Test drive Great Wall Hover H5 since 2011 SUV

Chinese pilot

We were looking forward to the Great Wall Hover: modern appearance, kinship with Isuzu Axiom, finally, forcing the Wagnerian flight of Valkyrie under the nose. Hover, if anyone does not know, translates as a free -flying one. Intrigued us and the price talking about the intention to compete seriously, without dumping

When I hear about Chinese Volkswagen or about the GM factory in the Celestial Empire, although I frowns out of habit, I am ready to admit that this has the right to exist. Almost all electronics and microprocessor technology are gathering in China! On the other hand, solid brands, with their own quality control system. We are faced with products of enterprises, about which no one heard three years ago. Yes, they are cool in their homeland, but the statistics data that speak of the countries of Southeast Asia five-hundred thousands of Chinese cars sold to countries, so far manage to digest with difficulty. Moreover, both pickups, and SUV, and the same Hover are only similar to one degree or another to known models, and to project the glory of Toyota or Isuzu on them, to put it mildly, is wrong. Yes, the Chinese are diligent, but there are also issues of the quality of materials and the qualifications of workers. In addition, the licensed agreements and transmission of technology are not always discussed. To make it clear, until recently, there was no concept of fake, and the manufacture of something similar to a worthy example is considered to be granted and does not enter into conflict with morality and ethics. So the congruence of Hover and Isuzu Axiom should be perceived exclusively philosophically ...

The more beautiful, the more expensive?

Appearance Great Wall Hover

in fact, more than attractive, in addition, upon closer examination, the quality of the assembly, painting and decoration leaves a quite favorable impression. A five -door station wagon of rapid lines that fall into the upper segment of the compact SUV class - this is exactly what we need. A moderate volume of the traction engine promises sufficient economy and acceptable dynamics, but a full -fledged transmission and hardy suspension only add bonuses to our Chinese hero. But here is the price ... almost thirty thousand dollars for a all -wheel drive version? The same three -year -old Axiom or the new Suzuki Grand Vitara, Jeep Cherokee, Kia Sorrento costs. Why is Hover at least not worse than the most cheaper first -generation Sportage and is it equal to the listed competitors? By the way, the manufacturer himself positions Hover as CUV - Comfort Utility Vehicle! If everything is clear with Sport Utility Vehicle - they say, you want a sports equipment, you want a roofing material, then an application for a combination of comfort and utilitarianism looks bold. Here you have to match ...

For especially impatient, I will say right away: as usual, there are arguments for and against Hover. The right to exist has any option, including Chinese.

House-Office fish

Assuming that either the one who needs a roomy car with a 4x4 wheeled formula is flattered on the Chinese SUV, or the one who expects universality from the machine, we, accordingly, distributed the test to the components. To carry very serious loads like bags with cement and a grid -shirt on Great Wall Hover is hardly the same time - in the end, it is just a pity, new after all, and go along the route house - office - house, to the cottage and hunting -fish It is possible quite. Thus, the standard test cycle was distributed as follows: 70 percent of the run - a city and suburban highways, 20 percent - suburban roads, including country and without coverage, the last ten percent - crossed locality and moderate off -road in the form of sand, clay and crushed stone one of the quarries near Moscow. Let the accuracy of observing the proportions remain on our conscience, but we compiled a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe abilities of Great Wall Hover.


The fact that Great Wall Hover is a team of a hodgepodge was clear even to his personal acquaintance. The engine, according to the manufacturer, is a license to Mitsubishi, but this is not the motor that has been put on Outlander since last year, but somewhat earlier. It is located along, a working volume of 2.4 liters, four cylinders in a row, 16 valves, a timing drive with a belt. The power that he develops cannot be called monstrous - 130 liters. s., but his strength, brother, is not in power, but in truth, in the sense - in a torque. The motor is far from resourceful, despite the four valves on the cylinder, but the real traction. This is very good, because it allows you to simplify the car drive procedure, providing confident acceleration in all gears, except for the first, starting from 1,500 rpm. I deliberately excluded the first transfer of five -speed mechanical transmission, since the gear ratio of the boxes are extended evenly, and the first even too much. As a result of this selection of gear, Great Wall Hover starts, but from the second it goes to dynamics worthy of another modern crossover.

