Test Drive Great Wall Hover H5 since 2011 SUV
Three in the boat
Due to the ingredients of Japanese cuisine! Imagine: They took the chassis from Toyota 4runner 1989, put a motor from Mitsubishi Pajero 1991 and covered the whole business from ISUZU AXIOM 1999. There were three SUVs, and turned out one! That's how focus!
Leonid Klyuev
chief Editor
Looks like a car just super, no words. Alas, to reinforce your ambitions with adequate running qualities, Khove cannot: 128 horsepower with difficulty cope with two tons of aggressively looking mass. The Mitsubishi 4G64 marking engine is wake-up only in a narrow range of revolutions, somewhere from 2000 to 3500. Below is an emptiness that creates problems with smooth trorge. Above - a lot of noise without a significant effect. And heard Hover from afar: Even in a small move, the car makes uterine low-frequency sound with a diesel pricer and turbine supersay. If not to see - it seems that Kamaz behind his back turns out. Not even becoming.

The patient and unhurried owner Hover will repay good where asphalt ends. Holding on the first-second gears of the motor in the very, battle range, you can get not only good craving, but also excellent elasticity.
It is absolutely unrealistic to punch a cargo suspension on ughab, and the verteness of the machine allows you to draw an indescribable snake in search of the least risky trajectory. As for the patency, given the rigidly connected four-wheel drive and a downgrain in the transmission, it should be recognized: the off-road possibilities of the car are limited only by concerns for the safety of painted bumpers. Honest word, the coarse of coarse plastic would make Hover much more thick-skinned. But he is addressed, like any Chinese car, practical people who consider money.
Undoubtedly one: Chinese machines are progressing, and progressive at a noticeable pace. In my opinion, soon we can expect both improvements in terms of road quality and more close attention to security issues. The car without pillows is unthinkable today. Let even this big and beautiful SUV in just twenty-five thousand.

Kirill Brevdo
deputy Chief Editor
China Utility Vehicle - In my opinion, this is the only true and less accurate interpretation of those three letters that the Chinese gentlemen were sent to turn on the fifth point of this apparatus. What is behind this abbreviation? Oh, this is something special: ISUZU communist SUV with a lapped motor Mitsubishi and the overripe Toyota chassis at a good golf class car. Or simply not the worst family sedan. Or a compact, but modern Korean jeep like Hyundai Tucson and its photocopy Kia Sportage. In any case, the price on which the new Hover is being sold is said, you can't call anywhel. In pricing, as in the imitation, the Chinese make noticeable steps!
Great Wall Hover CUV
Predecessor Great Wall SUV Safe G5 (1999)
Prototype Isuzu Axiom (2000)
Platform Great Wall G-Series
Start of production 2005.
Body Universal
Engines 2.4 L (128 liters.)
China production
The expected replacement is not defined.

Yes, and rides a hover - not a fountain like. Sadly, but assertive - as a truck. The pressure is mainly provided by the rude hum, the engine published. Negasively somehow. In general, not a hover airplane.
But - We must pay tribute - Hover looks! And it costs money. And inside - too, anyone. And it is also worth bass, yes! But in the amount, it seems to me, it still does not match what I would like to lay out for the Chinese utilitarian vehicle without regard. After all, the same DEER or SUV which is even more utilitarian! And cheaper - Horazde!
So, having a quarter of a quarter of dollars on your hands, you can and need to think. You will quietly ride the beautiful (this is so!) And the big (so, so!) SUV, not equipped with modern security tools? Then I guess, I do not have to insure - because with you nothing can happen, right? Not excluded. But I am a pessimist. And let Korean Tucson looks less impressive, it has something that I need: calm and confidence.
And Hover can only let dust in the eyes. And when she falls, only the realization of the fact that the Chinese jeep is not so prestigious as I would like. Let him stand with all the frills almost thirty kilobaks. By the way, the Chinese promise to start recruiting Hover and ABS, and pillows. It is worth waiting and then ascertaining. Or, which is still more than more than a few years, in order to get a complete picture of the reliability of Chinese technology. Which will probably make a few steps forward along the way of progress. And along the path of retail prices, I suppose, too.

Nikolai Svistun
editor Rubricideriv
How long have you seen the last time Abybas sneakers or, say, Reybak? And the real Adidas and Reebok, which were collapsed in a maximum of a month? However, reliability is not my topic. Just write about the design of the recruitment from the Great Wall for me as strange as evaluating the aesthetic advantages of the Chinese hoist. Symbiosis of piracy and free market, franchising and styling.
The Chinese argue that Hover is licensed products. Let it be. It does not concern me and is not interested just because of the estate of my role.
Such an approach is to take a license car and to correct something in front of it - in the company Great Wall Motors Ltd is called traditional. And the fact that the heart of my Mercedes-Benz and the student of the Mercedes-Benz and the studies of the Mercedes-Benz and Atelier is not eliminated from the need to spend aesthetic analysis seen on the wall of the wall sacrifice.

But the disgusting quality of the cabin just hits the eyes - it is not necessary to look after. The original layout of the salon, invented somewhere in the depths of the design department of Isuzu, did not shine originality (by the way, the calculation of the American market was not originality and did not assume), and it was terrifying in Chinese materials at all. No one was engaged in the selection of colors and textures of materials at all. This, however, is also the tradition of Great Wall Motors.
So, what is the result? Cute and quite modern externally car is hopelessly spoiled by the quality of the cabin. It's a shame. Although, the potential buyer of a new SUV price is less than 26 thousand US dollars about design if it will think, then definitely not first. After all, used Axiom from states will cost a minimum of the top ten more
Text: Leonid Klyuev, Kirill Brevdo, Nikolay Svistun

A source: Magazine "Wheels" [№97 / 2005]