Test Drives Audi RS6 Sedan since 2008 Sedan

Tempered station wagon
The most powerful serial wagon in the world is 580 horsepower and the usual at first view of the audi-A6 body. Anton Chuikin, having visited the Presentation of the RS6 model, will try to avoid a wolf stamp in sheep's skins. Photo by the author and audio.
Audi RS6. Family Express
Audi RS6. Price: from 4 743 700 rub. On sale: C 2009, the Seased car must meet such requirements as capacity, comfort and practicality. If so, then the Universal Audi RS6 Avant is ideal for family needs, but with a small reservation. Each family member must have an excellent vestibular apparatus and iron nerves. ...
Test Drive Audi RS6: White Noise
The engine issues 580 hp At 6250 rpm, and to implement the peak torque of 650 nm is capable of the wide range of revolutions: from 1500 to 6250 rpm. White noise in scientific definitions is nothing more than a powerful and ruthless beep in the entire range of existing frequencies. This signal has infinite power. ...