Audi S4 test drive since 2008 sedan

Free - will

It is customary to portray the driver of a sports car with impudent and careless, not sparing iron, fuel and nerves of others. Marat Basharov played the role of such a rider.
It can only lose time for an external inspection of such a car only an oldper. Sports excitement instantly covered my eyes. Having received the S4 to my, albeit temporary, possession, I immediately began to look for rivals on the road. I especially tried to be noticed by the arrogant lord of the rings. Every time, at least with the corner of my eye, catching the Audi silhouette, I directed the four to him and put it in such a way that everyone saw a special nameplate on the stern. I was sure that it was the owners of the Audi who should keep abreast of the novelty of the company and therefore will surely be called when I show them a new S4 and its capabilities.
Start first. And my starry hour has come. As if by order, at one of the wide intersections with a garden ring, the side of the side was the Audi Allroad and A8. Having traveled them brazenly on the left side, I proudly put the car on a pole-poses. Red, yellow, green, start - and I shamefully stall. The clutch, which, in my opinion, the thickness of the brick, must certainly be used to it. It is worth missing the pedal a little-the car immediately tears and practically gets out of control. You begin to try to catch it with gas - the revolutions immediately take off to the roaring seventies (the S4 engine produces maximum power at seven thousand).
It is difficult to imagine a powerful car with a bad sound, but the S4 audio system was the second that I figured out the car - I shocked me. And literally too. The volume level, which is displayed on the display, lies in the range from 0 to 100. Already fifty from the high -frequency of Bose, such a monstrous wave rose that the ears tinged down and the hair on my legs (for several hot days I drove in shorts) moved like a hero horror films. Twist the sound to a hundred did not give me elementary fear. What if at a hundred they generally begin to fall out? Chainer of the Symphony audio system struck others. All six discs are loaded there, as in a coin. In sequence. And you do not need to mess with boxing, nor insert them. Only labor, what to remember in what order Sidyuki put it in order to immediately choose the right one.
Another compliment is climate control. On the hottest days, when others, not so successful motorists stuck together from sweat, I became cool in the cabin of four. Climate control did not have to be installed on LOW. There were enough 20 degrees to remove the evaporates. The noise from the climate installation fan, especially immediately after the start, was even overlapping the engine noise. But he was noisily on the case.
In the work of the turn signals I was surprised by the lack of a characteristic click. The handle is smooth and tight in a good way, which seems to reach the right position. I took it as a great convenience that provokes to use blinkers more often.
Starting second. I am learning to move. If everything is done correctly, it takes away in the first gear. Like the astronauts during overloads, their cheeks begin to tremble, and the body presses the recaro seats, which stand here not only in front, but also from behind. What, by the way, I have not yet met in any car. But how comfortable they are! I would like to swear to all other chair masters. I didn’t even have to set them up for myself. I immediately sat down like a glove. The body, neck, head immediately fell into reliable arms of support, and a wide soft shelf helpfully substituted under the elbow. Class!
In short, I got a job comfortable. What can not be said about the rear passengers who sometimes fell into the salon. There is not enough space behind, although I did not move to the maximum. Let me be a long -legged person, but I never go on straight legs. In vain, they, manufacturers, left such a large trunk. Owners of S4 do not need it. After all, the car is not family, on the contrary, it could expand the interior due to the cargo compartment.
Well, okay, my sadness is small. I have a different concern. The car is gaining momentum so quickly that I do not have time to remove my hand from the lever of a six -speed manual. We have to switch right away. But you do not feel the gear shift itself. As on the formulas, only one continuous, without pauses, uh-oo ... ... soon it became clear to me why the ashtray was located so close to the lever of the box. There is absolutely no time to remove the hand from him and shake off the ashes. Very thoughtful. On the other hand, this box is not needed by this car. I would offer a radical solution: to leave two or three programs. The rest are extra. For example, I could not switch to the sixth gear for a long time. It was not possible. Just show the agility, as a traffic light, or tram rails, or wells arise in the way.
