Audi S5 test drive since 2007

Audintic S5

It took very little time driving this coupe to clearly understand what they are not able to in Audi. They do not know how to make bad cars there. Yes, what is there: even mediocre and they do not know how to do. Only good. Such is one -sidedness
Any compartment by definition of an individualist’s car, if not an egoist. Roadster too, but he is also the reflection of extroverts and victims of chronic narcissism, and the coupe, on the contrary, prefer those in whose character introverted features prevail. The owner of the coupe puts it under the admiring glances of others not of himself, but his special, not like everyone else, remaining for the time being in his shadow. In this regard, the five Audi, as they say, was what the doctor prescribed: a high on -board line, narrow window slots with tinted glasses, a sloping roof behind all this is easy and pleasant to retire (and double, by the way, it would also be with anyone!).
But still, this is a casket with a surprise: if you get out of its cozy cocoon to the light of God, and here everyone looks at you: well, let's get, who is so fashionable there and not like everyone else? Yeah and you feel yourself (while moving on such a car does not become a common routine), depending on the skew in your own head, or the umbilical waist, or a person who left the house without clothes. Moving around the city in ordinary, non -west days on its solid, extremely convenient, also German, but completely discreet of the sedan, did not escape the test of this kind of striptease and I am a pretty and stylish, glamorous young lady, the owner of an expensive and pathos car, who has recently become my parking neighbor and had not seen my various test machines, gave me much more. an interested look and with a more than a benevolent smile started a conversation about
However, this does not matter. After all, I, in turn, got behind the wheel not ordinary, albeit a wonderful five, but S5! So, all this glamor, pathos, style, together with all kinds of pretty young ladies, fades into the background: much more important is the sports potential of this compartment, its motor and running qualities. Due to the circumstances last summer, I could not take part in the European presentation test of the new Audi compartment and was very upset then. Now the circumstances have developed so that it was the S5 that became the first car to the test, barely taking office as editor -in -chief of the motor. And I considered it a very kind sign.
It was a time 15 years ago, when I was rather a convinced critic of cars with four rings on the radiator grille than their fan. However, an unprecedented high -quality breakthrough that the Audi brand made in subsequent years made me change my opinion by 180. And the point is not even a breathtaking R8, but in the entire line of road Audi, among which models with S and RS indices occupy a special place. Classifying the ESKI is quite simple: it is not RS, but far from basic A-versions, which means this is a reasonable compromise between, I will allow myself some tautology, uncompromising sports and comfortable practicality. And in this capacity they really like them. Well, I expected even more from the S-version of the five: after all, it’s not just to shove a powerful motor in A4, A6 or A8, imprisoning the suspension, in principle, a new car. So, it turns out, I was obviously positively addicted, but, therefore, the demand from the new machine to meet increased expectations was greater. Well, it turns out more than with Audi?
It's funny, but the manager who gave me the car for a test added oil to the fire, when, having told about some features in the governing bodies of the new Audi, he completed his explanations with a phrase that would arouse keen interest among the specialist in the psychology of the subconscious: well, and the rest is everything here. Just like in Audi. Not in the previous Audi, notice, but simply in Audi. That is, Audi S5 is already like not quite Audi
Have you yet retained the ability to follow my thought?
Well, then let's see what kind of beast this
As soon as I get behind the wheel, I immediately compare the S5 with the well -known BMW 335i compartment and the comparison at first is not in favor of Audi. In a three -lash, as soon as you slam the door from the inside, immediately a special mechanical hand helpfully gives you a seat belt buckle behind you yourself, so that you yourself will not be tormented. There is no such convenient device here, and you have to perform an appropriate acrobatic study. In general, the comparison of the S5 with the most powerful conventional version of the new BMW coupe of the 3rd series suggests itself, of course, at once these cars are the most direct competitors (the existing comparison with the M3 is completely incorrect, he is an opponent of the future RS5). Although outwardly, with all their typological similarities, they differ markedly. BMW is more elegant, sophisticated, even blows unobtrusive aristocratism from it.
Audi is more brutal, more courageous, more aggressive. I would find it difficult to make a choice each of them is good in its own way. But, since a pleasant trip to Nurgurgring while driving a magnificent treshka from BMW remains in the memories of last year's spring, and now I have a steering wheel from Audi in front of me, I like this compartment more. And the objectively ultramodern and richly equipped S5 salon is impressive much more than stylish, but rather boring, almost archaic and very Spartan, despite the top-cathegor, 335i salon.
