Тест-драйв Chevrolet Aveo седан с 2011 года Седан

Chevrolet Aveo и Cruze-хэтчбек: испытание Прибалтикой

Компания Chevrolet уже презентовала две свои последние новинки модель Cruze в кузове хэтчбек и новое поколение Aveo. Но тесты этих машин проходили в рафинированных условиях Западной Европы. И только во время путешествия из Риги в Санкт-Петербург мы смогли познакомиться с этими автомобилями в условиях сурового климата.

Начнем с Cruze. Выпускать модель гольф-класса, не имеющую модификации в кузове хэтчбек, значит, идти против рынка. До сих пор компания Chevrolet так и делала, продавая Cruze исключительно в виде седана. Но в прошлом году была, наконец, представлена и пятидверка. Cruze седан машина не сказать, чтобы однозначно красивая, но в любом случае яркая и запоминающаяся. А что же хэтчбек?

Узкое и сильно наклонённое окно пятой двери с удовольствием накапливает на своей поверхности дорожную грязь, а моторчик заднего дворника жужжит так же громко, как на каком-нибудь бюджетном японском хэтче середины девяностых

Самое интересное в дизайне нового Круза ниспадающая линия крыши, которая переходит в заднее стекло достаточно скромных размеров. Смотрится, на мой взгляд, несколько тяжеловесно, да и обзор назад сквозь такую бойницу не идеален. Но ведь и сам автомобиль не выглядит ажурной пушинкой образ Круза формирует приземистый, основательный и брутальный кузов. Глядя на профиль с покатой крышей, задаёшься вопросом: а не расстроит ли задних пассажиров выбор владельца? Напротив, они будут счастливы. Ведь у пассажиров над головой появились 11 миллиметров дополнительного пространства.

Объём багажника у хэтчбека меньше, чем у седана: 413 л против 450. Зато, сложив задний диван, владельцы хэтча получат объем в 883 л. На седане такая операция даст лишь возможность погрузить что-то длинное, но не объёмное

What's new in the interior? On the run? And nothing! The car remained the same, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Among the first, undoubtedly, interesting design and worthy interior materials, in which a lot of attention was paid to trifles, as well as good isolation from external noise and vibrations in word, design and comfort of Cruise, in height. And the main disadvantages are still an uneven-intensive suspension, an empty steering wheel, a fuzzy mechanism of a mechanical transmission and not a 109-horsepower 1.6 engine at all (there is an even more powerful engine with a volume of 1.8 liters, which produces 141 hp).

Cruze in the back of the hatchback turned out to be noticeably cheaper than the sedan: 548 thousand versus 572 with a similar set of equipment in the basic configuration. The difference is 24 thousand! It is unlikely that the hatchback production took significantly less steel, rubber and plastic than the sedan is rather a Chevrolet marketing move, designed to make a model more accessible. By the way, one of the main rivals of Cruise in the Russian Ford Focus of the third generation will also cost cheaper if it is purchased in the form of a five -door, although the difference between the bodies is noticeably less than 10,000 rubles. (from 532 thousand rubles per hatchback versus 542 per sedan).

Cruze hatchback, as well as a sedan, is produced under Peter at the General Motors factory. The assembly of the novelty at the enterprise in Shushara began in December last year, and the car has been available on sale since January

With Cruise, everything is clear a familiar product in a new convenient packaging. But Aveo is a significant step forward in the compact machines segment. If the previous Aveo was a frank simpleton, then the present is already familiar with style and fashion. Of course, modular headlights play a key role in his appearance. Similar can be seen either in supercars (Zenovo ST1, for example), or on image cars like Alfa Romeo (159, Brera), or on tuned machines with optics like products of a well -known MORETTE company. And here is a small-leaf of the B-class, and even far from the premium segment! You can’t call the body the body itself, but there is, for which there is, for which it is to catch on: this is a powerful ledge of the branded double grille, and unloading the heavy profile of the punching on the bottom of the doors, and the rear window of a huge area. True, I have to agree with the colleagues who traveled to Aveo in Europe, the live car does not look as spectacular as in the photographs. And road mud kills all design ideas even more.

The main question that arises when looking at the anterior optics Aveo, how quickly the framing of the spotlights will be clogged with a gray mass of snow -gobblers. No one will give him a more accurate answer than the harsh Baltic weather. Surprisingly, even after a long road on a wet and snowy highway, Aveo was in no hurry to try on mud glasses

The Aveo engine with a volume of 1.6 liters already gives out 115 horsepower versus 109 for Cruise, as well as 5 nm more than a torque of 155. But how better Aveo rides! Not a hothatch, of course, but during the overtaking of numerous trucks driving Aveo you do not need to pray to all car gods for the successful completion of the maneuver, as in the case of Cruze 1.6. The steep motor in combination with a fairly short manual gearbox is endowed with AVEO with living dynamics. And as a bonus, instant reactions of the motor to touch the gas pedal, which is very rare in our time.

