Test drives Audi A7 Sportback since 2010 Hatchback

Test Drive Audi A7 Sportback: High Flight Coupe
We had an Audi A7 Sportback AUDI AUDI, equipped with a base atmospheric gasoline engine with a capacity of 2.8 liters with a capacity of 204 hp. The full-wheel drive of Quattro and the seven-step robot s Tronic. Ear of the four-door coupe began in 2004, when Mercedes-Benz has released a four-door car with cramless doors and a silhouette of a coupe. It is from the four-door ...
Audi A7 Sportback. I'm alive again!
Not even an hour. During tests, unexpectedly happens. And with very enviable frequency. Togo and looked at the news: one of his colleagues laid out the car on serpentine, the other knocked the test car on the landfill, the third track fought ... The benefit of alive and healthy. I myself never got into annoying situations to remember, for example, a recent departure ...
Audi A7 Sportback. Armor of God
Audi A7 Sportback. Price: from 2 379 000 rub. On sale: Since the autumn 2010, the ancient Greeks the outlines of this island were associated with the fingerprint of the Divine Sandal, it is believed that it was here that the creator first stepped on the ground. At the turn of the second millennium, Sardinia became the refuge of the gods of public. Is it not an ideal place of dating ...
Test Drive Audi A7 Sportsback: Sport IS Back!
Tested by the new Audi A7 Sportback, the Kolesa.ru portal admires the unusual packaging of a sports car, apologizes to passengers for light discomfort and questioned the national wisdom of two hares. In 2004, one of the German automotive premium brands submitted his new model to the public. Stylish, pressed to the ground silhouette of the body, strongly ducklings ...

Video Test Drives Audi A7 Sportback since 2010