Test Drive Audi A7 Sportback Since 2010 Hatchback
Audi A7 Sportback. I'm alive again!
Not even an hour. During tests, unexpectedly happens. Moreover, with very enviable frequency. Togo and looked at the news: one of the colleagues laid out the car on serpentine, the other knocked the test car on the ground, the third track fought ... The benefit of alive and healthy. I myself have once again got into annoying situations to remember, for example, a recent departure from a track in Goodwood on Lexus LFA. Nonsense? Criminal negligence and a month of a second risk to leave the test forward. Stupid speed limit in turn. Damage the match. Cruise glances of organizers and colleagues. Unpleasant sediment. A shame.
Standard for A7 is bixenon optics, but as an option you can install diode light
Technics. Speed. Human factor. Not even an hour, but this time was lucky. Any story about any incident begins with the phrase, nothing foreshadowed trouble. So, morning, magnificent weather, bright sun, deep blue sky, Sardinia, beautiful mountains, narrow serpentine, all-wheel drive tri-liter Audi A7 Sportback. I am not more than five minutes behind the wheel, next to a friend and colleague from a friendly competing Internet project. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.
A protracted descent, at the end of which the steep right profiled turn. Blind. On the left of the bump, followed by the breakdown, on the right concrete columns and vertical rock. The speed at the end of the straight line under 90. Lotno, but there is a stock, to slip away. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. In turn, because of the horizon of events, which is almost close to the front edge of the hood, the white Fiat Punto appears on our strip. I imagine myself Fernando Alonso, a mountain-pilot point, using the whole width of the road, on the racing brand paves the most profitable trajectory through our opposite. Cuts, bastard!
Time stops. And the most interesting begins. Simultaneously with the rotation of the steering wheel, the impact of the impact does not pass. We fly right wheels on Gravel (FC-U-U-U, with a fiatom, carried out, carried) and fly on the columns and rock for the inner radius: damn it, right now, right now it will not be! Grouped, I feel also carried away. Now the body on the machine returns a sports guard on the asphalt. The vestibular apparatus is engaged in the control system. By bouncing in a turn on the asphalt side, A7, making several indiscriminate televitations in space, calm down, argued and comes out of the virage. The play is over. Curtain.

Range of sizes of wheels for A7 Sportback from 18 to 20 inches
All seconds have lasted all seconds. If we were with the Misha with the cartoon heroes, we would definitely draw it synchronously frightened, screaming, who bounced over their own places, with eyes climbed over her heads and endless hair, but no emotion caused. Generally. Neither fright, nor the adrenaline wave after nor anger on the cloister either-th. As if white Fiat was not at all. Something there in the brain responsible for emotions, simply did not have time to work. Only then I realized that my actions were not at all. Motorika did everything herself. I noticed, rearranged, jumped on the roadside, caught. Immediately back, caught the action at the level of the knee reflex. Irritation immediately answer. Thanks to schools and coaches of contramitting training. Thanks to Vadu Gagarina for the fact that I was shattered in mechkovo. Thanks A7 with its almost lightning reactions. Almighty thanks.

Automatic parking system, cycling ultrasonic sonars, located around the perimeter of the body, and electromechanical steering, is capable of passing the A7 between adjacent cars as perpendicular and parallel to the curb. The use of electric powerful on average saves 0.3 liters per 100 km of way
Such incidents are knocked down and cut off. After it was somehow inconvenient to listen to the presentation and the argument of colleagues about how beautiful this car, what design trends and trends are applied. As far as the interior is and varied of its finishes. The beauty of this world for me and my colleague is preserved thanks to the engineers who have learned A7 adequately ruling and stand on the road. If not they crossed the fingers behind the engineers.
For me, the main thing was in the car and there is security. In the new A7 it is in the first place. A novelty diverse safe helpers literally permeated. Solutions and systems recently debut on the new generation A8, moved here. However, about everything in order.

