of 1.6 DOHC CWT with the help of a 4-range automaton simultaneously instill and take hope. They instill her in the one who is driving, quite satisfying his ambitions, and selected from the neighbors in a stream that does not expect from the car as modest sizes of a sharp jerk, for example, from a speed of 100 km / h to 160. Perhaps overtaking at high speed - I30. From the place he is not so amarten, even though his automatic and it is difficult to blame for thoughtfulness. It starts willingly, but what is called, within the limits of reasonable. Up to one hundred for 12 s with a small - result, no matter how cool, quite moderate. In terms of salon noise, the I30 is solved by the European standard: quietly, only at high speed under the rear wheel arches, not having time to fly out from under the bottom of the decibel. In the case of C4, the picture is somewhat different. Even the doors from the French are closed with an iron ringing, and on the go to the salon is not always the harmonious silencer song. Nevertheless, you are again and again trying to listen to it, because the 4-range automatic C4 is more advanced than that of i30: there is not only the Sport mode, but also the function of manual gearbox, which once causes the engine once. I must say, a visible vanity of the Frenchman, the variability of the gearbox does not add, the automatic machine is not bad and in its normal mode, but the owner's pride of the owner.
Tell me
If we abstract from the idea that the trip to Citroen is equivalent to enter the light in a shirt with colored butterflies, if you make yourself not pay attention to unauthorized front wipers (while the team was given only by rear), if you stop the electronic brain of the radio, without The reason for the fact and the matter is changing the favorite radio station on some other, then you can even enjoy the trip. Especially good in Citroen braking process. If you have already passed the instructions on how to connect your phone to a speakerphone (do it from the first time itself - utopias), then you probably appreciate - and here without irony - branded brake (not to be confused with the braking!) Electronics. With a sufficiently sharp pressed on the brake pedal, the car slows down adequately effort, and after a second, without your intervention, power the slowdown is completely doubled. So the brake force dispenser (REF) is valid, which equalizes the pressure in the brake system, and the AFU system (auxiliary system during emergency braking). There are modern security systems and in Hyundai (this is a four-channel ABS and ESP), but they work more familiar and traditional way. On the steering wheel, and he is not even sluggish, it comes enough information about the position of the wheels and the clutch of them with the road, which, thanks to the already mentioned very chain suspension, can sometimes set the heat ...
So, you can once again state that Citroen C4 is a kind, but very serious car with a lot of advantages. Although he cannot boast by the signature Citroenovsky pneumatic suspension, but without it is sufficiently comfortable on the go, dynamic, extremely comfortable inside, unusual and just beautiful. Perhaps someone seemed that on his background, Hyundai I30 looked not too convincing. There is no way. Surely people with a more rational warehouse of the nature that did not read the french novels on the youth of the young novels, it will most like that I30. This is a truly assembled and thoughtful to the smallest things that made a lot of things that managed to achieve in this segment of the European Auto Industry. In Russia, no doubt, I30 is waiting for success, even despite well-known, but, we hope, temporary difficulties in the market

Ilya Rybakov
Photo Yana Segal


Source: Magazine "Autopanoram"

Video crash tests Hyundai i30 since 2012