Ford Fusion test drive since 2010 hatchback

Almost an SUV

By releasing Ford Fusion, Ford definitely hit the target. Even in Europe, a small machine with increased road clearance and quite serious appearance was in good demand. And in Russia, Fusion has completely become a hit. Now this model has appeared in the secondary market. It is worth noting that announcements for the sale of this car do not hang for a long time.
What is the main advantage of Ford Fusion compared to the same Fiesta, on whose platform the hero of our story is built, it is not necessary to explain. This is primarily an enlarged road clearance. If in Fiesta it is traditional for class models of 140 mm, then in Fusion the clearance reaches 163 mm. Do not forget about the appearance of the car really looks serious. True, the Fusion Road can be called large only with a stretch. For example, let's say that a well -deserved domestic classics have only 3 mm less clearance. Yes, and there is no question of a complete drive, not to mention the reducing transmission or blocking of differentials. Therefore, if you are looking for an inexpensive car for fishing, it is better to abandon Fusion and look for yourself something else. For example, used by Suzuki Jimny or Chevrolet Niva.
Fusion equipment can be different. Let's say the basic Fusion in the Core configuration had a very meager set of bells and whistles. Yes, there are four airbags and ABS in such fusion, but there are no so desired electric drives of glass/mirrors so desired for the Russian owner of a foreign car. Moreover, the condea was not in the second configuration of Trend, which was distinguished by the presence of electric drives of glasses and mirrors, the remote control of locks and some other trifles.
If you like comfort, it is better to immediately look for a car in the maximum configuration of Elegance. For the option with buying the cheapest version and installing glass or music systems in the nearest garage of electric drives in the case of Fusion will not pass. Of course, you can cut a tape recorder and speakers, but you need to do this carefully.
Do not forget that Fusion, like all modern cars, has multiplex wiring. It is difficult to work with it, and the prices for installing such bells and whistles are very decent. As for the reliability of electronics, there are no problems here. Masters say that sometimes breakdowns happen, but they are not chronic. Unless too often light bulbs are burned out, sometimes the car remains without near or high light every three months. But, you must admit, this is nonsense.
Ford Fusion did not have a large motor gamut. In Russia, only cars with a 1.4 liter engine (80 hp) and 1.6 liters (100 hp) were sold. It is cars with such units that you will find in most cases in the secondary market. But from Europe, if desired, you can bring diesel fusion with a 1.4 liter engine (68 hp) or 1.6 liters (already 90 hp). Moreover, in the market of the Old World you can find Fusion with a gasoline engine with a volume of only 1.2 liters (75 hp).
However, I must say right away: such Fusion is too dead, and in Russia it was decided not to sell it in principle. In addition, the difference in the price between Fusion 1.2 and Fusion 1.4 in the same trim levels is minimal.
As for diesel engines, they are good, especially a 1.6-liter motor. Its 90 horses are enough to drive quite quickly, but the main advantage of such machines is not in maximum speed, but in the convenience of control. The diesel engines are very traction, they do not work too loudly, and the vibrations are low here. As for reliability, so far there are no complaints about diesel engines. However, such Fusion has a minus. In particular, they usually cost more than their gasoline counterparts. As a rule, in the secondary market, the difference in cost is about $ 10001500, which in this price segment is already quite significant.
If you choose between a 1.4- and 1.6-liter gasoline engine, then it is best, of course, to opt for the last power unit. It is simply more powerful, and the difference is 20 hp. It is very felt very much. There is also the reverse side of the coin. Fusion 1.6 was usually bought in expensive Elegance configuration, therefore the prices for such cars are higher.
With the reliability of gasoline engines, everything is in order. According to the masters, these units have no weaknesses. The spark plugs here, however, do not always withstand 20,000 km, but we need to blame our businessmen who are engaged in the production of gasoline, and not the Ford company. Some masters recall the gas pump, which sometimes broke after about 50,000 km. But here you need to make one important reservation: the gasoline pump still failed not too often, usually withstanding 100,000 km, and besides, the price of its replacement is not fantastic about $ 300, taking into account work. However, if you buy a mileage of more than 100,000 km, be prepared for the fact that the maintenance of the engine and its hinged units will require decent investments. For it can be so that the drive belts are already worn out, and the state of the timing belt can be sad. At the same time, experts emphasize that the timing belt and other belts are only necessary to change the branding service station. The fact is that it is almost impossible to put a timing belt correctly without special devices.
Three types of gearboxes were put on Fusion. The most reliable traditional mechanics. It not only has a large resource, but also works clearly. Only when buying a car with a mileage of about 100,000 km, be prepared for the fact that the clutch may die soon ($ 400, by the way). In addition, the company’s intermediate bearing can be compiled by the company, the replacement of which will cost about $ 150.
But with automatic boxes, the situation is interesting. After all, speaking an automatic, many sellers have in mind as a traditional automatic transmission, which was only paired with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine, and a semiautomatic device called Durashift. It was put only complete with a 1.4-liter gasoline engine. Durashift is, in fact, ordinary mechanics, where electronics are responsible for switching (at the same time the possibility of manual mode is preserved). So, this very electronics switching speeds far from the best way, the car often twitches. In general, not the most convenient transmission. Therefore, you need to buy a car with such a box only if you are a calm and leisurely driver. True, with the reliability of Durashift everything is in order. And the usual machine does not fail. However, if you take a car with great mileage, then you need to check the automatic transmission.
Fortunately, the suspension was very reliable. True, the owners of Fusion of the first year of issue complained about the weak stabilizer racks, which sometimes could not withstand 20,000 km. Ford noticed this problem and modernized the part, after which the racks began to be enough for 100,000 km. By the way, it is 100,000 km that masters consider the border service life of many chassis parts. That is why when buying a car, released in 20022004 and having a mileage of about a hundred thousand kilometers, you need to be prepared for the fact that the suspension will require investments. So, it is at this line that shock absorbers, hub bearings, racks and bushings of stabilizers can go under the replacement.
Prices for spare parts are average for the market of foreign cars. So, the shock absorber costs $ 160, a hub bearing of $ 80, a stabilizer stand $ 130, and a sleeve of $ 17.
Ford Fusion is based on Fiesta's platform, which was first shown at the end of 2001. Ford assured that Fusion, which debuted in 2002, discovered a completely new car class called Fordovites Urban Active Vehicle. At first, the car was equipped with three engines: 1.4 liters (80 hp) and 1.6 liters (100 hp), as well as a 1.4-liter diesel (68 hp). The gearboxes were three types: mechanics, a 4-speed automatic and a semiautomatic device Durashift.
In 2005, the car was modernized. The design has changed slightly, but such cars can be recognized by new two -story headlights and other bumpers. In addition, on the updated Fusion began to put a 1.2 liter gasoline engine (75 hp) and a 1.6-liter diesel (90 hp).
It should be noted that this year at the Motor Show in Geneva Ford presented a new generation of Fiesta. Therefore, it can be expected that in the next, 2009, a new Fusion will appear. However, so far there is no specific information about this model.
Ford Fusion turned out to be a very decent car. No wonder this machine is so successful in the primary market. The main advantage of Fusion is, of course, in an enlarged road lumen, although he, of course, is still very far from a real SUV. And the appearance of this model is much more serious than the same Fiesta. It is best to buy a car in a maximum configuration with air conditioning and an electric packet. The most preferred gasoline engine is 1.6 liters.