Such a body is about 15% more easily similar to the all-string, made by traditional technology. Less weight is better than dynamics and handling, higher efficiency and environmental friendliness. But just what price is these 15% achieved? Costs for the development of a combined body, its testing, the technological process of manufacture and equipment, its producing, is much higher. Take, for example, aluminum cups (made, by the way, on a third partner). They are sharp to the steel cooler. At the same time, between heterogeneous metals, which are, between the other, a galvanic pair, there is no direct contact. They are connected through a special layer of sealant. Otherwise, it is impossible corrosion, weakening and destruction of the connection. Savings in the mass perfectly! But how much it increases the cost, engineers are silent, as partisans. What with maintainability and cost of recovery? Better silent. The process went, progress not to stop. Soon he will go to the masses, and then hold on!
The choice of four (!) Suspension option. The standard spring chassis is most optimal, but more suitable for those who prefer comfortable leisurely movement. The second option reduces ground clearance on a centimeter and provides A7 more collected habits. On a sweet suspension in the S Line package (it includes 19-inch wheels, black interior decoration, sampling s line signs and some more trifle), which is offered by the Audyushny division Quattro GmbH. The Line version differs even more hard characteristics and also reduced by 1 cm road lumen compared to the standard. Manageability download. Cool profiled increments of the Esk Mountain Speed \u200b\u200bRoad one by one. Do not even suppress. Rolls? What are you, merry! The holder is fantastic, thanks to the 19-inch Yokohama Advan Sport. Even at the limit A7 is reliable, is clear, safe and allows the playing to change the direction of the thrust vector. Respect Engineers!
Slightly moved with the speed at the entrance in turn, and the front wheels begin to fist. Demolition? Oh yeah, of course, it is Audi! When everything is controlled, the beginning of the slip is not in a hurry. If the system understands that the driver is nervous (it is enough to work with a steering wheel), ESP will begin to slow down the necessary wheels and refuel the A7 to the specified trajectory preventively long before the start of the breakdown. ESP acts according to the situation.

In front and behind A7 multi-dimension. Pneumatic suspension (x-ray at the top) clearance knows how to adjust not only at the direction of the driver, but also independently. When you go to the Dynamic mode, the body is immediately lowered by 10 mm relative to the middle position. If the car moves at a speed of 120 km / h and higher for 30 seconds, the electronics will force the body and reduce the center of mass by 20 mm relative to the normal level. Before the uneven road, lift the body with respect to the average level is also allowed by 20 mm. It is necessary to accelerate, and A7 will automatically come in. Clearance regardless of load pneumatics supports constant.
CDC shock absorbers (Continuous Damping Control) compression characteristics (Continuous Damping Control) are changed due to the control of the cross section of the overhead holes using electromagnetic valves. CDC always functions in the next mode and uses a large amount of data speed, the speed of rotation of each of the wheels, the road sheet profile, the angle of rotation of the steering wheel. The control unit receives the control parameters of several tens times per second. The most optimal characteristics of damping taking into account the specified modes (Comfort, Auto, Dynamic and Individual) system for each wheel sets individually.
Downstairs Robotic seven-step box with double grip S Tronic
As a collective image of three pendant pendant options, a mechatronic chassis with elastic two-chamber pneumatic elements and CDC (Continuous Damping Control) with adjustable rigidity. A7 with such a chassis is at least three cars in one. The character of the suspension works, and at the same time the steering amplifier and the power setting is set to four modes in the Audi Drive Select: Comfort, Auto, Dynamic and Individual menu. In the Comfort chassis most soft. For a broken road, it is. The efficiency of the steering amplifier in this mode the greatest ramp rotate easier and more pleasant. Zero is clear, but the feedback on the steering wheel is minimum. The box mainly supports increased transmissions, moving in this mode is more comfortable and economical.
Auto mode is more universal. Characteristics of the damping of the mechatronic chassis and the operational algorithms of the power unit automatics are changed in the widest limits. In the Dynamic mode, the suspension is clamped to the maximum, thereby ensuring the minimum of splits and rolls. On the rotation of the steering wheel A7 most responsive. But the spin on the irregularities suffers stronger. The steering wheel in Dynamic is poured by sports severity, it is a pity that there is a synthetic flavor in the feedback effort.
For those who are not satisfied with fixed presets of the mechatronic chassis and the power unit, the Audyushniks seized Individual mode. It is the nature of the work of the power unit, the stiffness of the suspension, the efficiency of the steering electric powerover and the rear active differential is allowed to be adjusted separately. For me, the most preferred configuration was when the chassis and the power unit worked according to the sports algorithm, and the steering control is comfortable. The hard suspension with minimal rolls allows you to literally firm in turns, the engine willingly hangs on low transmissions, always leaving an opportunity for a systemic maximum efficient acceleration, and the steering wheel (let and is too light) is deprived of artificiality in Individual there is even the ability to disconnect the preventive operation of removal safety belts. Caring for Those who are used to ride the track. The belt at extreme accelerations and slowdowns will not be once again on the intelligence of electronics. Capture seats for seats.