Gently, more tender

The main, it would seem, attractive feature Great Wall Hover is a frame, an old older staircase frame, cooked from two open profiles. This design promises decent endurance on the most difficult off -road, non -criticalness of damage and further corrosion of the body and a lot of benefits. If not for one but ... Hover frame, even in combination with the body, does not have the proper rigidity. Having hung an SUV on a concrete slab, I hardly opened the fifth door, but I could not close! Rather, it turned out to be slammed, but there is no tightly closed. A few days before, I went to the new Grand Vitara, and in such a situation I did not experience any difficulties. But Suzuki has a carrying body. In addition, the frame design took a few centimeters of depth at the cabin, which did not improve comfort for both the driver and passengers.

The landing of Great Wall Hover is almost passenger: the legs are extended horizontally, the steering wheel is low, the back is vertically. This does not quite correspond to my idea of \u200b\u200ba classic off -road landing, but it is quite acceptable if the driver’s workplace was not so short. This is a big Chinese misfortune, which the great communist empire can not cope, it seems, never! A person in 180 cm tall and sitting behind the wheel, and in general it is inconvenient to drive a car. For example, in order to transfer the foot from the accelerator pedal to the brake, I had to manipulate the right lower limb in the most ergonomically way. However, with less long -legged editorial staff, this turned out to be much more painless. On the other hand, the sensitivity and information content of the brake pedal also require adaptation. With a habit, not meeting the proper resistance under the foot, not for long and block the wheels, and no ABC will help - simply because it is not here. And the brakes on all wheels are disk, effective, and the rear ones are clearly more powerful than the front ones and grab tightly earlier ...

Oh, America!

Probably, after all of the above, it may seem that the shortcomings in this case outweigh the advantages. But not: oddly enough, in general, from driving Great Wall Hover I have a completely favorable impression. The steering is light, moderately sensitive, with a sluggish, but understandable feedback, quietly in the cabin, and most importantly - the car’s move is quite smooth. The suspension is generally worth saying separately. Ahead of Great Wall Hover, a torsion is independent on double levers, behind is a spring dependent five -link. In a word, the IFS classics (Independent Font Suspension - Independent Front suspension) in its best performance. Torsions can be twisted to infinity, there are few interchangeable elastic bands, balls change separately from levers, everything is simple, potentially reliable and enduring. Unlike pickups, the quality of welds is much better, although it does not reach world standards. It is almost impossible to complain about the suspension, except that the steering rods are low, although these are trifles ... It is amazing, but in addition to the smoothness of the move, the suspension also demonstrated an enviable energy intensity. The back of the positive features became the negative components - the validity of the turns and the tendency to transverse buildup in the style of old Americans. In addition, after passing small irregularities, the body shakes for some time for some time, as if as a result of internal resonance. It seems that the shock absorbers here would be different, more fatal. Nevertheless, on off -road, the suspension is working out one hundred percent! It was never possible to break it off so, although we rode sand and clay in a dotted ruts.

In a word, the classic suspension demonstrates its most typical properties, maintaining acceptable handling, which is also facilitated by river steering. When passing the turns of Great Wall Hover, he shows his complaisance in every possible way and, having some excessive rotation, demonstrates it with great reluctance. If you connect the front bridge, which is done using a small handle on the front panel of the cabin, the car acquires insufficient rotation, flying out of rotation when ejecting speed. Troubles are adjusted equally well with both the steering wheel and gas.

Sketch in pink tones

It is difficult to write about the interior Great Wall Hover is unambiguous. On the one hand, for the Chinese, very good. The salon is assembled quite carefully - let's say, at the middle American level. There are practically no burrs on plastic, nor striking cracks between the panels, everything opens and closes without a backlash and application of effort. And the design of the front panel is generally not bad - no utilitarianism here smells. On the other hand, the selection of finishing materials is more modest than I would like for the announced price. In addition, opening the door of the car with such a spectacular appearance, you expect more. However, they do not argue about tastes, and if, for example, editorial aesthetes were ridiculed by the pinkish-beige color of the seats, this still does not mean anything. Look at the photo and evaluate for yourself, and if you wish, go to the car dealership and see your firsthand whether it suits you all or not. Yes, do not forget to pay attention to how much space for the rear passengers. As they say, design is design, but do not forget about the mother -in -law.

Not good, but not bad

It is difficult to get short -leased conclusions about the authority of the existence of Great Wall Hover ... The general feeling is not bad. Not good, but not bad. That is the four, but with a minus. But in the pluses - a two -year guarantee and inexpensive service. As for competitiveness, they are bought regardless of my skepticism, and quite actively. Apparently, its appearance, size and smooth move, from the point of view of a potential buyer, really outweigh the shortcomings.

Text: Igor Gubar

Source: Magazine 4x4 [November/2005]