Test drive Audi S5 compartment since 2012

Audi S5 test drive: proves that life is beautiful

A sports compartment built on the basis of the Audi A5, but breathing in a completely new life into the body of a beautiful girl.
Audi A5. Compared to other coupe, the 5-series Audi offers a more spacious salon, an amazing appearance, which combines elegance and insolence and excellent dynamics. Even the two -liter Audi A5, which my colleague tested not so long ago, behaves like a real sports car.
This could be completed by the article and name it as I love Audi A5, if not for S5. The body is the same, not counting light cosmetic changes. The appearance of the car deserves the highest assessment. Combine a strict style of the brand with an aggressive type of compartment and at the same time make a car that is not like anyone this task is not easy. The designer Walter de Silva succeeded. De Silva himself speaks of the exterior A5/S5 The following: Audi A5 The most beautiful car of all that I did. But among his works you can find both Audi R8 and Lamborghini Miura (concept of 2006).
The interior can be said the same as the younger sister, but that would not be quite true. The construction of the salon is identical and everything is in the same places, almost. Sitting behind the wheel of this car and, having passed the uncomplicated procedure for setting up the workplace for themselves, the majority, perhaps, would go to study the road qualities of the car, but I did not start with this.
Even with a cursory examination, it is noticeable that with the central tunnel in this machine, something is wrong (compared to Audi A5 of course). Holding your hand to the checkpoint selector, you pay attention to the abundance of various buttons here by the control of multimedia system (MMI interface). A little higher on the central console are the suspension control buttons. Factory settings are only three comfort, sports and cars. Fourth mode of manual settings. Otherwise, there is no difference. But this functionality can also be installed on A5 (such additional options are offered), just in S-KA this is a base.
Now about the most delicious. Under the cove of the hood Audi S5, the 354-horsepower FSI V8 motor opens. Reserved and responsive, this unit literally shoots a heavy compartment from the start. The weight of the car, by the way, is almost 2 tons, and acceleration to 100 km/h occupies a little more than five seconds. It is worth noting that with such impressive indicators, the engine is also quite economical. In ideal conditions, the manufacturer spent 9.7 liters of 98 gasoline per 100 km. In life, indicators are somewhat worse than about 12 liters in mixed and 15-18 in the city. But for a sports car, this is not even bad. The Audi 4.2 FSI V8 engine could become the main character of this test drive, but unfortunately in the car there is still a full-wheel drive, a customizable suspension and other audible charms.
Interestingly, sportscup is usually distinguished by the rigidity of the suspension, rudeness and assertive character. A compartment with four rings does not look like them. The character of the car is perky, but the car is not devoid of comfort. Moreover, the gained speed in the S5 is not noticeable and there is practically no external noise. It’s bad or good whether it is not for me to decide.
A profitable difference of the S5 and other sportsmen was the company all -wheel drive Quattro. Here you can start a long dispute about the pluses and minuses of all -wheel drive compared to the rear/front, about the loss of drive and sports qualities. But I will not do this. This is still not a comparative test. You can explain the four -wheel drive simply. Firstly, it increases the safety of the car. Secondly, the level of comfort. Considering that Audi is a premium car manufacturer, the decision to make a sporting full-wheel drive justifies itself by 100%. At a speed of 210 km/h, the car is perfectly controlled. The steering wheel clearly conveys the driver's efforts and the S5 adequately responds to changing the trajectory of movement. At the same time, people inside are still comfortable.
To better understand what to expect from the Audi S5, we conducted a pair of arrival with the 2006 Porsche Carrera S. Porsche power is only 1 hp. More Audi S5.
Due to the complete drive and the achievement of the maximum torque at 3500 rpm, the Audi S5 leaves the Porsche Carrera S from the start of almost two buildings. Further, the S5 gains speed measuredly and without jerking. This was what Porsche took advantage of. 400 Nm traction on the rear drive after 4600 rpm with lightning speed accelerate the sportkup.
Thus, the Audi S5 has all the qualities of a sports car, but, having started beautifully from a traffic light, then I want to go calmly and comfortably. Only the S5 has its own concept of calm, because it is comfortable at such speeds with which most cars have never been familiar.


Source: Business car club

Video test drives Audi S5 compartment since 2012