Rule mechanism changing gear ratio
Steering as on A4, A5 and A8. Electronics Depending on the speed of movement, given the specified mode (Comfort, Auto, Dynamic and Individual), can smoothly adjust the efficiency of the electric power and gear ratio using a two-stage gearbox. In the parking lot from the stop until the stop make any one and a half turn, with an increase in the speed, the gear ratio increases. At the same time, the steering wheel remains short and convenient and excessive irritating acute, and in the bundles of steep serpentine turns for the most part of the hands do not have to intercept. Optimum. Brakes are great.
Transmissions for a four-bed Gran Tourism is offered two. Front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive Quattro. Traditional Torsen will soon kick in the fly. Audi makes rates on the differential of increased friction of Crown-Gear Differential new design with crown gears and friction multi-disc locking coupling. This diff debuted in the full drive system on the charged RS5, and now it moved to A7. The new differential changes the distribution of thrust between the front and rear wheels at wider limits than Torsen. By default, the knot divides the craving in the proportion of 40:60 in favor of the rear wheels. When slipping, it is able to transfer to 80% torque back or up to 75% ahead.

On the left of the new corona inter-axis differential with a blocking friction clutch, on the right rear active differential
As an option, you can order a rear active intercoles differential. Under the gas, cunning diff twisters the external turn of the wheel and slows down internal. With him, the Sports Sports on the mountain serpentine is even tastier. If you give gas to the outlet of the arc, it is felt like a car screwed into turn and submracting on a given trajectory. Of course, the front-wheel drive A7 behave more modest. The effect of Torque Steering is noticeable on the asphalt, and they are clearly in the loss on the unreliable coatings.
The reduction is provided by either the 8-band Multitrinic variator, or a seven-step preselective robot S Tronic with double grip. The first is installed only on front-wheel drive variations with diesel 3.0 TDI (204 hp) and gasoline atmospheric 2.8 TFSI (204 hp). The second on all-wheel drive versions with a supervised 3.0 TFSI (300 hp) and forced diesel 3.0 TDI (245 hp). Variator, by the way, the most adequate of those that came across. The speed of changing the ranges and the timeliness of the responses to gas is surprising, but before s the bridge it is still far. Robotic transmission in tandem with any of the engines almost always understands what the driver wants. Want to go even more dynamic? At your service hand-switching petals. Although the robot and automatically mode almost at any time is capable of covering the necessary transmissions. Nearly? Unfortunately, yes, the problem of pause when switching down from the motor transmission to one (or something in odd) is never solved. Do not hurt anything, the design feature of boxes with two clutches. Several times I have stung up at the most inappropriate moment before acceleration. In general, the box is good, but the robot habits are not devoid of mechanical. As soon as noticeable twirl, muffled sounds when switching clips and ships, however, there are stains in the sun.
From the four engines presented V-shaped six 3.0 TFSI deserves perhaps the greatest respect. Traction upload. Mechanical reducing with two intermediate coolers, direct injection, phaserators, four catalysts What are the jokes here? Drags like crazy. In addition, the torque of 325 Newton meters stretched out on the shelf 29004500 rpm. Horses are also not a flasher spit, the maximum herd out of 300 heads is available in the range of 52506500 revolutions. Acceleration up to 100 km / h 5.6 seconds. Zador and fun under the right foot is always! It is a little bitten and-and-and-and

