specifications Hyundai i30 since 2012 hatchback

Specifications Hyundai i30 2012, 2013: power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (weight), ground clearance (clearance), reversal radius, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.4L (99 hp) 1396 73(99)/5500 4 cylinders 137/4200 Direct injection Petrol
1.6 GDI (135 hp) 1591 73(99)/6300 4 cylinders 164/4850 Direct injection Petrol
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission 1591 73(99)/6300 4 cylinders 164/4850 Direct injection Petrol
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) 1396 66(90)/4000 4 cylinders 220/1500-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) 1582 81(110)/4000 4 cylinders 260/1900-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission 1582 81(110)/4000 4 cylinders 260/1900-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) 1582 94(128)/4000 4 cylinders 260/1900-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission 1582 94(128)/4000 4 cylinders 260/1900-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) 1582 94(128)/4000 4 cylinders 260/1900-2750 COMMON-Rail Direct Injection Diesel

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.4L (99 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP
1.6 GDI (135 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) Front-wheel drive 6-mPP

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.4L (99 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 GDI (135 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission Disk ventilated Disk
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission Disk ventilated Disk
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) Disk ventilated Disk


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.4L (99 hp) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 GDI (135 hp) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) 4300 1781 1471 1,554/1,562 2649 140 377

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.4L (99 hp) 1260 1820 560
1.6 GDI (135 hp) 1268 1820 552
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission 1300 1850 550
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) 1355 1910 555
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) 1365 1920 555
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission 1385 1940 555
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) 1365 1920 555
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission 1385 1940 555
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) 1365 1810 445


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.4L (99 hp) 182 13.2 -
1.6 GDI (135 hp) 195 9.9 -
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission 192 11 -
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) 171 13.5 -
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) 185 11.5 -
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission 180 12.7 -
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) 196 10.7 -
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission 187 11.7 -
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) 188 10.7 -

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
1.4L (99 hp) 7.8 4.9 6 141 Petrol
1.6 GDI (135 hp) 7.6 4.6 5.7 136 Petrol
1.6 GDI (135 hp) automatic transmission 9 5.3 6.7 157 Petrol
1.4 CDRI (90 LS) 5.3 3.5 4.1 112 Diesel
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) 4.7 3.6 4 106 Diesel
1.6 CDRI (110 hp) automatic transmission 7.1 4.5 5.5 145 Diesel
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) 4.8 3.7 4.1 108 Diesel
1.6 CRDI (128 hp) automatic transmission 7.1 4.5 5.5 145 Diesel
1.6 CRDI BLUE (128 LS) 4.1 3.5 3.7 97 Diesel

Video crash tests Hyundai i30 since 2012

Hyundai i30 configuration since 2012

Test drive

Test Drive Universal Hyundai I30 and Hyundai I40: Brothers of Different Professions
Korean brands still practically did not please the lovers of universal. But the times are changing, and practical five-year two formats immediately come to our market. Do they turn the attention of the Russian buyer? After all, he, without recognizing the semi -mer, prefers solid sedans or crossovers. Seed test cars in Lviv managed only with the last rays ...
Test Drive Hyundai I30 from Drom.ru. Rare bird
A new generation hatchback market of Hyundai i30 is risks to turn out to be a rare beast on Russian roads. It is fairly high enough price and modest plans for sales of a car, which is produced in the Czech Republic, about 5-6 thousand copies for the Russian Federation annually. See you yourself, there is a lot or a little 909,000 rubles for a car with a 1.6-liter atmospheric ...
Hyundai i30 1.6 AT from 649 000 r.
For the test of the new Hyundai I30, we decided to make a car trip from Moscow to Kiev to the final of the European Football Championship. For five days, we managed to check the car in the city and on the track, to evaluate its capacity at border control points and even chat with Ukrainian dashests. , Moscow only wakes up, lonely trucks ...