Audi A1 Sportback test drive since 2010 hatchback

Audi A1 1.4 TFSI S Tronic from 907 900 rub.

Have you ever tried to imagine how a person would feel if he is locked in a car for ten days? And not in any Escalade, but in a tiny urban low -iority! This winter we carried out a similar test, spending 240 hours in the modest stomach Audi A1

You should not, of course, be very serious about this. We served ten days of car arrest in the Bavarian cell not at once, but stretched this pleasure for the whole winter. And pleasure, in this case, without any hint of quotes! Who would have thought that the Bavarian baby would be so good for Russian winter?!

It is unlikely that the Germans seriously considered the problem of adaptation to the Russian winter, but in the case of A1 it turned out, although by chance, but very good, damn it.

Despite its dimensions, or rather just thanks to a short and not very wide base, even possessing not the most heroic clearance, A1 easily climbs icy Moscow borders. Yes, there is almost no lumen in the snowdrift in the snowdrift, but in some miraculously it always turns out to be enough. Throughout the whole winter, we have never scratched the ice of the Baurian smaller, although sometimes it seemed that it was already inevitable. Self -wheel arches were also pleased. If under the front days, ice is still formed, then the rear thanks to the ultra-short overhang are cleaned by themselves.

In general, unlike the same mini, which is harsh on the smooth asphalt, A1 more comfortably tolerates winter ice and asphalt thaw on the road. And the tram tracks periodically arising on the traverse do not surrender in the Audi body with such a brutal tremor as that of his fellow countryman. Perhaps the only thing that annoys in character A1 cold winter evenings is not the most productive heating system. At temperatures below -10 ° C, to warm up the car to the operating temperature and at least somehow start heating the cabin, you have to transfer the KP selector into sports mode, artificially overstating the speed. And at -15, even in this mode, an acceptable temperature in the cabin is achieved only after a quarter of an hour.

But sitting at the wheel of A1, you can bask in the ultraviolet light of the envious views of colleagues in the stream. The combination of sports settings of the 7-speed S-Tronic box and not in terms of a dynamic 1.4-liner engine at each traffic light leads to a stupor of neighbors, scaring pedestrians not in the rank of a brutal sports timbre of a 122-liter turbo engine. Moreover, even with a very aggressive driving manner, the average fuel consumption during the winter test was no more than 8.9 l/100 km. Partly due to reasonable work in traffic jams of the Start/Stop system.

Operating costs
Car mileage during the test is total, km - 5200
Fuel consumption (average), l/100 km - 8.9
Fuel consumption (minimum), l/100 km - 4.9
The frequency of maintenance is 15,000 km or 12 months
The cost of the official dealer (TO-1/TO-2), rub. - 5500/10000
The one in which the replacement of the drive belt and the pump is required, rub. (mileage cost) - not regulated
The cost of OSAGO* for a given car, rub. - from 2772
CASCO* cost for this car, rub. - 80 869
The cost of the run, taking into account that, gasoline and compulsory motor liability insurance **, rub./Km - 2.72

* According to the RECO-Garantia.
** with an average mileage of 20,000 km per year.

Author: Vladimir Makkaveev
Photo: Sergey Krestov


Source: Magazine 5 wheel [April 2011]

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Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system