Our wells, in particular, are roads, in general - enemies of low -profile rubber. I used to be fond of a low profile, but in the end, my golf retrained. Because during the season I had to change two sets. The tires were dying of constant hernias. I did not want to work all my life for rubber all my life. Continental 235/40 R18 tires that are on S4, I can only remember with a kind word. They were not afraid of either wells or holes. And, probably, Audi specialists did something special with a suspension. She is quiet and moderately soft. Maybe because it is completely aluminum, and aluminum is a special metal.
With rubber and suspension, the owners of S4 were much more fortunate than with a voracious motor. An article of expenses for gasoline awaits them considerable. I tried to keep calculations. So. A car tank is designed for 68 liters. When I received the car, there were 137 km on the odometer. And when gasoline was half a tank - 407. It seemed to me too much. But the readings of the counter -fuel consumption meter looked especially terrible. It was worth pushing the pedal, the computer showed a consumption of 55-58 liters. And now compare these numbers yourself with the data on idle consumption-7-8 liters.
Start the third. On the third day, I nevertheless walked around the S4 in a circle. I admired aggressive thresholds and large exhaust pipes that immediately give out the brutal gut of this car, stroked the rear spoiler, useful to the highest degree, judging by the stories about the Audi TT, which fell into flight precisely due to the lack of such an element of the plumage. Carefully knocked on the bumpers. Their shape is noticeably different from ordinary A4. They look powerful in appearance, but it will not let parking sensors be checked for strength. On S4, his sensors are standing behind and front. Which is extremely convenient even with normal, not in bed, landing. After all, the edge of the hood from the cabin is not completely visible, no matter how you stretch your neck. Looking under the hood, quickly closed it. He simply did not fill in a new brilliant V8 Motor with adhesive envious saliva.
The interior of the four is very sports, but in this sports there is no asceticism adored by the inveterate riders. Everything inside - with a raid of good diet. The plush of alcantara, the tenderness of the skin on a three -beam miniature steering wheel, Kevlar elements on the doors, panels and gearbox - all for the swelling of the effect, which is very well mixed with the intoxicating smell of a new machine, compared to which all the fresheners are cunning gas. You can easily get hooked on this smell that I'm afraid with me.
Start Fourth. Falter. For all the time that I went to S4, I have never been late. And everything seemed to be as always. The same traffic jams in the capital. But the car is so fast that I managed to sleep everywhere and everywhere. Even in a terrible timekeep. As in the morning ...
I needed to leave for the shoot of a new film with a working name Word and Music. The place of filming is in one of the purebred alleys. I’m going to leave the house and suddenly find that there are no documents that I left on the eve in the usual place in the hallway. As Stirlitz, I begin to scroll through all the episodes of the morning in my memory. And I remember that my wife took out the garbage in the morning. This is rare, therefore it was remembered. However, Lisa is unlocking, assures that she could not even throw the documents in her mind. Nevertheless, we are running down with her, we begin to look for a janitor who has already gone somewhere, calling the housing houses ... In short, the action is stretched, as in the Mexican series. In the end, the janitor Lyuba came and led us to that treasured and monstrously smelly room, where the waste container stands. I don’t know how people who are holy in the beautiful life of film actors will accept my frank story. But you can’t conceal the truth. I had to pull out a bag behind a bag with an iron hook and shake everyone, until, finally, we found a folder with documents.
After interrogation with addiction, the wife proposed the following explanation for her act. She took the power of attorney and other documents with Audi symbols for the next advertising avenue that fill the mailboxes. And therefore, without looking, she threw them away.
Morality: Do not place automobile advertising on small leaves. Print it in good magazines, such as autopilot.
