Test drive Audi RS6 sedan since 2008 sedan

The taming of the station wagon

The most powerful serial station wagon in the world is 580 horsepower and the usual Audi-A6 body at first glance. Anton Chuykin, having visited the presentation of the RS6 model, will try to avoid a wolf stamp in sheep's skin. Photo by the author and audi.
Come back, making a circle
Just one circle of the Paul Ricikar Avtodrod, and even then the truncated now you need to call on the pit stop, get up, wait for the go-ahead and again make one circle. For three such turns, he managed to rock himself. How to explain this, let's say, a traffic jam. Touched, touched, moved, settled. And the cork on the serpentine? Touched, turned off-around. Now increase the pace every 15! The arrow of the tachometer sways through the dial, like wipers in heavy rain. For a circle, you manage to cross the mark of 150 km/h three times in both directions, while the rate of acceleration and slowdown is always maximum.
The car seems to write turns yourself, you are not badly fixed in a sports seat, but in your stomach, when changing overloads, the morning tea begins to gurgle as a result of how obedient the power of 580 horses is, it is somewhat lubricated by the disobedience of your own body.
Here is another go -ahead (thank God, already the third, I cowardly, I, the last), roar the motor, you pull the petals under the wheel, trying not to run ahead, but also to prevent cut off when the limiter is triggered. Right, acceleration, retarder, gentle right. Uf, high! He just began to get used to leaving the car with a few twitching gait, I thought that RS6 drivers should be trained before letting out on closed tracks. For example, in a star town
In the meantime, on pebbles
The main advantage of the RS6 is not monstrous power, but how they managed to curb it! Oddly enough, the 580-horsepower station wagon is primarily a practical family car, and only then a sports shell.
Having caught a local highway through the parking of the automotive industry, I was already ready to forget what pieces I got Audi with my vestibular apparatus. Now it is a completely peaceful car with very understandable control. Having looked before a trip to the trunk, once again he was pleased with the thoughtful approach of the designers to this main part of the station wagon. Once I had a chance to use a rolling six, the hold of which easily accepted the belongings of our entire camp of three adults and two children.
Well, you still click the gashter, the colleague brings up. And then the landscape seems to be processed in Photoshop, so only the ribbon of the road remains sharp (and so narrow!) Remains, and the greens are blurred around, as on an advertising poster. Great! But scary. Yes, and no need, fortunately. I admit that someday such agility can help out, let's say, on overtaking. Although the throw is such that it seems that you have time to jump out from under a mountain collapse!
On the lane, the car is reincarnated again talentedly: now it is convenient. Turn around on a patch in five tricks please. There is no problem to get along the pebbles. Many charged versions of ordinary machines do not like a quiet move, strive to bury. And this station wagon willingly obeys, allowing you to accurately measure kilometers per hour and centimeters.
After some time, you already feel like a liner pilot. Taking passengers aboard, not forgetting to offer drinks, carefully taxi on the law -abiding 5060 km/h to the autobahn strip, we are ready to recall take off and roar with turbines. After powerful acceleration, it seems to be weightless, but here it is, the floor, underfoot. Relax, Munich in an hour.
An increase in the salary
At a solemn moment, the most inappropriate thoughts usually come to mind. At the presentation of the news Audi, I thought that this machine is very pleasant to brag. Actually, my thoughts now, after time, seem very helpful. For cars like Audi-RS6 are bought so that one day at the end of the working day, casually abandon colleagues: I paid the tax yesterday for my six. It turned out (here it is necessary to withstand a small but significant pause) 58 thousand. After that, you should go out without looking around (be sure, everyone is looking at you), get behind the wheel of your 580-horsepower station wagon and, suppressing the desire to gas from the heart, decorously leave the underground parking.
One could go to the Avtodrome, but, alas, there are no tracks in Russia yet where the owner will be able to evaluate the entire power of this machine. But the RS6 nameplate will appreciate you, and be sure, you are dignified ._x0008_
The main advantage of the 580-horsepower version of the RS6 is not monstrous power, but how they managed to curb it!
Faster, more powerful, more expensive!
In the Geneva catalog, I counted only five marks (from among the well-known ones) that can defeat Audi-RS6 in terms of power. This is, firstly, Bentley Continental GT 610 hp, 326 km/h, 4.5 s to hundreds. Secondly, Ferrari-599GTB 620 hp, 330 km/h, 3.7 s. Thirdly, Lamborgini-Murselago 640 hp, 340 km/h, 3.4 s. Fourth, a couple of Maybakhov 62S and 57S 612 hp, 275 km/h, 5.0 s. Fifth, the constellation of Mercedes performed by 65AMG 612 hp, 250 km/h, 4.4 s, and the flagship SLR Mc Laren 650 hp, 337 km/h, 3.6 s. All of them are more powerful and faster than audi and more expensive from two to five times. Thus, the RS6 is not only the most powerful serial station wagon in the world, but also unambiguously the most affordable among the most powerful ones, you should sell this idea of \u200b\u200bAudi!
Anton Chuykin


Source: The magazine "Driving"

Audi RS6 Sedan test drive since 2008