The mechanical gearbox is desperately lacking in the sixth stage (but the machine has it) at some 100 km/h of the arrow of a cheerful motorcycle tachometer is located in the area of \u200b\u200b3000 revolutions. A lot, taking into account the modest sound insulation of the car

During the first test drive in Switzerland, Pavel Elshin wondered if the Russian version of Aveo would go just as assembled in terms of suspension as European? Rides! The chassis of Russian cars is not only energy -intensive (in omnivorousness much closer to the Sandero suspension, rather than, for example, to Solaris), but also quite interesting in terms of rolling. Do not wait for revelations from Aveo, but it is controlled no worse than classmates like Volkswagen Polo or Kia Rio, in addition to reliability, there is a gambling spark on the chassis. Although more details about this are specifying when we can try the new Aveo on summer tires on the asphalt.

Roads in Riga are akin to our Moscow: in the assortment of the capital of Latvia and potholes out of the blue, and sticking hatches, and hard joints. Aveo suspension coped with these surprises much better than Kruzovskaya. Energy intensity at the level

The harsh Baltic climate and uncleaned Russian roads revealed one of the main problems of the newcomer modest Shumka. Few of the representatives of this segment gives their riders the serenity of business class passengers, and Aveo is no exception. Cams and slush are loudly drumming along the arches and the bottom, and after 100 kilometers per hour to these sounds, a whistle of wind and engine buzz are added to these sounds. Although, in comparison with the past AVEO, progress is evident, and in general, vibro -acoustic comfort is not lower than the minimum tolerable level.

The rear window begins on the roof almost from the middle of the rear doors, so the upper part had to be darkened so that the passengers were not baked. True, in the Chevrolet, the usual tinted preferred strange texture with black dots

The interior of the new items remains controversial even taking into account the fact that I like the cheerful design of the instrument panel. The main thing is that the artists did not spoil her readability, but the bold solutions in this segment are only in plus to such jumps-original. The rest in the cabin reigns the contrast of beautiful solutions with annoying blunders. Music plays great for this class, and a groove is made in the lid of the upper glove compartment (where the USB port of the radio) is made to output the lace to the external player beauty! But the interior decoration materials are upset: the plastic is hard and in places even rude, not a single pocket is rubberized, and the steering wheel is slippery.

It is unlikely that, of course, AVEO developers focused on this, but the pedals turned out to be very convenient for extension during braking. Most Aveo drivers do not suspect this, but to someone who loves and knows how to ride on mechanics, this pleasant trifle will appeal

There are a lot of places for trifles in the cabin, so another minivan will envy. But tell me what to put in pockets of a strange shape on the sides from the central console? Yes, and the console itself could be more fun, in the spirit of incendiary tidy, and so there is a certain design dissonance. Little victories and defeats of the interiors come up here and there: at first you rejoice on the long journey of an unexpectedly successful profile of armchairs, but then you are upset that at twilight the backlighting of the tachometer arrows resembles an ominous Check Engine and frankly annoying. In general, inside Aveo, a cocktail of contradictions, but, in general, is quite edible.

Probably, after all, the carrier of the WTCC Turin series based on the impudent Aveo would look much hotter than the current racing Cruze

The new AVEO in the LS configuration costs in Russia from 444 thousand rubles. The engine for Russian AVEO provides one single volume of 1.6 liters, and in the base it will get a 5-speed manual. And, by and large, Aveo LS does not reach the air conditioner. It is in all other trim levels, and for LS it will cost an additional 30 thousand. The most affordable version with a 6-speed automatic (the only one in a class with so many programs) will cost 520 thousand rubles. Well, a top modification with a machine gun is 556 thousand plus another 20 thousand per hatch. Is it expensive or cheap?

So far, only a sedan is sold in Russia, but not far off and the appearance of a hatchback Start of sales is scheduled for April

The basic Hyundai Solaris now costs 443 thousand with a surcharge of 35 thousand per machine gun, however, a more archaic four -speed. Aveo has about the same machine, but is not installed on the youngest modification, so automatic Solaris is more affordable. The air conditioning in the basic Solaris is also for the surcharge, but it is third cheaper than Aveo has 20 thousand rubles. But the maximum fried Hyundai will cost 617 thousand. Kia Rio costs from 469,900 rubles, but he already has air conditioning, and Rio with an automatic machine costs from 509,900 rubles even cheaper than Aveo. An empty Polo sedan with a mechanics 429 100 rubles without air conditioning, and minimum money for automatic Polo 560 800 rubles. Well, the top folk sedan from Volkswagen will cost 700 thousand at all. Finally, an obsolete Renault Logan with a 102-horsepower 1.6 engine and mechanics is sold for 409,500 rubles with a surcharge of 25 thousand for air conditioning, and a four-speed automatic increases the price to 443,500 rubles. As you can see, the new Aveo was quite in the market, and, taking into account his catchy design and consumer qualities, he is able to give battle to old -timers and beginners of the class of budget compacts.

What is the end? Cruze has become more accessible and finally offers customers such an important body alternative in golf class. And in the person of the new Aveo, we received a strong player in the segment of available cars. Strong not only at the price, but also by design and honesty, Aveo does not try to seem more or older than it is actually, and the bet is made on fresh appearance and lively riding character. Perhaps the rivals will have to thoroughly squeeze.

Dmitry Laskov
Photos of Chevrolet and Author

Source: Auto.mail.ru