The MMI system is controlled by a multifunctional tweeter located on the center console. To the left of the transmission selector, the sensory multifunction panel. This is an additional laptop interface that makes it easier to work with systems and menu items of the multimedia system. The letters of the navigation and surname names entered in the notebook can simply draw a finger on the panel, the computer using the intelligent recognition system will easily determine them.
The forced version of the three-liter diesel engine is also not mist, it does not spin up to 5,000 revolutions in a minute, but its character is more discreet. 500 nm in the range of 40004500 rpm, maximum 245 hp In the 29004500 interval, the overclocking dynamics is 6.3 seconds to a hundred and ridiculous average consumption of 9 liters of diesel fuel against 11.5 95th gasoline 3.0 TFSI. By the way, on all modifications there is a start / stop system and recovery management all this saves an average of 0.1 liters of fuel at 100 kilometers.
The level of comfort A7 Sportback is subject to executive sedans. To the materials do not complain. There are versions simpler, but you can install multi-constructive heated chairs, ventilation, inconceivable number of adjustments and a pneumatic massage, the four-zone climate, there seems to me, there are no people who could not be comfortable to grasp A7. But behind the seat you want more, compared with A5 Spotrback, the purchase is not so great. Above your head, in the shoulders and in front of the knees of space more centimeter on three or four. Audio Systems Base Bose either enchantively sound Bang & Olufsen, as on A8 with leaving from the front panel by linased high-frequencies.
The MMI nail nail system (Multi Media Interface), which can be controlled by a laptop touchpad near the PPC selector (this solution also swinging with A8). Via MMI is available not only to control the modes of car systems, the TV tuner, DVD changer, a digital radio can operate in its shell. There may be interfaces for connecting external audio devices, SD-format card slots from which you can play music and download updates for MMI, Bluetooth UMTS and Wi-Fi provide Internet access. The possibility of working a full-time navigation system based on Google Maps data was inherited by senior A8.
In a novelty for Audi, the process of projecting data on the windshield. The projector shows the speed and pictograms of the upcoming turn from the navigation system. Perhaps, for the first time it is allowed to adjust the height of projected data. It is done with the help of a neat twist on the light control panel to the left of the steering column, by pressing the projector can be turned off at all. But to adjust the brightness of the characters, you need to climb in MMI uncomfortable.
All these are flowers compared to a bouquet of opportunities working in the Audi Pre Sense security system shell.
Heated radars of active cruise control, built into the bumper, are similar to black lens fog. Cruise works throughout the range of speeds (0250 km / h) and allows not only to go in a stream for vehicles in the following mode (in the urban ribbon cycle with rebuildings and stops on traffic lights, the system is also taught to work), but can still warn the driver with a sound signal about The dangers of emergency convergence and even independently give a team to braking.
If the driver did not respond to a warning signal of rapprochement, the electronics will start to lay off the car on its own. The initial deceleration will be about 3 m / s2. As soon as the automation will begin emergency braking, it will light up the stop signals, will turn on the alarm, the electrical displacements will select the slap of seat belts, will bind (if open) windows and hatch
When the system believes that the collision is inevitably, it gives a team to the maximum possible slowdown. A couple of times our seven began to be in very harmless situations. Cruise control with ease is rebuilt on new goals going ahead. True, the system does not make overtaking on the right, the system does not allow (PDD of Germany and many EU countries to do it forbidden). There is also a system warning about finding cars in the dead zones of Audi Side Assist.
Night vision system of the help in conditions of insufficient visibility. It is watching the road atmosphere using an infrared chamber, which is located behind the radiator grille. Red eye range about 300 meters. The system displays objects on the instrument panel display and leads selection. For example, when electronics determines that in front of the machine man and it is located outside the car trajectory, its silhouette is marked with a yellow frame. As soon as the system understands that a person on the car's path, his figure will turn out to be an outlined with a red frame, while a warning beep sounds.
Audi Lane Assist comes to the help of the driver at speeds over 60 km / h. When the system by means of a camera with a frequency of 25 frames located under the windshield, notes that the car leaves the traffic strip, it gives the command to the electrical inspector on the corrective effect. But it's not worth provoking the system and clap your ears on the road. In our case, Lane Assist corrective amendments to the course was able to introduce only two times in a row. Although this is a lot of good chance to give the driver to wake up from sleep. Having determined that the car crosses the axial separation, the assistant smoothly sent our car to the right.
After the departure was stopped on the side of the road, the A7 again went towards the separation. Further catching the seven had already had to be independently, and already at the oncoming system, the system did not make a useful trick to notify the driver about leaving the strip of movement, vibration on the steering wheel (a special electromotor with an eccentric was built into the knuckle). By the way, the same camera that works for Lane Assist follows the speed limits and displays the corresponding pictograms on the dashboard display. We had cases when A7 did not recognize signs that cancel the high-speed limit, but it is still better than the opposite.
What is A7? This is primarily an image and a compatibility of technology. This is a quadruple five-door Gran Turismo with a large trunk and a functional lounge, which, if necessary, can be with a very sporty bias. Panamere and Mercedes CLS Seven Sale will resist accurately. We have A7 Sportback while presented in two versions with gasoline engines and all-wheel drive transmissions. The cost of the machine with atmospheric 2.8 FSI (204 hp) begins with a mark of 2 379,000 rubles, the upgrade version 3.0 TFSI (300 hp) begins from 2,695,000 rubles. Diesel versions will appear after the new year. The world premiere of the novelty will take place at the end of September at the Paris Motor Show.
Vitaly Kabyshev
Stock Foto Author and Audi

A source: AUTO.Mail.Ru.