Audi S4 test drive since 2008 sedan


Provocation is my first reaction to the Audi S4, I will not pick up another word. Later, I recalled an episode from Remarkovsky three comrades - the scene of the pursuit of Karl, ending with the acquaintance of the main characters. It was useless to chase after that day, the drivers who happened to be near the road were probably surprised at how the usual four Audi seemed to move away from them ...


The powerful heart of Karl Erich Maria Remarque specially hid behind the unassuming appearance of the body. The creators of the Audi S4 did not go so far, outwardly the car is almost no different from the usual A4. And if the owner of the S4 did not choose the impudent-yellow color of Imola Yellow or the complex-parameter Nogaro Blue, the gaze of the disinterested passerby is unlikely to linger on a slightly more massive bums with enlarged air intakes in the front, smooth xenon optics and six-spoke cast wheels (in the pictures of wheels with winter rubber. Michelin Pilot is non -native, although also from Audi - I had to change your best in the weather). Moreover, this view will not dwell on modest nameplate in the front and behind indicating the breed of the car ...


And what's inside? If you compare the S4 with the Audi A4 of the first issue (I did not have to go to others), it can be seen that the salon has undergone some changes. A characteristic groaning strip of aluminum appeared on the dashboard (if desired, its material can be replaced with wood or carbon fiber). In the center of Torpedo, a console with the control of climate control and the branded music center Audi Concert is now located.


A striking difference is the front seats, clearly sports, with developed lateral support. The upholstery is leather, with a drill inserts. The same inserts are available on the door armrests. The steering wheel is also lined with skin (with stops under the thumbs - by nine and three), quite convenient in handling.


The driver's seat at first seemed tight, but it perfectly fixes the body, which immediately sets up in a serious way. The chair can be mechanically adjusted in the longitudinal and vertical directions and completely tilted around the transverse axis. The angle of inclination of the back is displayed underlying, the lumbar support has an electric drive with a control button on the seat pillow. The steering column also has adjustment of the angle of inclination, so a person of almost any complexion will be able to get at the workplace of the driver.


The back is quite convenient if you make a discount that the four is a compact class car. There are three seat belts there, but the average is clearly superfluous, this car is four.


The main highlight of the Audi S4 is a power unit. The transmission is made according to the traditional QUATTRO scheme for the AUDI - constant all -wheel drive with the Torsen Intersseum differential (up to 66% torque on the axis with less slipping) plus electronic blocking of inter -cut differentials (operates at speeds up to 72 km/h). And here is the engine ...


For hotoders, installation in the younger model of the engine from the eldest is not new. But when such a focus is not shown by a homemade man, but a respected automaker, the audience is actively interested in what happened.


It turned out that - a V -shaped six from the Audi A6 was inserted into the engine compartment S4. Not a rabbit appeared from the magician’s hat, but a lion! True, I had to slightly reduce the diameter of the cylinders - the engine volume became half a glass less. This was done so that the walls could withstand an increased effective degree of compression, which is provided by turbocharges.


Five valves per cylinder, two small turbochargers, one for each row of the block. Each compressor is with its own intercooler. Two small ones are better than one large: by reducing the mass of rotors, the moment of inertia is reduced, and the turbines are more sensitive to pressing the gas pedal. The configured intake system, multi -point injection, variable phases of gas distribution ... In the dry residue - 265 hp. (5800 vol./Min.) And 400 Nm (1850-3600 rpm).


The engine in the engine compartment is perfectly protected from prying eyes and, most importantly, hands - even to access the battery, you need to disassemble almost half a motor. Everything suggests that the car should be served only by professionals, unceremonious interference in his personal life is unacceptable - even from the owner ...


The motor is barely audible working on idle, without giving out its capabilities. The adhesion pedal stroke turned out to be unexpectedly large, the clutch is turned on, it turns out quite sharply (it is not surprising - with such a transmitted moment).


The car is equipped with a six -speed manual box (option - a 5 -speed Tiptronic machine). The lever walks along traditional trajectories, to turn it on the rear, it must be tired and taken to the left and forth. The programs are easily and clearly moved, there is no concern to miss.


We are already on the road. At first, I do not want to press the pedal to the floor, the car does not move very quickly, you can listen to the suspension. Structurally, it is made in the same way as A4: for each front wheel - four rods that form a virtual turn of rotation, and double transverse levers from behind. The stiffness of the springs is increased, accordingly, the characteristics of the shock absorbers are also changed. In addition, Audi S4 is 20 mm closer to the ground.


The suspension is frankly stiff, even small irregularities of the coating are well felt. (And even on some cattle-trip ...) However, he behaves surprisingly with dignity, avoiding breaks and strong blows on the body.


Ahead is a decent section of a flat road, there you can add. The engine did not force himself to persuade. The revolutions instantly jumped from two to five thousand, while an impressive traction effort on wheels was constantly felt. It seemed that a huge spring, straightening, pushing the car forward with monstrous force. At the same time, I felt that she was completely controlled by me - and increasingly increased momentum, switching higher ... When it reached the sixth, the speed was about 160 km/h - I had to return from heaven to earth, after all, I was on an ordinary Moscow the road, not on an autobahn in Germany ...


The engine is magnificent. No failures or unnecessary pickups with increasing revolutions are not even believed that the engine with turbocharges. The whistle is not heard characteristic of some turbochargers - only a muffled throat roar of the motor (it will seem to some that it is even too much).


Such a power unit is perfectly suitable for constant all -wheel drive - allows to fully realize its potential. The car behaves perfectly on the road, the wheels tenaciously hold it on the trajectory, it is straight or curved. The machine is super -vascularly changing the direction of movement - adequately reacts to the slightest steering wheel turns. The latter has a pronounced return to zero with self -stabilization of controlled wheels - even with small deviations from straightforward movement.


The rolls in the corners are minimal, and the Audi S4 can move along the arc with a large margin in speed, without causing the driver of fears that the wheels of one of the axes suddenly, without warning, will break ...


Brakes - to match the other filling. Ventilated discs on all wheels (in front of bunk floating brackets with a stiff developed frame pressing the outer block) provide reliable braking even on a road covered with spots of snow and ice. At the same time, ABS never needed. Of course, we did not slow down in quick turns - with such a technique any car can be forced to change the trajectory, and at the same time, due to the redistribution of the vertical load on the wheels, ABS will certainly work. She was stubbornly silent on her straight lines, which indicates a good weight weight of the car ...


The car turned out to be very harmonious and assembled - as if contracting before the jump. S4 is surprisingly good in active movement - akin to comfortable, perfectly selected (dear!) Sports shoes. And intended for those who can appreciate such shoes, otherwise the difference in price S4 and A4 is money.


Sergey Ivanov


Source: Magazine Motor

Video test drives Audi S4 since 2008