Start Fifth. Finally tried the sixth program in the case. She is clearly superfluous. Already at a half, thousands of revolutions S4 are pulling like crazy. You do not need to force the engine further. On the MKAD section between the Yaroslavl and Shchelkovo highway, I accelerated to 220 km/h. Not noticing it himself. My gaze accidentally fell on the speedometer, and I dropped the gas. And it seemed that the speed is not more than 120 km/h.
I have been fond of a picture for a long time, and therefore you should forgive me for comparison S4 with a card. After all, S4 is a huge cards. The difference in the behavior of 9-horsepower and 344-horsepower toys, when they enter the turn (even at corners close to 90 degrees), is minimal. Still, the QUATTRO drive in combination with ESP is a great technical achievement. The brakes are captured immediately and tightly, not reaching the limit, when it begins to tap its step by ABS. The power of the pads is not felt at low speeds, but once I had to sharply slow down in front of some kind of cracked lover. The daredevil slipped, and my head slapped loudly on the steering wheel. Audi should think about equipping your charged versions with a special reusable pillow, which would save the driver from cones in such situations. I - for lack of such a pillow - had to fasten. And draw the right conclusions. S4 - for people who can handle powerful sports cars. Such an appeal excludes aggression. The car does not like sudden movements, it loves affection.
Start the sixth. Meetings with traffic cops are usually avoided. Chur, not me. I'm looking for such meetings. I have a special relationship with them. I love, you know, to mow, I love to play them. Once, after the filming of the Siberian barber, my friends and I changed into women's dresses, made makeup and went to ride around Moscow in such a way that the inspector stopped us. They violated and raised, finally got caught. I get out of the car. The policeman seems to look at me for a long time, at the rights and asks: so are you a man or a fagot? I answer that the actor, what to laugh, they say, wanted to. As a result, his partner laughed, to whom the inspector, it turns out, offered girls to friendship.
At the wheel of S4, I especially wanted to play with the magicians of striped wands. The case introduced himself in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Medvedkovo metro station. I drove my mother home, she lives there, and I had to turn around. Looking in the mirror, I noticed that right behind me was in the Ford Crown Victoria combat coloring. Before reaching the place of five meters, I made a feint 180 degrees. The inspector, seeing such an impudent maneuver, almost dropped the cigarette from his mouth. And he chased after me.
My mother, in ordinary life, a quiet and calm person, in front of the inspectors of the DPS is experienced by a completely sacred thrill. But then she suddenly turned around like an anka-machine gunner, facing Crown Victoria and began to scream: drive, son, persecute. You're lying - you won’t take it. I pressed on the gashter and rushed along Medvedkovo, in which I know every gate and lane. But the traffic cop, it seems, also knew the area, therefore the chase turned out to be real. When he lagged behind (nevertheless, Ford has a larger mass, and there was no full drive, and it was hard for him to be given it), I let him closer. The most curious thing is that he, apparently, was also carried away by the process. Yes, to such an extent that I forgot to turn on the flashing light and the matryan.
And if I forgot - then what demand is from me. We play further in cat mouse. In the end, I got to the finish line and stopped near the house. He sat, waited for his catcher, but he never seemed. Lost. Well. You need to think from now on which car it is worth chasing, but for which no.
Text Marat Basharov, photo Maxim Gudkov

Marat Basharov. Free actor of theater and cinema. Born in 1974. Having entered the Faculty of Law after school, after some time, he threw it for the sake of studying at the Shchepkin Theater School, which he graduated. He starred in the films tired by the sun, a Siberian barber, Voroshilov shooter, wedding, border. Taiga novel and other roles in the performances: Kenterville Ghost, Ladies' Night. Only for women, grief from the mind ...
Personal car - Volkswagen Golf VR6.
Audi S4. The car made his debut at the Paris Motor Show in 2002. The charged four is presented in two versions: a sedan and a station wagon. Preserving the predecessor index, the Audi S4 became the first representative of this class, on which they began to install a V-shaped eight-cylinder engine with a volume of 4.2 liters. The maximum speed is 250 km/h (limited by electronics). Acceleration 0-100 km/h-5,6-5.8 seconds. The price in Moscow is from 71 thousand euros.


Source: "Autopilot"

Video test drives Audi S4 since 2008