Audi S4 configuration

Information on the basic and optional settings of AUDI S4: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Audi S4, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1998 7 482 857 - 6 482 857 7
1999 6 503 264 - 6 503 264 6
2000 6 500 266 - 6 500 266 6
2003 6 785 685 - 6 785 685 6
2004 6 993 807 982 999 6 1 026 199 6
2006 6 1 061 466 1 061 466 6 - 6
2007 6 1 436 995 1 218 601 6 1 655 381 6
2009 8 1 758 933 1 755 417 8 1 654 732 6
2010 7 1 923 544 1 911 599 7 2 019 037 6
2011 7 2 327 692 2 354 200 7 2 142 170 6
2012 6 2 730 103 2 730 103 6 - 6
2013 6 2 889 374 2 889 374 6 - 6