Test drive Audi S5 compartment since 2012

Interest on the letter S

In the book of complaints and proposals of the world auto industry, where I have been leaving my reviews regularly for several years, of course, this, of course, has not yet been. This time I write gratitude to interspersed with the explanatory and interspersed with the recommendation. My heart burning heart is the verb today in honor of the Audi S5 car. It was this car that I recently acquired for personal use. I blinded him from all the best that Audi has now, and as a result, I could not help but love. So usually men do with girls.
ECCE MOBILE. The Audi S5 car doubts the professional suitability of marketers from Ingolstadt. In my opinion, he completely kills two models at once both R8 and TT. You can’t say about this model with a chemannaya aspiration: she has no place in this country. Complete nonsense. This car is just for this country. Here Audi R8 definitely has no place on our incomparable open spaces. Which shows sales statistics.
The new A5/S5 compartment is a real, stunningly cool car. Of all Audi projects today, this is the best. In any other, one way or another, there will be a garbage, a flaw, an ideological flaw (say Audi A4 is generally an incomprehensible machine for me, neither this nor CE). This also applies to amazing design. From an artistic point of view, Audi is quite boring cars, but the S5 is complete. The person who built this car must receive a knightly title, a title of honorary citizen, a bronze bust in his small homeland, a personal star in the sky, an eternal respect ...
Such a car in complete minced meat is like mine ... And I, as I said, have everything, everything is everything! What can you come up with today. Leather, MMI, three-zone climate control, 500-watt Bang & Olufsen audio system, electromechanical manual brake, magic key, which not only opens the doors itself, but also stores mileage data and technical problems, dynamic suspension with four harsh shock hasty options , the Side Assist system, which will definitely warn you that there is a magnificent truck behind, intending to call in the ass throughout all the way ...
There is everything in a word. Except one. I do not have voice control in a car. I refused this chic option. Because I was offered to control the functions of the machine in German. Only in German. For some reason, even the English version was not found.
So the Audi S5 in complete minced meat, I am convinced that it should be exhibited at some world exhibition, a shopping man of the future, as an example of consumerly happiness. A person must look at this car and does not want to understand less! For less than on my S5, the complete set of automakers must be fined. Today, the motorist is nightmare as they want. The machine that he saw in the advertisement differs from the one that stands in the cabin, like a dildo Funfactory from state farm carrots. He brought some money in a fist, and others require him. They say to him: this is you sitting in the basic model. I do not like? We understand. Now let's figure it out so that you still want to see in your car? Built -in phone? Bar with inlay? iPod? TV ... It will cost you so much and so much. This should not be. Ideally, the buyer should not puzzle over the fact that he lacks something in the car. Everything should be enough there.
In the new blockbuster, an iron man will appear two Audi - R8 and S5 cars. The cinema, the world premiere of which will take place in May 2008, was shot by Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios.
In his daily life, a superhero named Tony Stark (Iron Man), whose role is played by actor Robert Dauni the Younger (Robert Download Jr., will ride Audi R8 sports car.
An assistant to the iron man Virginia Pepper Potts, her role is played by the winner of the Oscar Gwyneth Paltrow, will move in the Audi S5 car.
Audi R8 is a beautiful car for Tony Stark, ”said John Favreau, director of an iron man. This is a technological masterpiece. In addition, it is fast, safe and noticeable.
Bullet-dura. FSI well done. The car is unique, of course, not only the filling. Filling what? You can stuff anything, as you like. But this is not the main thing. It happens sometimes often that I will allow myself to look for an analogy in the Moscow gastronomic sphere that the restaurant will first be built, and only then they are looking for a nook for his kitchen. In the case of the Audi S5, the authors of the project did not forget to attach an excellent car to a complete minced meat. The options did not fit the structure, did not add excess weight, did not violate the proportions, and did not have it out. Audi S5 is a miracle. With the car you can do whatever you want. You want you athlete, you want you on vacation, you want you with a girl, you want with a man. This the car should serve as a guide in the modern industry. He has such a weight that he, in principle, does not need modern auxiliary electronics. Electronics often hide their sins by those who incorrectly calculated the geometry of the body. In S5, everything is in openwork. Length-Shirina-E highlight, aerodynamic properties, location of the motor, salon volumes, luggage compartment everything is balanced incomparable.
Audi S5 is responsible for my idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal of a modern car, because it is, on the one hand, karting. So confidently driving I felt only in a sports combat vehicle. But the S5 is much softer, without sweaty priests and osteochondrosis. Because on the other hand, the S5 is a limousine.
I remember how ten years ago we flew behind the polar circle to test the new generation of Audi six. I really liked the car with a 3-liter engine and a quattro drive. But I remember that her tail still ruined a little. Apparently, there was a little longer than the base was needed. Nothing like this is observed with S5. You just go like a tram. On rails. It does not matter: 5 km/h or 240 km/h. In a turn or in a straight line.
S5 with a 4.2 fsi motor is a bullet. Funny Audi marketers expected that the maximum of this machine is 3 liters, and the most chassis will be 1.8 liters. But when the engineers saw what the body had the body, they immediately stuffed him with the maximum horses under the hood. It turned out two times cheaper than with R8, although no less deadly.