But, again, this is not the main thing. It is time to properly get and go. Surprisingly, when with my almost two -meter height, I habitually moved away with the chair as far back as possible (completely depriving the virtual passenger behind the living space of the virtual passenger), the pedal knot and the steering wheel suddenly turned out to be very far on the verge of reach. At first, this caused irritation, because it would have to be moved to them almost closely! However, such a landing was just as unexpectedly extremely convenient and functional as in the cockpit of the racing machine (which reminded the landing at the wheel of TT, but in a more civilian version). Everything is at hand, everything is very ergonomic and beautiful at the same time.
To launch the motor, drown a radio circuit in the nest (the launch button option), while squeezing the brake and adhesion pedal, after which the instrument arrows describe the circle of honor, and a perfectly familiar low, juicy, juicy formidable is heard from the branded four -wquis systems of the exhaust system. A roar that makes others nervously shudder, and for those inside the machine drowns as speeds increase in magnificent sound insulation, but each time it makes itself felt when braking with an engine and sharp accelerations from below.
And acceleration to match this roar. Well -familiar in an ordinary eight and charged fours of the V8 FSI with a volume of 4.2 liters are slightly deformed and gives out only 354 hp. Against 420 under the hood of RS4, but he has a 10 -nm moment, and even more so he is ahead of his own version under the hood S4 in both indicators. As a result, with the same limited electronics of maximum speed, the S5 accelerates to hundreds by half a second faster than the S4 sedan, which is very noticeable.
Moreover, this does not interfere with the dispersal to be very soft, elastic, paradoxically such a combination. It is only necessary to adopt to long -term clutch in combination with an accelerator with a very sensitive at the beginning of its course, and then, as they say, complete departure! Just have time to smack the programs of an almost impeccably working checkpoint, although there is also an excess of the motor elasticity of the motor for less frequent switching. And in all its glory, just the quality that attracts in the ESCs in the conditions of urban congestion it behaves calmly, without twigs, but it is worth spurring it, and it will instantly demonstrate its serious dynamic potential, and will show itself as a worthy representative on a long trip class GT.
Again, the suspension in combination with transparent steering and the proper rigidity of the body works impeccably, exclusively collected and even forced me to involuntarily open my mouth from amazement, when the S5 at a very high speed slipped an unnecessary lying policeman as if it were not there! The ability of this compartment is calmly swallowing almost any bumps of asphalt, almost not informing your fifth point about them just fantastic! However, when it comes to classic Audi, you can’t do without mentioning a lot of other innovative insufficient rotation, especially characteristic of small light cars with large heavy engines. The engineers made noticeable efforts to ensure if they did not save a new compartment from it, then at least reduce it. To do this, they first installed the engine not before the front axle, as before, but behind it, and also changed the distribution of the moment between the front and rear axle from 50x50 to 40x60 in favor of the rear. However
I note right away that the conditions of the test on the raw winter roads of the Moscow Region were not so sterile as on the spring serpentines well -fried in the vicinity of Nürburgring, where last year I wrapped lastly at the wheel of 335i, but even it was obvious that it was obvious that to defeat the insufficient rotation to the creators S5 failed or they did not want to. In any case, while the BMW treshka obediently slides, when you need, with the rear wheels, helping to fit into the turn, the five Audi, when exceeding a certain speed at the entrance, in about the same turn, stubbornly glides out with the stabilization system.
I do not think that more than the thundering Audi engineers could not solve this problem rather, they did not want to. After all, this car is positioned as a sports coupe of a business class, and it seems that the second component of this definition from a marketing point of view is more important than the notorious businessmen in orderly rows will go to storm turns in a controlled skid. It will be enough accurate, very informative steering in combination with a tendency to insufficient rotation, much safer than excess. That's the whole secret. And waiting for more acute sensations for a couple of years and then please the wheel of a 450-horsepower five with an RS index and with an intellectual distribution system between the wheels
But all these meaningful discussions about the demolition is in fact, only by the way. The main thing in the S5 is still not the ability to take turns, otherwise the impression that he makes as a whole. And this is the impression, despite the fact that individual disadvantages are more than compensated by a mass of virtues, the most positive. Life at the wheel of this very harmonious moderate-sports compartment Audi becomes brighter and more pleasant, it is very dynamic, but does not chill blood with transcendental extreme, and this, whatever you say, attracts in such a car.
Perhaps the S5 is really more than Audi. But if you take into account that each new car built in Ingolstadt is always a noticeable qualitative step forward, then this is a completely authentic Audi.
Boris Muradov


Source: Motor magazine [January-February 2008]