Test Drive Ford Escape since 2012 SUV

How did Ford Escape better than the leader of the sales of Honda CR-V?

A simple American Ford Escape came to break the Japanese garden ... The accommodation of crossovers is traditionally the country of the rising sun. Quality, balanced prices and optimal set of consumer qualities.
If you do not take a premium segment, then the Japanese fortress was and remains unreasonable. And when everything was done with this, from where I neither appear Ford Escape, made in Thailand, and said: I heard, here the passions were boiled, maybe I will try? So the idea of \u200b\u200bthis test was born: the 2008 sales leader among Honda CR-V crossovers against Ford Escape beginner.
It happens before the crisis, I would put against Ford any Chrysler's losers, but the times now others, and the non-stormyness of the model is completely paying for a smaller price, and therefore, the cheap Escape has a chance even in a Japanese Competition.

Again by radio
All crossovers of this class hopelessly scary. It makes no sense to consider them outside. Another thing inside. Here you already have something to discuss. Escape novaat hits a black hole in the dashboard. Gloomy Hi from the 90s. Reminder of those times when the insides of the cars did from old rubber boats. But this rudeness compensates for a beard with a climate control unit and music. American is a huge, not saving even in front of Schwarzenegger's fingers, the temperature twist reigns over everything. My fingers are not so meatsels, but I could wear hockey gloves and would also be controlled by it. Recycling, which sometimes seem to seek, having stopped under the exhaust pipe of the living Kamaz, is arranged divinely. It is combined with stream force: twist left and wind from the fan, increasing, circulates inside the cab, and the entire right radius, increasing the draft, takes the air outside. Surprisingly ergonomic algorithm. No one has made it more comfortable. A little more complicated to be managed due to the fact that the search for stations is not highlighted in a separate, well-readable block. But the volume of the volume, combined with the shutdown / switching toggle, does not hide it right in the center. Many competitors and this is not.
In Honda, the algorithms are wiser, it is necessary to understand and get used. But the finish is much noble, more beautiful and more pleasant in tactile sensations. The Salon of the Japanese is decorated with leather. An American can offer only textiles, and although the Yankee's rag is the most worthy of cheap soft and pretty, together with the Escape plastic, it draws in general not the most visible picture.

Passenger - nail
In the back row in CR-V, more spacious than in Escape, and this is a big minus. Too much place for other people's knees. He having heard about this property of the Japanese crossover, someone necessarily misses you in the travelers, then he wants to smoke, then he wishes to fit his drive instead of your favorite radio and a trip hopelessly spoiled. The passenger should feel obliged to driver, and his comfort is the last thing. In Escape, the legs of the feet are less spacious, and it pleases. Dars the joy that the rear armchairs Ford are made on the amphitheater manner, passengers will like it very convenient to watch the road.
I open the trunk Ford and understand: this is a powerful stimulator. It happens in life a black band, but open the fifth door Escape and your failures will seem like a mosquito trifle compared to problems at Ford plants, where felt are suggested to the regiment by Chinese scotch, and the splash is covered with a used alien alignment.
Honda such a circus does not allow, but she has so many problems. For example, it goes smoothly and managed well. Chassis set up it can be seen. But this feedback of the steering wheel is too good for a colley asphalt. In Japan, there is no polygon sold by overloaded fours. In America, there is also no, but Ford is not afraid of gates and irregularities just so, without any settings ride in the right direction. And CR-V is thorough care. Why do we need refined handling? Serve from a number in a row? But, no matter how the steering is, and the neighboring line is always going faster. Vanity.

Raspatting and skinning
Hondovskaya power plant chopper, mischievous. It has no sports regime in it and without it perfectly. Motor agem. Overclocking is not sluggish. Unpleasant. Addiguously correct characteristics. Valve control system is too well. Bustle. Ford Couple Engine Corresponds Another example. Fall asleep on the go, showing indifference to paranoid modern trends: the cealing, career race and consumer fever. Dumb steering wheel, oak suspension, dead motor Here are the advantages on which, like on a white horse, Escape drove to our market, and be today 2007, he would not be lucky. But in 2009, no one pays no attention to it, because everyone is only interested in the price, and Ford is normal.

Matchast: Honda CR-V

Matchast: Ford Escape

The off-road Escape can hope for a good geometric permeability, on a high rubber profile and squeezing suspension strokes. By the way, he has a full spare. But there is no anti-pass electronics. Many of this will not be noticeable, because budget electronic assistants are often meaningless in the mud, but actually insulting. It remains to take obstacles to overclocking, in UAZ. The angle of entry into 27 degrees allows, because for a parketthip, everything that is more than 25 degrees is already fine. If another bottom manufacturer tried to defend a little, it would be more fun. The CR-V will be reserved also open all branches and logs. Yes, and the configuration of the test car Mugen was not quite successful, with an extremely low front bumper. This, you see, version with as it were for sports kit. Only the imitation of interstole blocking is saves if you are clearly caught by the algorithm of its action.
I will never buy himself Honda CR-V, but I understand the people who make the cashier. Simple creatures with indestructible taiga to fashion-comfort-renovation. I hope no one makes me ride and for Ford Escape. I do not want to change the learned tape in the trunk from the official dealer.

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photos of Alexander Insurance Baranova

A source: 4x4 magazine [July / 2009]

Test drives Ford Escape since 2012