S5 in its current form can fight very worthy with Porsche. This is an almost ready racing apparatus. She is dear to GT3, where she will probably soon be. Judge for yourself: a hundred with S5 is gaining in 5.1 seconds. Two hundred in 19 seconds. Super. But the motor delights me not only with horse agent. FSI is a complex and intelligent unit. It takes time to understand his work. I would even say that the driver needs to teach the operation of this engine. By the way, the size of your financial expenses depends on how well you study it. FSI can absorb from 11 to 28 liters per hundred. Much, of course, depends on the driving style, which the computer seems to write to itself in memory. I have traveled to Q7 for several thousand kilometers, and it seems, he ate the character of the motor. I learned to drive him economically, I learned to drive him quickly. I learned to play it. For example, on my Q7 I drove into a solid disc algorithm of gearing with the help of imitated petals the car drops by one or two and three and holds one gear as much as it is ordered. In my car, I can become a third gear and rush like a gun, without switching.
It is curious that in the A5/S5, even with a mechanical box, the driver is offered a hint: on the display there is a number of current transmission and the figure of the transmission to which it is recommended to switch for the sake of saving gasoline and for the sake of preserving the motor. It is clear that a person buying S-line is not needed by educational program. There is enough experience to him. Although now there are few experienced drivers. Everyone travels on the machine, everyone rolled up to the level of an average American with an average IQ, which is enough only for tasks of a certain degree of complexity. I have a friend in America who fundamentally buys his Mercedes exclusively on the pen. To the stupid question: why? He stupidly replies that this is the best protection from theft. Negroes, which have encroached on his cars many times, are able to break the glass, climb into the salon, close the wires, but are not able to deal with the mechanics. They graze in front of such a complex thing. Fak, this car has three pedals! What to do? Which one to press?
Audi S5 is not for blacks. But not for blondes, wondering how these two mobile phones differ. And the fact that one of them is MP3-player, and the other camera. This is not a car for the inhabitants of the Rublevo-Uspensky highway, although it is very beautiful. This is a machine for serious and sports people. Such as your rebellious and hot servant.
Author: ... in Italy, the coupe was removed by the promoted photo artist Gabriel Ostrich, she is also Gabo. I took it not to the number, but in the old fashioned way, on a wide film slide. The acting pair of Natalia Werner and Robert Siliger was attracted to the role of statists. Heroes of series, idols of housewives. Their pictures with Audi A5 will still publish all glossy magazines ... Eh, why am I not writing to a glossy magazine? I would score ten pages by the Gabo masterpieces and the material with the fee is ready. And you can not crawl yourself with the camera for Veronian vineyards, and most importantly, do not torment the engineers, forcing to answer tricky questions ... I asked one of the chassis designers, Dr. Horst Glazer, about a new five -leaf front suspension. Like, the pictures have double transverse levers, upper and lower, and each of the two aluminum seeds. Two by two is four. What is the fifth lever? The Glazer smiles at the gray spanok:
This refers to steering.
So she was there before ...
Of course. The difference is only in the name: Previously, the scheme was called four-leaf, and now five-. This is marketing: new customers need new terms.
It turns out that the platform is old?
Hmm ... in principle, yes. But everything suits us in it, and on the haldex coupon in the drive of the rear wheels we would still not cross Torsen cheaper. As for the suspension, only general architecture remained unchanged, and all elastokinematics are new ...
Autoweek.ru: It’s nice to be pleasant not only aesthetically. On the go, the barracks exactly reports what is happening with the car, while it is not too tight or heavy. An excellent Gran Turismo compartment could get out of the S5 comfortable, fast, beautiful. But it did not work. There are no problems with the last points, but with the first ... too tough! Shakes both on small irregularities and on large ones. If the name of this model was also present in the letter R, then it would be excusable. So red or black? S5 will ignite the soul of people with gasoline in the blood or suitable for those who decided that the Audi coupe corresponds to their high status? Due to one hard suspension, this Audi does not fit black. But the usual, more comfortable A5, it should be suitable. So red? Also not quite. The same RS4 is more powerful, faster and more interesting for the driver. And so far it remains only to dream of official information about the possible issue of such a modification yet. More uncompromising, it would probably be red.
Motor: Any compartment by definition of an individualist’s car, if not an egoist. Roadster too, but he is also the reflection of extroverts and victims of chronic narcissism, and the coupe, on the contrary, prefer those in whose character introverted features prevail. The owner of the coupe puts it under the admiring glances of others not of himself, but his special, not like everyone else, remaining for the time being in his shadow. The five Audi in this regard, as they say, is that the doctor prescribed: a tall on -board line, narrow window slots with tinted glasses, a sloping roof behind all this is easy and pleasant to retire (and double, by the way, it would also be with whom!) ...
Audi S5
Building V8 Eraging volume (cubic meter) 4163 can (L.S. at rpm) 354 at 7000 MOTE (Nm at rpm) 440 at 3500 Infall QUATTRODICE, Mechanical Demolin/Width/Height (MM) 4625/1855/1370 Completely Mass (kg) 2130maximal speed (km/h) 250 -destruction up to 100 km/h (c) 5.1 fuel explosion, medium (l/100 km) 12.4 centers (rub.) 2 273 000
We thank for help in organizing the shooting company Audi Russia, 8 (495) 234-0233; MMDM and personally to the general director to King V.V. (Cosmodamian nab. 52, p. 8), 8 (495) 730-2227; and the Russian automobile federation.
Text: Nikolai Fomenko
Photo: Andrey Danilov

Source: "Autopilot"

Video test drives Audi S5 compartment since 2012