Dmitry Erokhin, General Director of the Center for Car loans, Ph.D.:
For many customers of the Ford Fusion, a guideline in the context of lending is a special proposal of the Ford credit program on credit, at which the buyer can receive a credit rate of 4.9% per annum.
However, this credit program applies only to new cars, and the requirements of the program do not meet the capabilities of most buyers. The main requirements of the Ford program on credit for the purchase of Ford Fusion are the availability of own funds of at least 40% of the price of the car and providing a certificate with official income for the full amount.
The same customers of Ford Fusion, who will not be able to buy a car under the Ford program on credit, as well as customers Ford Fusion with mileage will need to choose a credit program from the presented in the banking market. In order for a comparison of lending conditions for different banks to be objective, it is necessary to use an effective interest rate. The methodology for calculating an effective interest rate is determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and involves a single calculation formula so that the borrower can compare the lending programs of various banks.
However, the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not say how, in the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the CASCO insurance premium: only for the first year or for the entire period of use of car loan. Therefore, different banks can be included in the calculation of an effective rate for both year of car loan and for the entire lending term. When the costs of CASCO insurance for the entire period of car loan are turned on, an effective interest rate is higher than when the CASCO insurance costs in one year is included. Therefore, in order for a comparison of lending conditions to be objective, it is necessary to clarify with the bank what period of insurance was used to calculate an effective interest rate. One of the approaches is to compare the effective interest rate without taking into account CASCO insurance, where only payments directly related to car loans are calculated. In this case, the comparison of the cost of insurance can be made directly at the CASCO tariff, without including these expenses in an effective interest rate.
Denis Smolyanov
Photo author: Ekaterina Butsukina

Source: MKOMBILA magazine [July/2008]