Test Drives Honda Accord since 2008 Sedan

Team everyone in Premium! It has long been distributed in the native islands. Came the Honda's turn. The owners of the former generation of Accord, who in the depths of the soul consider themselves riders, in the literal sense, make you dream about more. And the first to dream began, as usual marketers. Before the test drive, we were shown a video where a young piercer, a businessman and designer dreamed of ...
More emotions
The sale of a new generation Honda Accord car started in Russia on June 25. The novelty is distinguished by a sporty character, a luxurious interior, a complex of advanced security systems, as well as excellent dynamic characteristics. Thus, she challenges competitors in the premium segment of the D-class. Externally, the new Assobrd acquired a more emotional, sports appearance, becoming much wider and slightly lower. Bright design ...
Honda Accord VII. Price: from 864,000 rubles. On sale: since 2003 Honda Accord VIII Price: from 965,000 rubles. On sale: Since May 2008, the update of popular models is extremely rarely accompanied by a sharp change of the course: the next version of the bestseller is usually a logical continuation of the previous one. But not in the case of ...
Melody for two voices
Despite the same name, ACCORD, made for Europeans, and his namesake of the American sample is completely different cars. The game for aggravation talk about simplicity, if not saying the scarcity of the Japanese car, has long been scorn. But now I am experiencing rare minutes of pleasant disappointment in our own beliefs. It seems that the ACCORD of the eighth generation ...
Honda Accord: But speed loves more
Becoming the main supplier to the Russian car deficit of Honda continues to sow grain success, not doubting: those who want to enjoy the fruits will be in excess. Following the CR-V and Civic, the Japanese rolled another model, the word long-awaited when describing which is not even even complement. Simply in Russia there is a lot of business class. More…
Magic crystal
Dear and respectable in appearance, all of itself aggressive-sports, five years ago, the seventh generation chord became the first real Honda, which buyers saw in Russia. It is not surprising that his remover was waiting with a special feeling, but how would it be more boring so much like the predecessor? Light and shadows, long time ago there was no such thing to ...
Test Drive in Germany: How New Skoda Superb Delivered Honda Accord and VW Passat
The middle class of cars is growing and grows. The last squeak is a new Skoda Superb. But is it enough of the big dimensions and a spacious salon to survive with their competitors Honda Accord and VW Passat? Long tongue, but it is not enough for anything that is usually talked in the people when someone gives left and right ...
Two sides
Recently, the concept of sportsman is trying to operate an increasing number of automakers. True, not everyone turns out. Rare exceptions can be counted Honda Accord. During several generations, this car has kept and developed his sports traditions. But a new generation came out, and the situation has changed more precisely, not even changed, but significantly additioned. Sport…
Spirit of the Vienna Forest
Honda fans have long been asked: will the chord save his unique aura? Denis Harutyunyan, answered him. Photo by the author and Honda. Maternity, thick Viennese forest (Austrians call it light veins) is long worth half-naked, crowns are only dressed in greens. Silence and silence violate only the rustle of the wind and chirping the birds rejoicing the spring sun. All of a sudden…
Test drive of the new Honda Accord. The eighth wonder of the world
A popular world of Honda Accord starts its history since 1976, from the front-wheel-drive Hatchback of the compact class. Throughout this history, the manufacturer often introduced his original design solutions to the family. For example, at one time, engines with forkar-flame ignition were used here, and on the second generation models, for the first time in the world, it was proposed ...