Test Drives Audi Allroad since 2006 SUV

Universal for a rich family
In a series of all-wheel drive universal universal, Audi A6 Allroad Quattro is a mansion. Seeing the price tag even the minimum basic configuration of this car, the potential buyer often refers to the dealers of other brands. But also often returns, because by the totality of consumer qualities Audi A6 Allroad Quattro simply has no competitors in ...
Above the average
Volvo XC70 Machines are represented by the public in 1997 under the name V70 Cross Country. The current generation was published in 2005, changing the name on the XC70 index. In 2005, the Motor Gamma supplemented a new diesel engine. The launcher: in Russia gasoline 2.5 l (210 liters.). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 5-speed automatic. 600. Cadillac SRX is present in 2002 ...
Selecting heart
Concept-car of pre-seed Audi Allroad Quattro was introduced in 1998 and immediately interested the public not so much appearance as the technical side. And although Quattro's four-wheel drive was in most concern cars, Audi offered something more than a all-wheel drive station wagon. The car was to compete in the new class, where at that time ...
Sough -head
The Audi Allroad of the first generation was the Dymus compromise. While Mercedes and BMW moved their full-sized SUVs with might and main, in Ingolstat decided to save and released allroad all-terrain. In fact, it was a variant of the deep factory tuning of the station A6 AVANT. He was planted on high wheels and equipped with a pneumatic suspension that allows changing clearance. In the lower position of Allroad was ...