Test Drive Honda S2000 since 1999 Convertible

Review a / m Honda S2000 configuration "TYPE V"

Honda S2000 Double Sports Cabriolet has undergone low modernization, which in fact was not so small. In particular, the operating volume of the engine cylinders was increased. The technical side is clear. But whether the car became more attractive from this - this is what the question is ...
The S2000 car is not obviously designed for a wide range of buyers. Tell me, how should the presentation should be so updated, but still intense, the model that the company is traditional to organize for representatives of the media? If you suddenly see that the organizers attach this empty, it would seem, the formalities are of such great importance, you will be lost. This time, at first, each of the invited guests was a thick, a solid folder with materials on which the Honda Racing was written in large letters, which was already somewhat embarrassed. After that, for a long 30 minutes, we were given detailed explanations on the latest technical achievements of the company, and this was not clearly with the use of graphs and numbers. In truth, on each presentation, you can eat plenty of explanations about the concept of a new car and how connected with the marketing research on the marketing research - they have long been accustomed to this. So technical details were perceived with interest. But in fact, it's like looking at a new minivan, and you suddenly begin to talk about the car participant in Formula 1 racing.
As you know, after removing the NSX model, it was the S2000 car that has become the main symbol of the development of Honda. It will be more accurate to say, the symbol of those ideas that were laid in the first cars, which were published under this brand. Judge for yourself: a small double convertible is equipped with a heavy duty engine and rear-wheel drive.
Since then, the first car of this series was published, and this happened, I will remind you in 1999, the developers have repeatedly tried to make something new to him - then in the suspension, then in the interior of the salon, so that he seemed higher class. But all this was so, little things. And finally, the car was accomplished changed already in large. After all, we say, but replace the engine, is not a comic business, isn't it?

Technical characteristics of the car
Length 4135 mm x Width 1750 mm x Height 1285 mm.
Wheel base: 2400 mm.
Machine weight: 1270 kg.
Drive: rear.
Engine: 2.2-liter, 4-cylinder, developed power 242 hp At 7800 rpm, the largest torque is 22.5 kg / m in the range from 6500 to 7500 rpm.
Basic car price: 3 million 990 thousand yen.
The price of the car, which was carried out by a trial: 4 million 95 thousand yen (the difference arose due to leather seats worth 105 thousand yen)

There is no limit to perfection!
So, in addition to replacing the engine, no major changes in the car found. No, however, the wheels changed. Yes, and inside, if you carefully look at, you can replace that the decorative emblem on the steering wheel was previously different. But to detect such details forces only the present connoisseur.
But back to the conversation about the engine. What exactly in it changed? First of all, the working volume of its cylinders was increased. This was performed with a simultaneous increase in the piston working stroke from 84 to 90.7 millimeters. The increase in volume, as expected, led to a change in the shape of the intake manifold, setting new injectors and a number of other measures to increase the engine characteristics. As a result, the improved motor became weaker for 8 horsepower, but his torque was 0.3 kg / m. What else? The speed of rotation of the crankshaft, at which the peak of power comes, decreased by as much as 500 rpm, in addition to 1000 rpm, the red zone has changed. Now it is 8000 revolutions per minute. If you evaluate the car only on engine specifications, then many, I think, will experience something like disappointment.
But to make an estimate only according to the engine, it is hardly worth it, because in general, progress is clearly noticeable in the car. It becomes especially noticeable, it is worth only to transfer from the car of an old sample into a new car. I did it, and it so happened that the car was standing on the side of the road on the steep rise. Clear thing that I decided to touch from the place as it was done at the wheel of the former model. And immediately noticed changes. The fact is that with a small press on the gas pedal there was a wild torque. At the very least, I did not have to pick up momentum so that then slowly release the clutch. Everything happened much easier.
Lifting, it should be noted, was quite cool. But despite this slightest pressure on the gas pedal attracted a sharp acceleration. Moreover, the intensity of overclocking was explicitly higher than the car of the former model. That is, the peak of torque here turned out to be clearly shifted in the range of small and medium revolutions, and this seems more important than some reduction in engine power. If we assume that the car will be mainly used for riding in the city, then I am sure the third gear will be. The old model could boast that the acceleration intensity was at the level of the machine with a 3-liter engine. But, apparently, there is no limit to perfection!
With a machine no worse?
If we speak more specifically, the idea to equip the engine in 2.2 liters came from America, which is the main market for such machines. What kind of sports car is, many are not tired, - if she can't get around the sedan after the traffic light, even if the engine is greater than the cube!. What is interesting, the European drivers of this kind of claim did not arise for the car. So for Europeans the car will still be released with a 2-liter engine. The conclusion itself suggests itself: the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the requirements should meet the sports car depends, above all, from tradition, as well as from the state of roads in a particular region.
And what option is more suitable for Japan? I believe that one that allows you to more flexibly adapt to any tempo of movement. That is, the last model, isn't it? What do the representatives of Honda are said to say about their sports cars? That they can demonstrate everything that they are capable of, only on the annular motorway. And if the movement occurs on the road of general, it seems that their potential remains unclaimed. I did not count the time, but it seemed to me that on the well-known site of the track in the area of \u200b\u200bTsukuba, a new car was not worse than the specified pace. It is fast and easy to operate, and therefore it can be compared with a good guitar in the hands of a musician. What a musician, such music. To check the correctness of my thinking, I re-sat down the car's wheel of an old model to give it a full gas for all 9 thousand revolutions per minute! The car was not too tight, but suddenly the VTEC system turned on, and as if second breathing was opened. It reminded me of my youth.
However, I again distracted from the main topic. Meanwhile, if we take into account the features of the new engine, it is possible that many would quit the option with an automatic transmission. In fact, the speed characteristics of the car from this would not be injured. But but it was possible not to be distracted to pull the speeding lever, but, speaking figuratively, completely surrendered to the control. But this is my personal point of view. I do not think that Honda has no people who thought over such an opportunity. Thought, yes, how! But polls showed that the game is not worth the candle, as the demand is not so big. Well there is no way! In any case, S2000 is a machine that is intended for true fans. And let them not so much, but they are, and for them such a car is a real gift!

A source: WebCG.net.

Video crash tests Honda S2000 since 1999

Crash Test Honda S2000 since 1999

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